Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Grads From the 60's Speak Out

      The mention of the Bide-A-Wee in our last edition was caught by Susan Anderson Mersereau, BHS-67, who wrote, "my grandfather, Orval Jordan, managed the Bide-A-Wee in the 60's. People called him Bud. He had also been the President of the Eagles before that and a member of the Boone Fish and Hunt Club. I would go with him to the Bide-A-Wee on Sunday's to clean. Well, he cleaned and I got all the money I found on the floor! He taught me how to shoot a mean game of pool. He died in 1966 at the age of 62. If any of your readers remember him and have any memories I would love to hear them. My email is........sue@promopower."
     The Kornerman says, "golly Sue, I hate to go there but must tell you, my experience at the Bide-A-Wee was well before the 60's. It was more like the early 50's so I don't recall your grandpa."
     Also heard from another viewer from the 60's this week.
     Rick Houser, BHS-63, gave me a call about something he thought was important and might be of interest to some of our viewers, here or out east.
     Actually, as you know, many of our viewers are out-of-area......some are way out-of-area. Many are in the Virginia area that Rick calls home, Fairfax, VA. So, we are relaying his message even though Boone, Iowa is a  long way from Virginia. 
     Rick informs that an American Legion Post #77 is organizing a group of individuals to lay wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day and he says, "I'll be there." He's wondering if there aren't others who would also like to make that commitment. "Transportation to the cemetery is being provided and even a free meal," Rick said.
     Further information can be obtained by calling......703-273-2250.
     Rick concluded, "It would be great if some of your Korner viewers, even just one or two, from this area or even Boone area visitors at the time would volunteer for this project."
     Hey, you Booneites, especially those of you some distance from Boone, Iowa, if you've heard some of the doomsday stories about your hometown, you might want to hear an interesting update. Sure, just like all communities this size, there are some modern problems but how about a bit of the "rest of the story," a more positive story.
     Ground was recently broken for a 40 room Boulder Inn and Suites Hotel which will also feature a 31,230 foot conference center.
     In addition, construction will soon start on Alice Project, a 50-unit apartment complex.
     But that's not all. The Kornerman notes that cement has been poured for a new bank, the United Bank of Iowa, which will be the fifth bank in town, in addition to our credit union.
     Land is being moved on a site that will house a new Ogden Telephone Company building in Boone and two new laundromats are also currently under construction.
     How bout' them apples?
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Michael Craig, Newton. Former Boone area survivor is a sister, Connie Schutte, of Marshalltown, who lived in Boone while her husband, Theron, served as Boone Community School District Superintendent.........Doris Crouch, 83, Boxholm. Born in Stratford and SHS grad. Lived with husband, Roy (Bill) Crouch, in Pilot Mound 11 years before moving to Boxholm in 1967. She was a secretary for Grand Community school in Boxholm for over 30 years. She and Roy owned and operated convenience stores in  Pilot Mound, Boxholm and Paton before retiring in 1997. Boone area survivors include  her husband, Roy, and son, Robin, of Pilot Mound. One other son also survives...........Bob Bakley, 90, Boxholm. Farmed with his wife, Ardis, near Boxholm his entire life before they moved to Ames. Boone area survivors include his wife and brother, Bill, both of Ames. Two daughters and one son also survive. Bob was a military vet...........Raymond Lukawski, 70, Boone. A vet, he served as Plant Manager at Composite Technical in Boone before working at Hach Chemical in Ames. Boone area survivor is his wife, Maria, of Boone........William (Bill) Bielfelt, 87, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-50. Was a National Guardsman for a time and worked over 34 years for Fareway. Boone area survivors  include his wife, Jean Peterson Bielfelt, sisters, Helen (Peg) Bielfelt and Rosie Bielfelt, both of Boone and his wife's sister, Beth Judge of Napier. One daughter also survives.........Pete Michel, 66, Boone. Born in Boone. His parents were Charles and Mildred Michel. Was a vet and worked as a drywaller for over 20 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Deborah Aspengren Michel, daughter, Christy Gronseth, son, Jason, brothers, Chuck, Floyd and Steve, sisters, Char Braland and Judy Frist, all of Boone. One other sister also survives.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

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