Saturday, September 30, 2017

We're Movin' On

     You may have recent editions we've had a "countdown" of "days to go."
     A few people have questioned that........wondering, "what?"
     Fact is we, the Kelley's, are moving to a different address. After 32 years at 710 Aldrich, as of Wednesday, October 4, we will be at a new location......928 South Jackson Street.
     With all the hassle connected with moving, we will not have a moving day edition Wednesday. However, we hope everything will be back in place for a regular Saturday, October 7, comeback. Anyway, we will back........sometime.
     Nothing has changed except the address. Phone number, website.....still the same.
     Jerry Manriquez, BSH-57, when not lounging in the California sun is still working hard on a constant update of his terrific website. Here are some recent additions:
     BSH and Ryan High graduation pictures from 1893-1970.
     Sarah Eastlund of the Public Relations Office at BHS has sent class lists for 2006-2015.
     BHS yearbooks have been received from: Wendall Condon, for 1975; Stella Rilling Alexander, 1978; Lisa McGee Sebring, 1979-80; Kim Madden Ohge, 1981; Monica Nystrom McHugh, 1982-86; Barbra Madden Peterson, 1987-88; David Howell and John Howell, 1994-99; Rhaechel Ohge, 2005-08 and Chad Ohge, 2012.
     In the next month or so, Jerry said he would be uploading BHS scrolls sent by Colette Stumbo, for 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Robert Lay will be sending a 1990 edition.
     Tom Tays is sending Boone Junior College/DMACC yearbooks from 1972-75.
     The only BHS  yearbooks Jerry is now missing are, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1931, 1977, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011 and 2017.
     Anyone who has yearbooks, class reunion picture/books, school newspapers they would like to share, please send them to Jerry, via the U.S. Post Office "Media Mail" and he will scan them and then return them to you.
     You can view any of his material at...........
     Jerry Manriquez, 3211 Kips Korner Road, Norco, CA
     Right to the point: (1) Dick Longworth, BHS-53, said his book, "Caught in the Middle," which came out in 2008, has done real well, six printings. (2) Vern Modeland, BHS-50, reminded that his classmate, Chuck Brainerd, built his own profitable specialty electronics antenna business for government and others was "mostly rooted from what our BHS teacher, H.L. Cunningham, taught a few of us who took his specialty class called, "Radio." Vern asked, "how many other high schools have a story like that that no one has shared. Not many, if any." (3) John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "I know Boone is a big softball/Little League town. I watched the Little League girls World Series on TV. Does Boone have a similar league? Where do they play?"
     In answer to John's query the Kornerman says, "yes, we've had similar competition but it appears that both Little League and Babe Ruth in Boone has lost some of its appeal. At least, there aren't as many leagues, teams and players as in their earlier years. Soccer is getting blamed for some of the loss. That sport seems to be growing steadily."
     4 Days to go
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Gary Knox reported, "I've been informed that Darel Browning, Jordan HS-53, passed away September 7. He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn. He was a good basketball and baseball player for JHS. He was on the team that narrowly missed the state basketball tournament thanks to Roland and Gary Thompson. Dave Cottington was one of his teammates."
     Althea Elaine Zethraus, 94, Platteville, CA. Formerly of Boone. Husband Stan, now deceased, retired from the postal service in 1976 and the couple moved to California. Son Bruce and daughter, Jilayne Paley, survive..........Tamara Martz, 58, Boone...........Tony Martz, 58, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters will soon be located at 928 South Jackson Street, Boone, Iowa 50036. Phone number is still 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

New YMCA? Really!!

     What's this about a new YMCA?
     At the latest Boone City Council meeting, that subject was broached. There have already been some meetings about that possibility and, in fact, a taskforce is in play to check on the feasability of such a project.
     Plans seem to be in solid play for various other upcoming projects........a new bank, a Squeaky Clean laundromat, new housing units, another laundromat, that new Boulder Inn and convention center and, perhaps, a real estate office housing Exit Realty.
     A pair of good Korner friends, John Kueck, BHS-61, and Ron Hopkins, BSH-59, were kind enough to send me a copy of Visions magazine, Fall edition, which provides members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association with news of interest about ISU, its past and present.
