Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Many Different Topics

     Always good to reminisce about those golden, olden days at KWBG and the Boone News Republican.
     Received a note this week from a former resident who worked at the BNR. Jeff Miller by name. He wrote, "I stumbled across your blog the other day and I'm hooked. I still keep in touch with some of our staff at the BNR. I worked there from 2005-2007. I was there when Cory Frolic and Kristy Young were on the staff. And no, I don't have any relatives in Boone."
     The Kornerman absolutely loved Jeff's
     Many times the Kornerman has guided Korner viewers to Gerald Manriquez awesome website......... It contains a treasure trove of great information about all of Boone's schools.......past and present. Jerry just brought me up to date on some of his latest additions and this will give you an idea of the things you can recall via a visit to his website.
     Here are some recent additions:
     Scott Linn, BHS-74, sent him 1971-74 BHS scrolls and 1973-74 Bumble "B"s.
     Larry Adams, BHS-65, sent a 1912 BHS scroll.
     Pictures and a video of class reunions of 1940, 1950, 1955, 1956, 1960 and 1961 were added.
     Delores Headley Miller, BSH-58, sent Sacred Heart parish directories for 1974, 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2008. She also shared two scrapbooks of the 1950's and some 1960 classes.
     Betty Ann Schmitz sent pictures of every Sacred Heart eighth grade graduation class.
     A television channel 13 story about Boone's ice skating rink was sent by Tom Peterson, BHS-67.
     Jerry said he also is in the process of improving and updating all of the Sacred Heart graduating class pictures, 1893-1970.
     Of course, a main feature of Jerry's site is a listing of all BHS and BSH graduates.  
     P.S. If you, members of our vast audience, have items you think Jerry would love to receive, his address is Jerry Manriquez, 3211 Kips Korner Road, Norco, CA 92860.
    For years, Gwen Ifill has been a renowned national journalist, with her main work appearing as a member of Jim Lehrer's NewsHour staff on PBS. She passed away this week at age 61 of endometrial cancer, which is the most common of female reproduction system cancers.......even more prevalent than ovarian or cervical cancer.
    When the Kornerman learned of Ms. Ifill's passing, I immediately emailed condolences to my classmate, Roma Achenbach Hare, BHS-53.  Roma, during a long career as Mr. Lehrer's top assistant, worked with Ms. Ifill and for Lehrer for many years. Lehrer is retired, but Roma still does some part time work for him.
    Roma replied that she had last seen Ms. Ifill in late October and that the Washington Post had a lengthy rememberance of her on the front page, "beneath the fold."
    I remember Gwen Ifill via her daily appearances on the NewsHour and I also recall she was a moderator of two U.S. Vice Presidential televised debates. She was in charge of the 2004 debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards and the 2008 debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.
    I bet you didn't know this.....the Kornerman didn't or if I did, I had forgotten.....the famous Jimmy Archer is buried in Boone's Sacred Heart cemetery. He passed away in Milwaukee in 1958 at the age of 74.
    If you haven't heard of Jimmy Archer, you haven't been in Boonetown very long.
    Many Boone little leaguers played on one of the earliest LL facilities in town, Jimmy Archer Field, which was located in the vicinity of 10th and Tama.
    In the early years of the Kornerman's Babe Ruth coaching career, the late 50's/into the 60's, Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, was one of my star players.This week, Larry emailed lots of information on Jimmy Archer's career. Its too lengthy to share all of it but I will mention some highlights and it was Larry who informed that Mr. Archer is buried in Boone.
     Archer was a member of the Chicago Cubs from 1909-1917 and that team's regular catcher most of those years. Prior to that he had played baseball with various teams at various places including a stint with a Boone team in the Iowa State League in 1904. It was in Boone that he met Lillian Stark and the two eventually married. That's Mr. Archer's connection to this community.
     As indicated, Larry's long email contains lots of very interesting information about Mr. Archer's career but he also recalls some other items that we will share in future editions.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Henry Schmidt Jr., 47, formerly of Boone. Attended Boone schools, then moved to Missouri. Returned to Boone in 2014 and worked at APC in Boone. Boone area survivors include his parents, Henry Schmidt Sr. and Linda Patterson, a brother, Tim, and sisters, Lori Beckett and Julie Murphy...........June Wildman Ulrick, 91. Webster City HS-44. Worked for the telephone company. Her husband, LaVern, is deceased..........Charles (Chuck) Hennick, 59, Huxley........Winifred Neely, 75. Ames HS grad. Married Dan Neely of Boone in 1959 and they made their home in Ames. She worked in retail sales in Ames for over 40 years. Her husband survives.........
Shirley Samuelson, 90, Boone. BHS-44. She spent early years in Washington D.C. but then returned to Boone and worked at Boone State Bank. She and her husband, Robert, farmed in Jackson Township for 48 years before retirement in 1992. One son, James of Minnesota, and a sister, Joan Blosser, of Arkansas, a former Boone resident, survive..........Clara Byas, 67, Ohio. Formerly of Boone. Was a day care provider, a pastor and school teacher assistant. Services were held in Boone.........Paul Scott, 94. Born in Madrid. Was a farmer. Boone area survivors include his wife, Margene Alsin Scott, and a daughter, Sandra Indvik of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT........


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