Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Old (longtime) Friends

     As the late George Younce, Jake Hess and others of the Gaither group have sung, "old friends, after all of these years, just old friends, through laughter and tears, old friends, what a find, what a priceless treasure, old friends, like a rare piece of gold, my old friends, make it great to grow old, old friends, with all I will hold to, old friends."
    Yes, it must be that time of year, time to renew with longtime friends.
     At midweek, a group of BHS/SHS 58ers met at the Tic Toc for lunch and a visit to the new Boone Freedom Rock; then starting Friday through the weekend, the classes of 1961 met, and, most recently, the ladies of Boone Sacred Heart had their annual get-together.
     Here's a
     (1)  Loren Frazier of the l958 classes wrote, "28 of us had a nice lunch at the Tic Toc last Wednesday. For those classmates who were unable to attend the lunch, if you live in Boone or nearby, and haven't been to the new Tic Toc yet, you should give it a try. Pat and I had dinner there Tuesday evening and then lunch on Wednesday. The food was excellent and the staff did a great job."
     Those who attended the 1958 event were Loren and Pat Frazier; Anna Longhenry Nelson and Larry Boehm; Sue Martin Woolsoncroft and Roy; Harold Blaskey and Sharon; Ruth Askland Bowes and Fred; Carolyn Ades Durham and Sid; Pauline Bergloff Halupnick and Larry; Kay Turner Richmond and Gary; Delores Headley Miller; Ray Gragg and Joyce; Jon Abrahamson and Monna,; Beth Fangman Maulik and Roger; Jim Louk and Lynn; George Eckstein; Larry Adams and Ed Mondt.
     Fred Bowes is actually a 1956er, Lynn Louk a 1959er and Larry Adams a 1965er. 
     (2) As part of several weekend activities, the classes of 1961 were at Seven Oaks late Saturday afternoon and evening. The old Kornerman gratefully received an invitation to attend this reunion and I did go out for an hour or so late Saturday afternoon. It was great to see so many familiar faces.
     At random, here are a few of the Kornerman's remembrances of that visit.
     One of those who invited me, Verne Lyon, met me at the front door and Art Elsberry and Richard Lind were helping out at the entrance table. Said hello to Barbara Murken Gmelch of San Francisco and Booneites Phil Larson, Marv Lestina and Allen Crandell.
      I pulled up a chair and sat with longtime friend, Mary Shaler Day of Des Moines radio fame. She's still working for the Des Moines Radio Group of stations but is living in Ames. Not only have we both been heavily involved in radio work, Mary's mother, Signe Shaler, worked at KWBG when I was just getting started in that business and she was a great inspiration/mentor to me. Also, in my early radio days, when I was broadcasting all kinds of Toreador athletic contests both home and away, oftentimes, Mary and the other BHS cheerleaders would ride to those out-of-town contests with me. I asked her to name all the cheerleaders who were passengers of mine and she didn't hesitate to name off probably seven or eight others who made those trips at some time or another. I admit it. Yes, I was paid by the school to provide that transportation, but it was also lots of fun to hear those lovely young ladies in conversation.
     Suddenly, the Boyd's Dairy girls appeared. They very much remembered their very good customers and that I, one of them, was particularly smitten with those chocolate/marshmallow shakes and malts. Never did get over that habit. Anyway, Ann McDermott Shult, now of Doss, TX., was the first to appear, followed by Boone's Linda Boyd Bravard herself.
     Among those who stopped at the table for a "hello" were Tony and Sandra Burke Crandell of Lamoni; Tom Burke of Belmar, NJ; John and Susan Kueck of Minneapolis; John Poyzer of Colorado Springs and Karen Hicks Oliver of Boone. John Poyzer was the first baseman on a Boone Babe Ruth all-star baseball team I managed that finished as state runnerup. Oh yes, John and I remembered that.