     Staring the Kornerman in the face from the Visions cover was a huge, color photo of Boone's Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005. Inside, was a complete and terrific story of one of the nation's premiere ultra runners. Lots of great pictures too.  Pete, of course, was home just a week or so ago to lead the Pufferbilly parade as the 2017 Grand Marshal.
     He's 29 years old now, married to Nicole Larson, a 2011 ISU chemical engineering grad, and they reside in Hannibal, MO. Pete earned his ISU degree in international business and finance in 2009 and he works as a Financial analyst for the National Research Corporation.
     His parents, still Boone residents, are Clare, who teaches at DMACC, and Charlie, who has been an ISU faculty member for over 30 years.
     SURPRISE! Today, the Kornerman is going to tread very lightly on Pete's numerous national running achievements. Been there, done that......many times in the Korner and, of course, there's been lots of nationwide reporting on those events also.
     No, being a big fan of food, nutritious and otherwise, in this writing I'm going to lean toward what I think is some interesting info on the diet he followed during his border-to-border record breaking run.
     Here's what Pete was quoted as saying, "essentially, I was burning 100 calories a mile (3,067 total miles) on top of just normal calorie needs. So, I was burning well over 10,000 calories most days."
     When you're burning that much fuel, you have to "catch up" by..........eating. This is the part the Kornerman likes.
     On his run across America, here was Pete's typical DAILY menu: First Breakfast - oatmeal, toast, banana, protein shake; Second Breakfast - protein bar or trail mix, Gatorade; Brunch - breakfast sandwich; Lunch -foot-long sub sandwich, followed by something sweet and a big soda; Afternoon Snacks - sweetened, dried pineapple and banana chips, Gatorade; Dinner - steak and potatoes; Dessert - A pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream; On His Nightstand - protein bars, water, juice and animal crackers.
     He often ate eggs, red meat, avocadoes and high calorie meals like lasagna, tater-tot casserole, mac and cheese and spaghetti.
     Sounds great........but there's something I don't like about this plan............all....... or any..... of that running.
     On this subject of eating..............let's look back to eating in the 50's. You remember those days I'm sure but do you remember this........
     (1) Pasta had not been invented. It was mac or spaghetti. (2) Bananas and oranges usually appeared just at Christmas time. (3) Chips were plain. (4) Oil was for lubricating, fat was for cooking. (5) Tea was made in a teapot using tea leaves and never green. (6) We hadn't heard of yogurt. (7) Cooking outside was called camping. (8) Water came out of the tap. If someone had suggested bottling it, they would have become a laughing stock.
     And, the things that we never, ever had on/at our tables in the 50's.........elbows, hats, cell phones.
     7 days to go
      BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Lois Kuhl, 93, Boone. Born on a farm near Ogden. BHS-41. Worked at H.V. Patterson Insurance Agency until it closed..........Cleo Carroll Jr., 73, Boone. Attended BHS. Worked at Grabau construction and for Hallet's Materials. His wife, Judy Deemer, is deceased. They were married in 1966. Boone area survivor is a son, Michael, of Boone..........Bill Littrell, 88, Marshalltown. Formerly of Boone. Was married to Rita Cole. Boone area survivor is Terri Todd of Madrid. Two other sons survive.........Richard Beachler, 66, Boone. Worked at ISU Media Graphics until retirement in 2011. Was a well known musician. Boone area survivors include his wife, Leanne, of Boone, son, Ian, of Ames, and daughter, Aleda Richardson, of West Des Moines...........Don Silver, 93, Boone. Was a dry cleaner for 42 years. Owned and operated North Side Cleaners in Boone for 25 years prior to retirement in 1987. Boone area survivors include his wife, Vivian, and daughter, Carla Toms, both of Boone. Three sons also survive..........Loras Woodard, 70, Boone. BHS-65. Held several jobs prior to 29 years at John Deere in Ankeny. Retired in 2004. Boone area survivor is his wife, Mary Jo Fritch Majors Woodard, of Boone. He raised four girls and two step children..........Tom Kieffer, 85, Ogden. Navy vet. Was an Ogden teacher for 38 years. Also did some woodworking and construction work. He and his wife, Dorothy, were married for 58 years prior to her passing. Boone area survivors include two sons, Bob and Steve, both of Ogden. Four other adult children survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT..........

