Saturday, April 22, 2017

Drake Relays Reunion Time

     For the past several weeks we've been hearing and reading about the annual Drake Relays that are scheduled for the coming week. There are a pair of ancillary events tommorrow (Sunday) and Tuesday but the main course plays out Wednesday to Saturday.
     The Kornerman has been a relays visitor many times in the past. I've watched in snow and rain as well as blistering heat. But its almost always been enjoyable. Some favorite memories include the feats of Wes Santee (that really shows this old guys age), Jim Ryun, that great 100 duel between Bobby Morrow and Dave Sime and, perhaps, best of 1951, when Drake, the host, and the team of Jim Ford, George Nichols, Ray Eiland and Jim Lavery made us all proud by winning all three of the main relay events, the 440, 880 and mile. Fixed solidly in this old mind of mine is anchorman Lavery crossing the finish line victoriously and tossing that baton sky-high in delight. It was an unforgettable moment and that picture has always been etched in my mind.
     There are tons of other memories. Numerous Olympians have competed there through the years as well as individuals who have made a name for themselves in many other ways. In an earliest year, Amos Alonzo Stagg, a founding father of collegiate athletics, primarily football, attended. Even flamboyant Louisiana senator Huey Long, a onetime presidential candidate, showed up. Competitors have included Michelle Johnson of Spencer who became the first woman Superintendent of the Air Force Academy and Phil Knight of Oregon who is, now, a billionaire co-founder of the Nike Company.
     Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner starred in decathlon events at Drake and even one of country music's greatest stars ever, Garth Brooks, represented Oklahoma State in field events at the Drake Relays.
     I haven't attended in recent years but when "that time" comes now, my first thought is of Boone natives Steve Shaler and Tim Croxen (BHS-59) and Barry Wills (BHS-58) and friends who have made the relays a reunion "must do" for years now. How many? I'd like to know.
     If a part of your body "falls asleep", you can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head.
     We've been "sorting out" and Jo showed me a BNR sports page from July 22, 2006 and there was a huge Kelley's Korner displayed. It began with, "Trivia - Who can tell me where the Claybank Hill  is? Its a local landmark."
      I, the Kornerman, think I'll just hang on to an answer to that until a future edition. In the meantime, maybe a Korner viewer or two can provide the answer.
     Frame every so-called disaster with these five words, "in five years, will this matter?"
     That statement reminds me of a good thought provided some time back by Kathleen Wheelock who wrote of Charles Schulz (the creator of Peanuts) philosophy.
      Kathleen reminds us that Schulz asked folks to name the last five world series winners (I bet one will be known), the last five Academy Award winners and/or the last five Nobel Peace prize winners.
      The point is this.....none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. According to Schultz, the applause dies, the awards tarnish and achievements are quickly forgotten.
      On the other hand, list five teachers who aided your journey through school, three friends who helped you through a difficult time or five people you enjoy spending time with.
     The lesson. The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money or most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.
     Thanks for that reminder Kathleen.
     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, has always been the one who has embarrassed the Kornerman with correction information.
     Now, even a closer compadre, Tom Peterson, BHS-67, can't keep his mouth closed AND he's the guy I've been paying an inorbinate salary since the Korner's inception for being the CEO of our technological department. What loyalty huh?
     Well, Tom says I was incorrect in the last edition regarding Jerry Manriquez web site address. I had it........http://boonesacheart/ He says it should be..... period instead of /.
      Strangely, I just now did it "my way" and got where I wanted to go so.........try either way and I'm sure you'll get a correct path one way or the other.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Thomas Blumberg, 75, Faribault, MN., Formerly of Boone.....
James Miller, 84, Boone.........Ruth Mantz, 101, Ogden. Farmed in the Dawson/Ogden area with her late husband, Dean. Was a nurses aide at Ogden Manor. Boone area survivors include sons, Clinton and Richard Mantz, both of Ogden.........Gail Evans, 82, Boone. Born in Boone. Coast Guard vet. Owned and operated Drayman Trucking in Fort Dodge and Oak Outhouse Antiques in Boone. Was also a photographer. Boone area survivor is a sister, Deborah Evans, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


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