     Sitting across the table was Lonette Alber Bebensee of Mansfield, TX. Being the music buff I am, I had to ask about Richard Alber, a cousin of Lonette. I remember Richard as a great musician.  Of course, his parents had a music store in Boone those many years ago. Lonette said that Richard is retired in Vegas after a long career as a trumpeter with numerous bands, including many of the famous big bands of the 50's.
     As I departed, I visited with Carl Saubert of St. Charles, MO.; Hud Lainson of Des Moines; Nancy Parkinson Ford of New Hope, MN. and Nan Hicks Ripley of Nevada. Nan is heavily involved in horticulture and has a fantastic garden at her home. At least that's what I've heard from friends who are members of the Boone Garden Club. They have visited her place. I worked with Nan's sister, Bette Hicks, at KWBG in those early years. Bette was exuberant to say the least, she knew the music of the day that appealed to the younger crowd and had a big following as a radio D.J.. Nan told me that Bette lives in Colorado Springs in retirement after working several years as a secretary at Capitol Records in L.A.. That job allowed her to meet up with lots of famous musicians and I'm sure she enjoyed that.
     Thanks much to the class of 1961. The Kornerman really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with longtime friends.
     (3) Finally, I received a report that about 40 Sacred Heart ladies from various classes had their annual visit at the Tic Toc last weekend and again, that restaurant received a good review..........good food and the management was very kind and efficient according to those in attendance.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Bob Whitaker, 89, Phoenix, AZ., BHS-45. His dad was Dr. Ben Whitaker. Bob passed away earlier this month. Survivors include his wife, Joanne.......Rita Aspengren, 87, Boone.........Doris Good Smith, 81, Boone........Gerald LeMaster, 90. Grew up on a farm near Woodward. Woodward HS. With his late wife, Betty Lou, Gerald farmed near Granger.
Betty Silvey, 87, Boone. Formerly of Stratford. Stratford HS-47. Farmed with her late husband, Garnet, near Stratford.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Let's Take a Day Off

     Hopefully, our viewers will resume Korner activity by Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hey, We've Got it All Right Here

    In response to our recent promotion of several Boone area events, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, wrote, "Mo, I read in your KK about all of the events that recently took place in Boone. It is with great embarrassment I write that this old Toreador has never been to Pufferbilly Days. I was totally unaware that the international dirt track races and farm implement show were such huge events. These have to be some of the biggest extravaganzas in Iowa; a heck of a lot better than the Scott County Fair when we lived in Davenport."
     The Kornerman replies, "I haven't been officially designated for such responsibility but I have certainly, in various ways, writing or speaking, always tried to put a positive spin on this community,  its people and events. Obviously, I love it here and knew, in those early years when we moved here in 1947, I was here to stay, regardless of any outside opportunities. Luckily, I obtained some great opportunities right here and for that, I will always be thankful. In that regard, I've had the best of both worlds."
     Many thanks to Erik Miles, BHS-68, for sending some clarifying information about the Miles-Lee Park and, particularly, the memorial monument within, that his dad, Lawrence Miles, was so instrumental in establishing.
     Erik wrote, "the park is located where my dad grew up. His dad, Herbert (Ted), was a coal miner and later worked at Quinn's. Their house was located in the middle of the park side of the block on Franklin Street. After my grandparents died, dad's older brother, John, lived there for many years. He was a baker for Barstad's Bakery. As time passed, the house came under disrepair so, instead, of investing more money into it, dad worked with the Lee family, who also had a house just south of the Miles house. Together, they then worked with the city and Boone Parks Department and donated the houses and land to become a park for that part of West Boone. The house, itself, was burned for practice by the Boone Fire Department. Dad, as you said, was "tenacious" in making sure the park had the amenities a nice park needed."