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Floridians are O.K.

     In a recent edition, Loren Frazier, BHS-58, recalled his concern when his classmate, Gene Strandberg, faced the wrath of hurricane Charley in Florida several years ago. The recent hurricane, Irma, brought back those memories and again, this year, Loren was wondering about the Strandberg's fate.
     Gene and his wife, Diane, read that Korner and replied, "all newer homes in Florida, like ours, comply with building codes that make them able to withstand 135 mph winds. And, they come with metal hurricane shutters for all the windows and doors. So, we were relatively safe inside. Our only damage was a leaning tree. Also, newer developments, like ours, have buried utilities which minimizes the length of power outages. Some of our neighbors evacuated to Orlando and Atlanta but Irma went there also."
     In the last edition we offered an idea for tracking down names or addresses when they can't be found in the very scaled down current telephone books.
     Wanda Lingren wrote, "thank you for the tip on finding addresses. I will try it. A few weeks ago I was trying to find an address and, of course, it was not in the phone book. We are still listed because I won't give up my land line. A person could lose their cell power so that is why I am keeping ours. After seeing nothing on your blog a few times I got worried that you might quit so I'm glad to see that you are back up and running. I don't go back as far as some of your usual contributors that's why I usually don't have anything to say. We did not move to Boone until I was 11 so I don't remember a lot of the things talked about. But I know we all appreciate your hard work."
     McDonald's is a pretty good place to discover folks you haven't seen for some time. Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing a former co-worker, Vivian Khan, I hadn't seen for a long time. Years ago  we worked side by side at the Boone News.........I, with some instructions as to how I wanted "my" page developed and she would then follow up........placing the stories and making the page camera ready. Oh, how I miss those days and all of the other people I worked with through the years. It has given me a thought I might soon follow through with.........listing as many former BNR folks as I/we can remember.......just like we recently did with KWBG.
     P.S. Vivian said she has worked as a church secretary for 13 years and is contemplating retirement. Hard to believe but that "little kid" of hers she used to talk about is now a chiropractor and, in fact, is right now opening up his first office. Its located at the building across the street and just west of the old Dairy Queen, now a Cyclone Car lot, on Mamie Eisenhower.
     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, wrote, "I know it can get to feel like you're the only person willing to do this. But, I hear from a lot of my friends that he/she knows someone who "saw it" on Mo's blog. Thanks to IPad and all of those technologies I dislike so much, I've come to believe we're close to the end of communication between family and friends. Damn pity."
     A couple of quickies to close.(1) Gary Long, BHS-73, was an excellent wrestler, football player at BHS and Coe College and is just a heck of a good guy/friend. For years, he has been involved in Iowa high schools as an educator, leaning mostly toward athletic activities. I've know of his passion for the Minnesota Vikings. For years, he's followed their games all over the country as well as in Minneapolis. Now, his mom, Marilyn Miller Long, BHS-49, tells me he has completed a long-time goal. Via a most recent trip, Gary has now  seem a major league baseball game in EVERY major league park. (2) The Kornerman told you viewers in a recent edition about classmate Dick Longworth's book. It was also mentioned that Dick's dad, Dr. W.H. Longworth, had written a history of medicine in Boone County. Dick, BHS-53, replied, "dad took that on as a retirement project and got a lot of joy out of it. After his death, Dr. Lou Greco updated it. I believe both versions are at the Boone County Historical Society.
     11 days to go
      BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Brian Grosnickle, son of former Boone residents, Delores and Gary Grosnickle..........Lois Kuhl, Boone.........Richard Beachler, 66, Boone..........Don Silver, 93, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To  email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.........


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Germany, then Jerusalem

     Remember that Wide World of Sports intro?  Just like that,  Korner viewers are scanning the world. In the last edition, we heard from Wendall (Spike) Condon, BHS-75, who keeps in touch from Germany. This edition, Becky Reynoldson chimes in from Jerusalem. She wrote, "hey Mo, this is Becky Reynoldson over in Jerusalem. What a trip of a lifetime. Awesome, overwhelming, and overload on information. I'll be contributing some info about the Fifth Street gang later."
