To anyone who has ever followed my career, on the radio, in the newspaper, on TV or in this blog, there should be no doubt that my greatest joy, always, has been providing news of the great accomplishments of Boone area or former Boone area citizens from all walks of life.
In this edition, with pride and great admiration, I tell you, some of the vital work of Boone native Kathy Ferry Good, BHS- 64, the result of her husband's battle with Alzheimer's disease.
Kathy has written a book, just recently published. Titled, "My World Wore a Bow Tie," it tells of her husband, Dave Good's, battle with Alzheimer's that eventually took his life, May 17, 2015.
Dave was a lawyer, extremely energetic and athletic. In high school, he swam competitively and set records. As an adult, he was a bicyclist who ran marathons, kayaked and was a canoeist. He skied downhill, cross country and water. He roller-bladed and ice-skated, played tennis and taught himself to juggle and run at the same time. By no means, prudish behavior.
So, what a resulting shock. A life changing diagnosis in 2003 of Visual Variant Alzheimer's and much un-anticipated confusion. "We felt like we were lost in the wilderness, feeling alone and overwhelmed. Figuring out what to do, what actions to take, beginning with simply, who to tell, what to say, when and how to say it," Kathy explained.
After 11 years of increasing and methodical caregiving, it was in 2015 that it became painfully obvious that Dave was not doing well. He wasn't eating well, kept his eyes closed and was much less responsive, even when Kathy was close by.
Kathy's book is a big one, 8 1/2 by 11 and 146 pages.......and not an overnight read BUT so thorough and interesting that its very hard to "put down." But let's have Kathy, herself, provide the introduction. "its part memoir about the life of Dave Good, my deceased husband, before and after he was diagnosed with the Visual Variant of Alzheimer's in 2003 when he was 56 years old; about my life before and after I became Dave's caregiver; and how his diagnosis led to the development of the Family Caregivers of Mercy in 2015 and more recently, the Chris and Suzy DeWolf Family Innovation Center for Aging and Dementia opened in June, 2023, in Cedar Rapids."
There's a very appropriate quote attributed to a 20th Century Scottish Minister William Barkley in the Foreward of the book. He said, "Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing but to turn it into glory."
Kathy Good, with the assistance of many others, has done just that, "turned a hard thing into glory" via the Family Caregivers of Mercy and the DeWolf Family Innovation Center of which she is SENIOR DIRECTOR OF BOTH. She commented, "both of these Centers have been a way to process my grief, as well as seeing the good to come out of the not so good of Dave's dementia. My days are full and filled with purpose and meaning."
A longtime Cedar Rapids resident, Kathy Ferry Good graduated from Boone High School in 1964, from Boone Junior College and earned both B.S. and Master's Degrees from the State University of Iowa. She's been honored with receipt of Women of Influence and Women of Achievement awards. AND, she still claims Boone, Iowa as her real home town and devotes substantial space in her book to various interesting memories of her early life in Boone. My first connection with Kathy occurred when she became a Cub reporter for the Boone News Republican during her high school days.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Kathy, we are so proud of your many achievements and the tremendous work you are doing in remembrance of Dave and others afflicted by this terrible disease. For the benefit of those remembering Kathy and wishing to re-connect or offer congratulations on her new book, her home address is 2102 Linmar Drive N.E., Cedar Rapids 52402, and for the Family Caregivers Center, she can be reached by phone 319-550-2664 or by email and that's where information on the availability of the book can be obtained.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices.....