     He continued, "after the park was established, dad, who was very patriotic, wanted to remember the Boone County residents who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. That was going on when his Signal Company was ordered there. While his company was near the rear of the battle, it made a great impression on him seeing so many soldiers, who were killed, being transported to the rear and processed for their return home. Dad got the idea for a monument and worked with a monument company to design and price just what he thought was appropriate for that recognition. He then worked with several Boone citizens, businesses and volunteers to raise the needed money. With this accomplishment, the monument was added to the park and a dedication was held at the Boone Community Building. Dedication day was  Memorial Day, May 26, 1997 after the monument had actually been placed in the park in 1996. Boone native Jack Shelley, Des Moines WHO radio news man and war correspondent, wrote a brief word history of the Battle of the Bulge for placement on the monument. Members of the committee to establish the memorial were Paul Stark, Greg Thede, Jim Malloy, Richard Hansen, Mark Gustafson, Ben Guenther, John Peterson, Shirley Walrod, Paul Ouverson and dad. Many people came together to make this happen, including the American Legion. Some 86 Boone County Battle of the Bulge veterans were initially identified. I have letters from several of them. The park, itself, was established in 1988 and has had several upgrades since, My brother, Kevin, BHS-72, actually planted the seed for the park by suggesting to dad the old lot could be made into a "kiddie park" and dad ran with that idea."
     Kevin concluded, "dad was a Power Plant and Substation Electrician for Iowa Electric Light and Power and this type of activity (the park/monument) was not something he was familiar with. However, with mom's/Letti's support and his tenacity, I hope the Miles and Lee heritage have helped to make Boone a, somewhat, better place."
     The Kornerman says, "Wow! What an inspiring story of "do-ism." That begs the question, "what have you done lately to make your community better?"
     Bits and Pieces: (1) The Kornerman is hoping a good group of Booneites, from here and yonder, are gathering today for luncheon at the Tic Toc and a trip to view the new Boone Freedom Rock. The class of 1958 is leading this project. (2) The BHS class of 1961 will have a reunion wing-ding this weekend with a meal Friday night at the Lucky Pig in Ogden, Saturday activities in the afternoon and evening at Seven Oaks and a Sunday brunch at the Saints Avenue Restaurant. A couple of Korner viewers have indicated they will attend and, in fact, have invited this old-timer to pay a visit. (3) A side note from Mike Loehrer. He wrote, "living these past 27 years in Ohio and our community of Dublin exposes the lack of knowledge about Iowa and the wonderful people who populate the state. It is impossible to tell you the number of times I have come across citizens of the Buckeye State who constantly confuse Iowa and Idaho. Here's the real story. When I moved from Iowa to Ohio, the IQ levels of both states rose dramatically."
     The Kornerman says, "I got my first taste of that lack of recognition in 1962 when I managed the Boone Babe Ruth All-Stars to participation in the Ruth World Series in Bridgeton, NJ. I'll never forget some fellows preparing the baseball diamond wondering, "what part of Ohiah are you guys from?"
     According to Loren Frazier, his BHS-58 classmate, Karen Toot Dix-Johnson, recently lost a son, John, to a heart attack while visiting one of his brothers in the state of Washington. John was 47. His mother resides in Omaha, NE.
     Word from California's Max Moore, BHS-46, tells of the death of his brother, Owen Moore, BHS-42. Owen has lived in LaMirada, CA. for 74 years. Owen was 93 and is survived by a second brother, Larry, BHS-52, who also resides in California.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Dick Reutter, 88, Lakewood, Co..Formerly of Boxholm...........
 Jim Houchins, 81, Arnolds Park. Passed away in July. Former Ogden resident, teacher and girls athletic coach........John Galetich, 79, Madrid. Worked at Armstrong Tire. Retired in 1987. Wife Phyliss, daughter Michelle and brother Tom survive.........Helen Carpenter, 82, Boone. Was a bookkeeper at the family business, Yegge Lumber, and a secretary and bookkeeper at Boone Sacred Heart. Three sons and a daughter survive.........Christy Abbott, 63, Ogden. Formerly of Boone. BHS-71. Graduate of ISU. Taught Food Sciences at ISU until retirement in 2010. Boone area survivors include a brother, Bob Abbott, and an aunt, Karen Ely, both of Boone...........Gina Christians, 58, Boone. BHS-76. Worked several jobs at the Boone County Hospital. Boone area survivors include her husband, Kevin, and  her mother, Pat Miller, both of Boone..........Nana DeYoung, 96, Ames. Passed away at the Boone Eastern Star Home.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 5156-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......   


Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Death of a Great BHS Grad

     Perhaps you missed it. In our last edition, the last death mentioned in our Boone Connected Deaths segment was that of James Van Ness, 90, Evanston, IL. BHS-44. The Kornerman's classmate Richard Longworth, BHS-53, a Chicagoan, who noticed the Van Ness obituary in a windy city newspaper, was kind enough to send the info to us but it barely made our deadline. We were able to post just the name at the last minute.
     By the way, let me chortle just a minute about how many more entries we provide in that section of our publication than any of our "regular, local," media do. Okay, I know, its an outright brag.  The Kornerman thinks its an important service because of the fact so many of our viewers are out of the area, spread out all over the country as a matter of fact. We hear quite often from those viewers that the Korner makes them first and, perhaps, only aware of that sad news pertaining to old friends, classmates, even relatives on occasion.
     James Van Ness became a member of the faculty at Northwestern University in 1952 and spent his entire career there, from 1962-65 as the director of the school's computing center and from 1969-72 as chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
     Van Ness made major contributions to the area of large scale-networks, including early computer systems and the power grid. His work was a driver in bringing high-performance computers to Northwestern in the 1970's, a time when computers were so massive they required their own buildings. He won numerous honors for his development of computer algorithms used in the design and operation of electrical power systems and his contributions to research and education in computer analysis of power systems.
     Boone's Stan Redeker, a BHS classmate of Van Ness, wrote, "he was truly outstanding in his field and is someone Boone can be very proud of." Absolutely! The Kornerman loves it when we have an opportunity to showcase outstanding Boone citizens or former citizens who have excelled.
     Editor's Note: The father of James Van Ness became a BHS Principal in 1929 and eventually served our community as Superintendent of Schools. Then too, I and many other members of BHS classes of the early 50's recall Mrs. Van Ness (was it Jean?). She served several years as a secretary to the principal, Peter Solar, and others before and after.
     We had some response to our Wednesday edition "visit" to Miles-Lee Park
     Bill Wallace, BHS-70, wrote, "I grew up in the house across the street to the south of that park on the southwest corner of West Fifth and Franklin Streets. When I was a kid,  there were two rental dwellings where the park now sits. The landlord/owner of those two houses had the last name of Lee. I don't know if there is a connection there to Miles-Lee, but it sure seems like a strong possibility."
     Dick Longworth and Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, were both intrigued by the mention of Bastogne in that park story.
     Longworth wrote, "you're right, Bastogne is the Belgian town in the Ardennes Forest that became famous for the American general who said, "Nuts!" in the last great German counter-offensive of World War II. The Nazi Army broke through in the Ardennes and created a huge bulge in American lines, which is why it was called the Battle of the Bulge. American troops were quickly trapped around Bastogne. It was late December and terrible weather prevented American reinforcements from reaching Bastogne or getting supplies in. The Germans sent an emissary demanding American surrender, to which the American commander, General Anthony McAuliffe, replied, "Nuts." The next day, the weather broke, reinforcements arrived and the Germans were pushed back. There are several memorials to this in Bastogne, plus the Bastogne War Museum, which is known locally as the Nuts Museum."
     Tompkins wrote, "yes indeed, General McAuliffe replied, "Nuts" to the German's surrender demand. Back in May, I bicycled about 20 miles from Witiz, Luxembourg to Bastogne and stayed several nights. There, on the town square, is the Nuts bar along with a Sherman tank and a bust of General McAuliffe. Even to this day, the folks of Bastogne treat Americans with friendship and respect because we liberated them from the ruthless Nazis....twice.....once, a few weeks before the Battle of the Bulge, and then we preserved that freedom when the Battling Bastards of Bastogne (our troops) held out under the German siege until Patton's eventual breakthrough. By the way, on three days in a row, Belgians bought me a beer at the Nuts bar."