     I, the Kornerman, received an invitation to the Boone 1967 class reunion.......their 50th......and I did attend the Friday night get-together at Toby K's Event Center.
     It was my first trip to the Event Center and its a wonderful place for such an event. One more plaudit. Boone's Diane Patrick was in charge of the appetizers. I see her working in the Dutch Oven bakery often (probably too often) and was surprised to learn she does catering work for such events. Anyway, she did a fantastic job and I would certainly recommend her catering services.
     Now......the hard part........trying to jostle my memory. It was a time, primarily, of visitation and the Kornerman had an opportunity to catch up with so many folks, many that I had not seen in quite some time. There were lots of stories being told, garnering numerous guffaws. Some tall tales, no doubt, rose even taller during the evening. I had to laugh, thinking at the end of the night it would take quite some time to separate the wheat from the chaff if you know what I mean.
     Anyway, Tom Peterson  issued the invitation and I was greeted at the door by Donna Woods Rusnak and Sue Anderson Mersereau. Along the way, some of the attendees I visited with were Kelly and Marcy McMullan, Jane McGriff (she has a grandson that's quite a talented kicker for the BHS football team), Topper Lyness, Christy Munson Winters and John, Mike Doyle, Mark Campbell (who's moving to Tennessee), Dick Duffy, Jack Rusnak and Sally Radnich. Linda Swain was there also and brought her husband, Jon Hinz, BHS-64, along. I apologize........I'm sure I missed others.
     Everybody seemed to have a great time.
     I guess you could call this the Tip of the Week.
     With the slow elimination of land lines and no directory yet of cell phone numbers, many of us have struggled trying to find addresses of people we used to obtain via the telephone book. A group of us were grumbling about this inability to locate some local people anymore.
     Here's what I've found. You can pull up white pages on your computer and sometimes obtain some help. But, not always.
     The best way I've found of locating people is through the use of Beacon Homes. If, on your computer, you type in and pull up Beacon Homes Boone County, you can then access from that  site a site that says, "Property Search." Tag "Property Search" and you will be taken to a site that asks for an address or a name. Type in the address or name and you should obtain the information you are seeking. If you don't have that much of a address or're probably out of luck.
     The Kornerman has given up on white pages but has had a good success rate using Beacon Homes.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Dorothy Myers, 90, Melrose, FL. formerly of Boone. She married Juel Haaland in 1944 and they were later divorced. She married Eugene (Bud) Myers in 1986. She is survived by two Boone residents, daughter, Martha (Toby) Ahrens, and step-son, Gary (Mox) Myers........Dean Blougher, 92, Perry. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Alma Swanson, of Ogden........Lorene Franklin, 85, Boone. Formerly of the Stanhope area. Stanhope HS. Boone area survivors include her husband, Ben, daughters, Kim Curell and LuAnn Robinson, and son, Tony, all of Boone, and daughter, Dorine Bloomberg, of Ogden........Vivian Kennedy, 93, Boone. BHS-42. Was a telephone operator for many years. Boone area survivors include her husband, James, sister Patty Bushore, and nephew, Brian Bushore.........Andrew Pfaltzgraff, 33, Boone/Ogden. OHS-2003. Was a former OHS football assistant coach. Worked at 3M in Ames. Boone area survivors include his parents, David and Georgena, and his sister, Jo-el Sprecher, all of Boone........Genevieve Cook, 97, Boone. Jordan HS. Was a homemaker.........David McClain, 67, Boone. Layed carpet and tile for a Carroll company. Boone area survivors include his wife, Janice Baker, step-son, Jeremiah Baldus, and brother, John Helm, all of Boone........Norma Jean McDonald, 91, Boone. BHS-44. Worked at Boone Dairy and DeLux Cleaners. Boone area survivor is a son, Keith, of Boone.
     14 days to go
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Boone Native takes Hollywood for a Ride

     Wendall (Spike) Condon, BHS-75, it seems, has spent a military lifetime in Germany. He's still there now and had an interesting encounter recently. He wrote, "I've had a hard time following you the last three weeks or so. I was cut off on my military computer and had to put in a work order for your blog. They finally checked it out and determined it was a "safe" site. Actor Brian Cranston of "Breaking Bad" and "Malcolm in the Middle" TV programs, along with his wife, Robin, were here on a USO tour. They came to the Illesheim Flight Simulator facility and I took Mr. Cranston in a Blackhawk simulator flight. We were in there about 30 minutes, even had time to land on a frigate. I think he really enjoyed it. Additionally, the Flight Simulator facility is expanding. We are going from three flight simulators, Blackhawk, Apache and Chinook, to a device called the AVCATT, NCM3, another Apache and Blackhawk M model. So, I'm almost out of real estate. Hope this finds you well."
