Saturday, April 20, 2019


     Mark it down!! Next March, the name of a Boone celebrity will be prominently mentioned when the annual Academy Award presentations are made.
     Yes, Vern Condon, BHS-49, made his motion picture debut last week, starring in "The Ledges" documentary before huge audiences at the Boone Theatre and via a duplicate DVD, which quickly "sold out."
     The documentary, about an hour in length, features stories about and a history of, one of Iowa's first and most popular state parks, the Ledges State Park south of Boone.
     The film traces the history of the park from even before its initial statewide recognition, in 1924, right up to current day progress. Featured in and helpful in explaining the park's transition are historians Charles Irwin, Linda Betsinger McCann, Mark Edwards and Bruce Ehresman.
     Current Park Manager Andy Bartlett, of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, offers substantial information about the park, particularly regarding the modern era, and Kurt Phillips is the film's narrator.
     However, it is Vernon Condon who "steals the show." Heavily featured, he's animated, he's humorous, he's happy, he's sad and generally nostalgic as he relates story after story about the Ledges in general and its first manager, Karl Fritz Henning.
     Henning, Condon's grandfather, receives much credit for its development. He spent a majority of his life in that area and treated each and every one of its 1200 acres as if it was a very personal possession. It was claimed he knew and coveted each and every tree and bush and animal that made the park its home. He also had much to do with starting a popular wildlife exhibit that, unfortunately, no longer exists. 
      Condon spent much of his youth living/visiting in the Ledges area, "trailing" his granddad's daily adventures.
      This reporter asked Condon for information about any future picture endeavors. "Are you thinking of a romantic comedy or, perhaps, a murder mystery as a followup?" Sporting a wide grin, he refused disclosure of any future theatrical plans.
     This Ledges "project" was made possible by the Boone County Endowment Fund, the Pratt-Fenton Trust and many community partners, the Boone County Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gebhart projects, Forte Studios, the DNR the 2020 Iowa State Parks Centennial and Friends of the Ledges.
     Gebhart produced the film, Peter Spero provided the musical background and a drone/s added to the production with wonderful and varied scenes of the park.
     There was a ridiculous $5 admission fee for the Boone Theatre showings of the film. The DVD's sold for $10 at the theatre and, although the initial group was quickly purchased, more copies will be available for $15. For more information or to simply donate funds to help the Friends of the Ledges, they can be contacted on facebook or at Box 375, Boone, Iowa 50036.
     The Friends of the Ledges function as an advocate for the park, it's programs and resources.
     FIRST WORD: Its been announced that the Battleship Iowa has invited Iowa By the Sea picnic attendees to have their 2019 gig on the main deck of the battleship, instead of on the pier where it was previously held.
     All Iowans and individuals who love Iowa are invited to this family-oriented, alcohol-free picnic, featuring a catered barbeque, entertainment, door prizes, memorabilia, free Iowa/California stuff and adult/children's activities.
     It is scheduled for Saturday, August 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and features a new low price under $30, which includes a free ship tour (an $18 value). The adult tickets will be discounted to $25 and the youth tickets (6-12) from $12 to $10 if purchased by August 8. There is no fee for children five and under.
     For more or text Don Swenson, 678-896-6327 or email
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Craig Pottratz, 72, Boone, BHS-64........Russell Simmons, 85, Boone. BHS-53........Coleen Jones McGlynn, 67, Boone. Born in Ames. Ames HS-69. Married Lyle McGlynn in 1973. Was a homemaker and worked at a holiday gift and party store in Boone. In 1995, joined Johnson Sons Real Estate team. Retired in 2018. Survivors include her husband, three sons including Brian and Tim, both of Boone, two brothers including Roger Jones of Boone and two sisters........Kaye Standley Anderson, 64, Ames. A Boone native, she earned an RN degree. In 1976, married John Robert Anderson Jr.. Her husband, two sons, a daughter and a brother survive........Everett Lee Cook, 80, Colorado Springs, CO. BHS-57. A military vet, he worked for a time at Collins Radio in Cedar Rapids. Survivors include two brothers, Gary of Madrid and Larry of Boone, two sisters, two sons, a daughter and two step-sons.........Robert Howell, 88, Wall Lake. Was an Air Force and Navy vet. Married Dixie Smith and the family moved to Boone in 1973. He worked as a home improvement contractor and owned rental homes. He also operated Bud's Pawn Shop. The couple moved to Black Hawk Lake in Lake View in 2000. Survivors include a sister and two sons.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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