     P.S. Boone's Squeak Lingren had a brother, Earl, and the Kornerman had an uncle, George Morris, who were among many other local participants in the Battle of the Bulge. Those Boone countians who were killed in that battle are listed on the monument at Miles-Lee park.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Muriel Parks, 95, Boone. BHS-39. She was a nurse, including working as  a surgical nurse at Boone County Hospital. She also helped her late husband, Dr. Marion Parks, in his optometry practice here. Boone area survivors include two daughters, Susie Keraus and Barbi Davis, and a sister, Charlotte Feddersen all of Boone..........Steven Steward, 52, Ames. Boone area survivor is a sister, Joy Hall of Boone..........Howard Jagerson, 91, Des Moines. Born in Madrid.........Richard Calonkey Sr., 70, Woodward. Boone area survivors include his wife, Billie Jean, a daughter, Connie Ingram, and a son, Richard, all of Woodward and a brother, Henry, of Scranton, formerly of Boone...........Gina Christians, 58 Boone..........Christy Abbott, 63, Ogden. Formerly of Boone..........Helen Carpenter, 82, Boone..........Carlos Chavez, 96, Boone. Moved to Boone in the early 80's. Was active in the VFW Post #817. Delivered flowers for Northwest Greenhouse. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Linda Wirth, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner Headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Look at a Boone Park

     All Booneites know about our great park system and we are proud of all those parks but, perhaps, we don't talk about them enough. Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, has lit the fuse and so we're going to write about one of them that may not be as well known.
     Mark wrote, "anyone know how long this monument has been in Boone? And, how did it get there? After visiting Malmedy two years ago and Bastogne earlier this year I'm curious."
     Mark is referring to the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Marker in Miles-Lee Park, which is located at Fifth and Franklin streets in West Boone.
     The Kornerman is ashamed to acknowledge there are some of Mark's queries that I can't answer but there is additional information we can provide via an instant bit of research.
     Text on the beautiful marker reads: "Battle of the Bulge, December 1944-February 1945. This memorial is dedicated to the Boone County men and women who faithfully served their country during this famous battle of WW II. Over 76,890 American soldiers were killed or wounded."
     The polished marble marker has images representing transportation, infantry, liaison, armor, nurse, and artillery engraved in the middle. A map of the area where the battle took place is etched at the top.
     Miles-Lee Park is a neighborhood park that also contains a picnic shelter, playground and small ball field.
     Now, here's where the Kornerman "dropped the ball." I'm hoping some viewers will "fill in the blanks." I don't know how long this park has been in existence and am unaware of the date of the marker's installation. As a BNR photographer I recall it, but I can't pinpoint it. I know I should know about the Lee connection also but I'm drawing a blank there too.
     In answer to Mark's question about, "how did it get there," I can provide some of that info. The marker certainly would not be there if it weren't for the tenacious determination of the late Lawrence Miles, BHS-44. Lawrence and his late wife, Letti, (a great singer by the way) were a well known Boone couple with two surviving sons, Eric, BHS-68, and Kevin, BHS-72, and a surviving daughter, Krisha, BHS-71.
     If I recall correctly, Lawrence Miles was the leader in fighting hard to "get" this marker established and he did lots of the footwork required, raising the funds needed etc. to complete that goal.
     P.S. Mark spoke of Bastogne. Wasn't that the location of a major battle where a U.S. General, when asked by the Germans to give up,..........replied, "nuts," or something to that effect.
     Larry Kelley, BHS-64, had an opportunity to "revisit" the building at 813 Keeler Street recently and that produced "tons" of memories. At one time, that was the location of the KWBG studios that Larry and I and many others, of course, plied our trade in the '60's. Larry wrote, "I went in there and its changed but I can still remember how it was. Your office is still there."