     Your editor responds, "thanks Spike. So good to hear from you and thanks for sharing that experience. See, everyone has or has had, sometime in their life, something that happened to them, with them, about them, that would be of interest to our vast viewership."
      Loren Frazier, BHS-58, always has some interesting material to pass on. He's been thinking about Irma, the most recent hurricane in Florida. He wrote, "I have several classmates/friends in Florida so it was a concern of mine. A number of years ago, during what I think was hurricane Charley, one of those friends, Gene Strandberg, BHS-58, was living in Punta Gorda, FL. and I thought I'd call him. Surprisingly, Gene answered the phone, right in the middle of the hurricane. He was hunkered down in a closet in his house along with a bottle of rum. Well, during this recent hurricane, Irma, I called again and yes, he had remembered my call years previous during Charley. When I told him I thought he had a bottle of scotch in his closet that night, he reminded me it was rum. I guess that is more of a Florida drink than scotch. Anyway, he was watching the forecasts and was hoping things would  be alright at his location. I'm sure someone else may have a hurricane story to tell........or some other story.......its up to them to keep this Korner going. If they want to continue reading it, they must contribute to it or it will be gone and they'll have nobody but themselves to blame."
     Your editor says, "right on Loren."
     Gary Knox, United-57, has a story that reminds me of way, way, way back in my "childhood." Gary explains, "my grandparents lived in a large, two-story house with an enclosed front porch on North Marshall street in Boone. Above the porch were several windows with narrow spaces between them. I found an old tennis ball and created a game of one player baseball. I would throw a pitch against the siding between the windows.......never hitting one. If I caught the rebounding ball, it was an out. If the ball hit the ground it was a hit if I was unable to catch the grounder and make a clean throw between the windows. I kept track of base runners, scores, outs and innings. I played the part of both teams. I played this game from age 8-12 during the summer........thinking it was more interesting than the conversation in the house. In wintertime, the tennis ball was my basketball and I invented a similar game in an open, empty basement room."
     Editors Note: Here I, the Kornerman, thought I was the ONLY one that concocted such "silly" games. Hey, back then, in my case anyway, no television......etc. etc. We had to while away our time in very unique and I guess "silly" ways.
     My game/s were done with three dice. If I remember right, in baseball, if I rolled three or 18, it was a home run, 13 was a strikeout, 10 a ground out etc. etc. I, too, made up names of players and kept a scorebook. Some of the players were Ben Down, Stewart (Stu) Pover, Marty Gra and Dee Moyne. I had maybe six or eight teams organized, drew up a schedule and played lots of games on all those cold, winter, Iowa nights. Using the scorebook, I even kept individual statistics and used that for the basis of selecting season ending all star teams. I also put together a yearbook with all the final statistics on each of the teams.......along with some advertisements for Heckova watches and other made up clients. I'm not much of an artist, but I even had some illustrations of some of the players included along with their autographs of course. In fact, I a page for each team with autographs of all the players of those teams. Its really amazing how many different ways you can construct autographs.
     To me, it was so much fun and occupied so much of my time when, at that time, teenagers had a lot more time for "doing not much of anything." I'm sure if my mother were here, she would still be clamoring for me to spend that much time on my scholastic work rather than those "silly" games.
     P.S. I still have that yearbook, scorebooks etc. somewhere in this house.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS:  James Frederick, 83, Boone. Parents were John and Bernice Fredericks. James lived at the Woodward State Hospital for 54 years prior to moving to a Boone group home in 1996..........Gerald Mass, 79, Madrid. He worked heavy highway and bridge construction. Gerald's wife, Flo Ann, survives.........Larry Embrey, 76, Madrid.
     18 days to go
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT........

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Pufferbilly Week Rewind

     Pufferbilly 2017 has come and gone and another edition of the Super National races has also disappeared after being a huge part of the Boone community for a good week.
