Saturday, September 3, 2016

Have A Wonderful Holiday Weekend

     With all the busyness (yes, that's a proper word......I looked it up) of this holiday weekend, the Kornerman knows that some viewers may postpone looking at this edition until a later time or will simply take a quick look before a later view. So, we'll limit ourselves, somewhat, and then come back stronger and much more detailed after the holiday.
     With his marathon running, Boone's Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, son of Charles and Clare Kostelnick of Boone, continues to meet challenge after challenge and continues to seek new adventures.
     Next up, an effort to shatter a 35-year old record of running 3100 miles over 44 days from San Francisco to New York City.
     Pete, of course, has a great history that includes a pair of runs in the Boston Marathon, victories in the world's toughest run, the Badwater 135, in both 2015 and 2016, and a successful 423 mile run across Iowa in seven days.
     The run from Frisco to NYC begins in San Fran September 12 and the route includes a pass through his old hometown, Boone, Iowa, and his alma mater, ISU/Ames. That will be in early October.
     He's inviting people to join him on his journey, even part-time.
     Here's a web site to obtain more info......... and, the Korner will provide more information in the upcoming editions.
     Something else the Korner will be following in more detail later is the 150th anniversary of Boone's Trinity Lutheran Church. There will be lots of celebration activities in early October.
     In the meantime, this month, September, Boone's Janeann Stout, a retired Iowa State University Design Professor, currently has six of her new paintings on display at the Ericson Library. Three paintings in the 2016 series features the Az. Cane Cholla Cactus from her winter travel and three are from the oak prairie outside of her rural Boone studio. Stop in and take a look.
     Bill Wallace, BHS-70, provides us with a bit of sad news. He wrote, "sorry to report the passing of longtime BHS math teacher, Duane Friedrich. Duane passed away earlier this week in Texas and his memorial service was Friday. "Fred" was a great math teacher, avid competitive bridge player, and a lifelong baseball fan.....he loved the L.A. Dodgers."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Esther Sandhorst, Urbandale, 103. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Marcene Steinick of Madrid.........Rachel Harris, 79, Boone. Managed the former Hallmark store in Boone until her retirement. Boone area survivors include her husband, Jimmie, sons, Dick, Rick and Nick, and daughter, Tracy Jackson, all of Boone.........Maxine Long, 88, Ames. Boone area survivor is a sister-in-law, Joan Mattingly, of Boone........Dean Spurgeon, 88, Ames, Passed away at the Boone County Hospital.......Richard D. Williams, 77, Boone. Boone area survivor is a sister, Joyce Mitchell, of Boone.........Mark Knudtson, 54, Dayton. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Brandy Little, of Boone..........Evelyn Randall, 91, Ogden. Born in Ogden. Worked at DeWitt Implement in Ogden for 33 years.........Merlin Paulson, 89, Ogden. OHS-45. Farmed with his wife, Audre, southwest of Ogden. Boone area survivors include his wife, Audre, daughter, Peg Soderstrum of Boone and his sister, Mary Janice Ott of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

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