     Larry wondered who the manager of the station was in the early 60's? He pondered, "Milt something but I can't pull up the name." The Kornerman has White on the tip of my tongue.......Milt White? Maybe. Maybe not.
     Larry continued, "I remember an Eggnell (sp) or something like that. Mark Campbell, BHS-67, may come up and do some remembering with me in the building. I sure wish we could do that all over again as it was back then. Such a great time for radio and we had fun. I remember Betty Hicks, BHS-56, went to KRNT theatre and had an interview with Johnny Cash. I remember my mom listening to Dial Your Neighbor every day on one of those little pea green radios in our kitchen. The back end of the building, which was wide open at the time with the teletype running back in the corner, was turned into rooms. The teletype was moved up to a little cubby hole next to the two "on air" studios and that little room is still there."
     The Kornerman says, "oh yes, Dial Your Neighbor. Roger Weber and I put that show together every afternoon. People were invited to call on any subject and quite often, recipes were shared. We eventually had enough recipes to put them in a book. That was in 1960 and I proudly proclaim that we were earlybirds, very early, in what has become, in recent years, a plethora of talk shows from border to border. Roger and I were way ahead of that phenomenon. The Eggnell mentioned was actually Bob Engnell, BHS-55. I think he did some sales work at the station prior to moving to Missouri."
     Bits and Pieces: (1) Nice to see people you haven't seen for quite some time..........Tom White at Valley West Mall and Jeanne DeHoet, BHS-51, in front of Crackerbarrel. Yes, I was resting from a busy day of shopping at both locations? (2) John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "I so enjoy Kelley's Korner. I look forward to each issue and am disappointed when there is "no news." You are my connection to Boone. While I have not lived in Boone for 50 years, Boone is my hometown and you keep me connected." Thanks John. (3) The journey is underway. Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, that world class marathon runner, has started his trek from one coast to the other..........the San Francisco City Hall to the New York City City Hall. Monday he began his 44 day, 3100 mile attempt to establish a new Guinness record. He'll be coming through Boone in early October and has invited "locals" to join him for at least a part of his trek. (4) A week from today, the BHS class of 1958 is planning a luncheon, followed by a trip to view the new Boone Freedom Rock located on the Boone County Courthouse lawn. The luncheon will be at the Tic Toc at 12:30 and Loren Frazier hopes all the locals plus come outside members of that class and any other BHS or BSH classes interested will plan to attend for visiting and a look at the Rock. Please let Loren know if you plan to attend the luncheon so he can tell the restaurant how many diners to expect.
     Boone Connected Deaths:Theresa Lowman, 79, Boone. Survivors include a daughter, Kristin Ellinwood, and a daughter-in-law, Julie Lowman...........Charles Mischke, 89, Ames. Worked at ISU until retirement in 1995. Then, he became interested in the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Was a certified conductor, trolley motorman and diesel locamotive engineer here for 15 years..........Susan Price, 59, Ames. Gilbert HS-74. Was an RN graduate of DMACC in Boone..........Dorothy Yates, 92, Des Moines/Boone. Boone area survivor is a son, Jeffrey Yates of Boone..........James Van Ness, 90, Evanston, IL. A professor at Northwestern University. Spent his boyhood in Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Busy Days in Boonetown

     Its been a busy time around Boonetown. The three-day Farm Progress Show brought lots of visitors to town. Now, we're in the final days of the Super National Races and Pufferbilly Days.
     We "locals" are well aware of the rain problems faced by the racers. For the benefit of those viewers from away.........there are 900 cars from all over the U.S. competing and there was so much rain Wednesday, the action had to be halted. To get the schedule back on track, on Thursday, the racing started at 9 a.m. and was continuous until about 6 a.m. Friday morning........21 hours of solid racing......156 different events.
     By the way, in visiting with racers and their families who come to Boone for this event, we find out the reason for this "fascination." First of all, it is the competition. After all, this is the Super Nationals.......a national event and national champions are determined in several classes. But then too, we are told over and over its the track, itself, that draws the entrants. Regardless of where they come from, the competitors we've talked to say, "its the absolute best track we have an opportunity to run on all year." The event concludes Saturday night unless additional rain on Friday prolongs the schedule.