     The Pufferbilly parade was the usual 90-minute affair minus any horses this year. The Boone High School band, with its nifty uniforms, was impressive and the extra huge Ames High School band was also outstanding. Although both the Republican and Democratic parties were well represented, it was noted that there were few "live" state/national politicians this year with one exception.
     That one exception has received special local attention.  Steven Ray, BHS-88, is doing something he has always wanted to do. He's running for Governor of the state of Iowa on the Republican ticket. He's facing long odds and he knows that but does anybody remember Democrat Jimmy Carter or Republican Donald Trump?? They weren't given much of a chance either.
     Those Super Nationals? What a story. As a reporter, I, the Kornerman never feels I give them adequate coverage. Maybe because its an impossible task. Unless you have closely experienced that event, you just can't imagine it. I don't think I can adequately describe its impact.
     For the entire week, starting on Labor Day, an entire separate city, Boone South, emerges all around the Boone Speedway area as well as other surrounding areas. On the grounds themselves, camper after camper after other similar forms of living accomodations develop side by side......a number I wouldn't attempt to cite.
     The races, themselves, bring in 850-900 race cars from all over the nation. The Des Moines Register gives the event no coverage at all but I was able to obtain a list of top 20 finishers in the main event, the modified class, from the Cedar Rapids Gazette.
     Among the top 20 finishers in that one of numerous races, were cars/drivers from Chandler and Buckeye, AZ; Torrance, Winton and Olivehurst, CA; Delta, CO; Minot and Ray, ND; Great Bend, KS; Beatrice, NE and Mooresville, NC. Despite the national competition, it was a Richie Gustin of little old Gilman, IA. (pop - 509) that won that feature race last Saturday night.
     This is an amazing event that has to be seen to be fully realized.
     An item or two or three: (1) Rosemary Runyan Mitchum, BHS-64, wondered if I could produce a recipe for the famous mexiburgers we all enjoyed in our younger days. Yes, I was able to find it, send it on and Rosemary said she was going to "give it a try." (2) Regarding the mention of the book, "Caught in the Middle," written by my classmate, Richard Longworth, BHS-53, in the last edition, John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote to remind me that Dick's dad, Dr. Wallace H. Longworth, was also an author. He wrote a book, "History of Medicine in Boone County," many years ago. (3) Nick Collison, a member of the National Basketball Association Oklahoma City Thunder, has had and does have many relatives in the Boone area. In fact, his parents, Dave and Judy Collison, BHS-72, were raised in the Boone community. Nick recently signed a one year, $2.3 million extension to his contract. So, he will return to the Thunder for his 10th season with them and 14th NBA season overall. He's 36 years old and there was speculation that last year might have been his last as a player. He'll soldier on at least one more year. 
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Paul Siegfried, 85, Boone. Formerly of Niota, IL. Service vet. Farmed. Moved to Boone in 2014. Boone area survivors include his wife, Bonnie, and daughter, Alison Purtle, both of Boone.........Marjorie Buechler, 90, Boone. Boone area survivors include her daughter, Deb Nelson, of rural Boone..........Eldon Blanshan, 86, Escondido, CA. Formerly a long time Boone resident. Eldon passed in March of 2017 but memorial services will be held in Boone. He was a vet, a rural mail carrier for 30 years here and worked for Boone County Transportaton for 17 years. His daughter, Dr. Bridget Blanshan, of California survives..........Saundra Grabau, 51, Gilbert. Attended Boone campus of DMACC..........Virgil Calkins, 69, Huxley. Worked at the Woodward State Hospital.
     21 more days
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Longworth Book Features Boone Talk

     Don Nystrom, BHS-56, stopped at the headquarters the other day to deliver a book he thought the Kornerman might be interested in.
     Oh yes, it is "Caught in the Middle" which was written by my classmate, Richard Longworth, BHS-53, a few years ago. Dick describes the book as a look at "America's Heartland in the Age of Globalism."
     I haven't had time to read the 267 pages yet but in scanning them, I note numerous references, throughout, to his home community and quotes from some of our community leaders. That, of course, does interest me greatly so I will, as time permits, be taking a more of an in depth look at Richard's book.