     The three mentioned events bring what seem like more visitors to town than there are long term residents. Various kinds and sizes of camp-type vehicles appear parked in many areas of the community. Rooms are extremely hard to come by in the entire Central Iowa area.. Regular attendees attempt to register for rooms a year ahead of time. Unfortunately, we've heard that area accomodations do reach sky-high levels during this time.........$190 to $220 per night in some areas.
     Pufferbilly will wrap up its 40th season on Sunday and it still seems to draw former residents back to their home town. The Kornerman saw Al Dannatt, BHS-66, this morning, heard that Dick Musser, BHS-64, and some classmates were back in town and both Tom Peterson, BHS-67, and Roger Dutton, BHS-63, made visits to the Worldwide Headquarters Friday.
     Speaking of visiting, Jon Welin, BHS-70, wrote, "I've been in Long Island for vacation and am just getting around to reading the Korners I have missed. I saw your question about my uncle, Jacques (Jock) Welin. He is well and living in Houston where one of his daughters resides. He did spend many years in Dallas after retiring, having lived in Oklahoma, Colorado,Venezuela, Beirut, Norway and Jakarta during his working years. He's the same old Jacques and I'm sure he would love to hear from anyone in Boone. Keep writing Mo! Don't know what all of us (transplants) would do without you my friend."
     Loren Frazier, BHS-58, learned about Boone's new Freedom Rock and decided to invite classmates to "come home" September 21 for a visit, including a luncheon together and a trip to view the Rock. Loren assumes local classmates will be interested but also hopes that others from out of town will be enticed to return for the day.
     The plan is to meet at the Tic Toc for lunch at 12:30 followed by the trip to view the Rock.
     If possible, Loren would like to hear from those planning to attend so he can give the restaurant an estimate of possible attendance.
     There may be some from other school classes that would be interested in attending as well and Loren says, "anyone from any class that's interested is welcome."
     By the way, you can learn more about the Rock...........
     A good thought. A good deed.
     Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, wrote, "I just did it again and it is too good not to be shared. This is the sixth time I've seen a four or five year old with his or her parents. I go over and ask if I can interrupt for a moment. When the parents say, "yes," I tell the child, "Santa is a friend of mine. He told me to give you this" and I give the child a dollar, adding....."Santa told me to tell you its time to start being good." Serendipity and unexpectedly, the parents bought my dinner tonight. Good things do happen to those who do good."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS:  Muriel Parks, 95, Boone.........Patricia Weichert, 70, Boone. BSH-65. Was a beautician and later worked at ISU. Boone area survivors include her husband, Jerry Godwin, brother Joe Gibbs, and sisters, Kathleen Alevantis and Francine Gibbs all of Boone..........Frank Carlsen, 83, Ames. Married Barbara McCall at the Baptist Church in Boone. Worked at the Department of Energy, Ames Lab, from 1962-91.........Teresia Reinsch, 82, Coralville, formerly of Boone. Grew up in northern Boone County. Stanhope HS-51. Was a nurse at the VA hospital in Iowa City and then worked at the Coralville Library. Boone area survivor is a sister, Clara Crook of Boone.........DeLoris Lundvall, 86, Story City/Boxholm. Grew up in Stratford. Stratford HS-47. Worked at Stratford Feed and Grain for 20 years. She and her husband, Paul Lundvall, farmed in Grant Township. Boone area survivor is a sister, Judy Ellsberry, of Boone...........Jerry (Buddy) Payton, 68, Omaha/Perry/Lake Panorama. Boone area survivors include a brother, Steve Payton, and a niece, Nicole Arringdale, both of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To submit your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

More Anniversaries

     The Kornerman mentioned in the last edition that the Trinity Lutheran Church will be having a 150th anniversary celebration in early October. Via Roger and Lou Oxenford, both BHS-45, we learned that there are other such celebrations also in view.