     We 53ers salute with great pride, Dick's long and successful career. He's a former award-winning correspondent and senior writer at the Chicago Tribune and has twice, been a Pulitzer Prize finalist. At present, he is a fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and is a Boone News Republican alum.
     Thanks Don.
     Richard Young, BHS-57, tells us where he is and Ross Hanson, BHS-74, tells us where he's been.
     Richard is in Phoenix and talking about the heat. He wrote, "our temps are starting to drop from 110 degrees to the low 100's. Some days are dry with 8 percent humidity to other days when its 70 percent. Our monsoon season is about over so the weather will be real nice starting next month. Then, we can get out and start enjoying the following seven months. Hope everyone in Boone is doing well."
     Ross wrote, "sounds like things in the big town of Boone are a little quiet. My wife, Gerlie, and I had to make an unplanned trip to the Philippines the past two weeks because of the unexpected passing of her brother. Their funeral practices over there are different than ours. After death, they wait for nine days of mourning at the funeral parlor. Someone in the family stays there around the clock to watch over the deceased. Then, they have a burial and a big dinner for family and friends. Its been a little tense with all the chatter about North Korea because we fly back through Guam. I haven't heard about October 31 in your neighborhood yet. You know what I mean."
     The Kornerman says, "yes, he's referring to Halloween and the huge display his sister, Nikki, and her husband, Tim Mullins, have had for many years for all the kids on Beggar's Night. That's at their home on Greene Street across the way from Korner headquarters. Its been lots of work and it seems to me that the Mullins have been wanting to, at least, downsize it a bit so we'll see what they finally decide for this coming holiday."
     Andy Anderson, BHS-62, over Cedar Rapids way said his classmate, Bill Olson, first brought up the subject. "He told me I, for a short time, had a program on KWBG radio on Saturday morning but I don't really remember that. If so, it didn't last very long." He wondered if the Kornerman could remember and.......I can't.
     Andy wrote me about the class reunion that was recently held here. "We had 46 in attendance at the Tic Toc and everything there was "awesome," food, service, everything. Later, we met at the Adobe and that was good too."
     Speaking of class reunions, we know there are at least two tied in with the Pufferbilly celebration which is underway. The class of 1967 and the class of 1952 meet this coming weekend.
     That reminds me that Kenny Zanker, United-57, called the Kornerman recently to explain that the UC classes of 1956, 57 and 58 had their reunion last June. He had called earlier wondering if the class of '57 was meeting. He found out they already had. Ken was also wondering if Boone Sacred Heart, class of  '57, was meeting this year?
     Ironically, just as I was writing this, I had a knock on the door and Kenny was at headquarters in person. We had a good visit. He was in town for Pufferbilly..........hoping to catch up with some old friends.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Steve Gingery, 61, Boone. Loved his guitar and playing it. Boone area survivors include his wife, Lori, of Boone, daughter, Stephanie Fogarty, of Madrid and his son, Ryan, of Ames...........Mary Anne Wicks, 66, Boone. Was a caregiver. Boone area survivor is her husband, Charles, of Boone.........Alice Brown McNace, 84, Boone. BHS-50. Worked many years at the Boone State Bank, retiring in 1984. Boone area survivor is her daughter, Janelle Vickers, of Boone........John Baker, 94, Chicago. Services and burial took place in rural Stratford...........Naylene Crispin, 57, Madrid. Ames HS-78. Worked for many years at Principal in Des Moines. Boone area survivors include her husband, Don, of Madrid and a son, Matthew, of Ames.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Your Editor's Musings

     I know you've heard this before but it definitely needs repeating.
     The format of this blog was not intended to be a bully puppet featuring the editor alone and it was not designed to just feature a panel of 4-6 contributors every edition.
     The idea was that 500 or whatever number of viewers there are out there would keep the blog alive by alternately submitting their stories, memories or even comments. The number one excuse I've heard for not participating is, "well, I just don't have anything to send." BALDERDASH. Anyone who's ever lived, has stories and/or memories of their time in their home community. You know it and I know it. That's a very lazy excuse.
     Unfortunately, over time, the blog has become more of a panel with, bless them, a small handful of folks who have been willing to take part consistently. You know their names......they've been contributing on a regular basis for a long time and, in fact, have, on several occasions, been the only impetus for even continuing this project. I, the Kornerman, don't think its been fair to them or to me to have to rely completely on them for a continuation of the Korner.
     I admit, the last few publication dates, relying on them (again) along with some ancillary info, I could have cobbled together a column but chose not to. Instead, I've been asking myself the question, "why?" "Why do this when its not meeting its initial purpose?" So, I chose to simply go silent for awhile.
     By no means do I want to discourage my faithful "panel" from continuing to keep in touch. They've been loyal, outstanding and I can't tell them enough how much I've appreciated their assistance and as long as we continue, I want them to continue to help. HOWEVER, I also need some new names providing new stories and new memories.
     Fortunately, I do now have some material submitted by folks who we have heard from before but not on a consistent basis and not recently. Fortified also by the addition of some material submitted by some of those regulars we will have another edition Saturday.
     Beyond that, I don't know? I am so despondent about our local news or lack of local news situation, I've even contemplated just providing death notices alone because, in our current state, I think that's important. Maybe that should be our plan for the future. I guess it really isn't up to me, its up to whoever views this. Do they want a Korner as we've tried to provide since 2010, a death notice only provision or nobody really cares one way or the other. I guess we'll see.
     Catching up on BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Wanda Graham, 84, Altoona. Born in Boone in September of 1932 and attended high school and junior college here.........Ardith Blazanin, 89, Perry. Boone area survivor is a sister-in-law, Helen Aarons, of Madrid........Anne Bisignano, 94, Des Moines. Boone area survivor is a niece, Denise Gowdey, of Boone........Ruth Shiflet, 95, Perry. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Deanna Garwood, of Ogden.........William "Bill" Hyett, 92, Des Moines. Boone area survivor is a grand niece, Camden Moran, of Madrid........Elaine Jondall, 88, Ames. BHS grad. Born in Boone the daughter of Leslie and Helen Davis. Boone area survivor is a sister, Colette Williams, of Boone.........Glenda Stoeffler, 64, Windsor, CO. Raised in Ogden. OHS-71...........Steve Gingery, 61, Boone.........Mary Wicks, 66, Boone.........Norma Jean Ninneman, 82, Boone. Worked at Archway and ISU. Boone area survivor is her husband, Herman...........Betty Ann Horstman, 80, Boone. Worked at Bourns and ISU. Boone area survivor is a son, Bill, of Boone.......Lucinda (Cindy) Biladeau, 69, Boone. Homemaker. Boone area survivors include her husband, Jim, and sisters-in-law, Jeannie Backous and Rose Bielfelt, all of Boone and sister-in-law, Joan Anderson, of Stratford.........Gary Freel, 64, Boone. BHS-72. Worked at Danfoss in Ames until retirement in 2015. Boone area survivors include his wife, Leann, and sister, Judy Brower, both of Boone.......Merrill Lamm, 98, Ogden. Air Force vet. Farmed in the Ogden area. Boone area survivors include his wife, Beula, and son, Alan, both of Ogden...........James Lynch, 73, Westhaven-Boone. Was a TV repairman in Marshalltown most of his working years. Boone area survivors include his son, Joshua, and daughter, Jill, both of Boone and daughter, Jayme Stoneburner, of Ogden.......Deborah Sue Clark. Survivors include her husband, David, her mother, Cathy Leonard, son, Zach Twedt, and daughter, Penny McFeron..........Donna Saunders, 81, Ogden. BHS-grad. Homemaker and farm wife. Boone area survivors include her husband, Harley, sons, Randy, Neil and Grant, and daughters, Brenda Fisher, and Teresa Davenport, all of Ogden. Sister-in-law, Chris Alexander, of Boone also survives.........Charles (Butch) Kester, 73, Boone. Military vet. Was a welder for Mid States Steel. Boone area survivors include his wife, Penny, daughter, Kim Miller, and sisters, Rowena Bray, Jeannie Porter and Kathy Martin, all of Boone. Other survivors include son, Jeff, of Moingona, brothers Randy, of Ogden and Dennis, of Boone. Brandie Phipps of Pilot Mound also survives.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Email your..........

     No stories, no memories, no comments, no SUPPORT.
     Email, or not, your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......