     They wrote, "we're happy for Trinity Lutheran and we, at First Baptist Church, will also be celebrating 150 years in the near future. And  then, there's another anniversary coming. Roger and I will be celebrating our 70th wedding anniversary on October 1. Our celebration will take place at the First Methodist Church on Friday, September 30, from 7 to 9 p.m.. Its being held at the Methodist church because our Baptist church will be busy on October 1, and the fact we were married at the Methodist church because our old church had burned down."
     This all reminds the old Kornerman that wife Jo and I have an anniversary coming, our 31st in early October.
     With our local newspaper situation, maybe the Korner will have to become "THE" place for social news. The Kornerman has participated in just about every type of newspaper and radio situation available except, I never thought I'd ever become a Society Editor.
     A nice honor for Boone's Angie Carswell who was a 2016 Innovation and Excellence Award Winner at Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames. Each year, employees are nominated for these awards in the areas of leadership, nursing and service.
     Angie is a Registered Nurse, in birthways, and was honored with a Nursing Practice Award. She's worked at Mary Greeley for 19 years. Her husband is John Carswell.
     Congratulations Angie!
     This item belongs in the category of "we've got very little else to report today."
     Have you sharp-eyed individuals noticed that for years....I mean years, the Des Moines Register right up on top, front page, always stated, "the newspaper Iowa depends upon.?"
     These days it reads, "the news Iowa depends upon." A subtle but descriptive change.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Frances Smeltzer, 80, Woodward/Madrid Home. Boone area survivors are sons, Dennis and Mick Smeltzer, of Woodward.........Donna Irene Harris, 95, Urbandale. Raised in Boone by parents Howard and Helen Fuger..........Delores "Dode" Gibbons, 87, Madrid/Madrid Home. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Nancy Gibbons, and a son, Michael Gibbons, both of Madrid and grandchildren, Samantha Monk, of Boone and Zack Gibbons of Madrid.......Joan Quam, 56, Johnston. Boone area survivor is a son, John Polizen, Woodward.........Howard John Mark Peterson, 89, Nevada. Boone area survivors are sons, Darrell and David Peterson, both of Boone. Howard was a member of Cornerstone Alliance Church and the American Legion Post #56 both of Boone.........Richard Poore, 74, Story City. Formerly of Boone. Worked in the insurance industry, then at Iowa State and as a driver for NAPA in Ames. His first wife, Evelyn, passed away in 1992 when the Poore family lived and worked in Boone........Larry Coghlan, 78, Boone. BHS-56. Worked at the DOT as a bridge designer and computer programmer, then at the Iowa Department of Health and finally, as a sporting goods salesman in Ames. Boone area survivors include his wife, Beverly, son, David, and daughter, Kim Shadle, all of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Have A Wonderful Holiday Weekend

     With all the busyness (yes, that's a proper word......I looked it up) of this holiday weekend, the Kornerman knows that some viewers may postpone looking at this edition until a later time or will simply take a quick look before a later view. So, we'll limit ourselves, somewhat, and then come back stronger and much more detailed after the holiday.
     With his marathon running, Boone's Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, son of Charles and Clare Kostelnick of Boone, continues to meet challenge after challenge and continues to seek new adventures.
     Next up, an effort to shatter a 35-year old record of running 3100 miles over 44 days from San Francisco to New York City.
     Pete, of course, has a great history that includes a pair of runs in the Boston Marathon, victories in the world's toughest run, the Badwater 135, in both 2015 and 2016, and a successful 423 mile run across Iowa in seven days.
     The run from Frisco to NYC begins in San Fran September 12 and the route includes a pass through his old hometown, Boone, Iowa, and his alma mater, ISU/Ames. That will be in early October.
     He's inviting people to join him on his journey, even part-time.
     Here's a web site to obtain more info......... and, the Korner will provide more information in the upcoming editions.
     Something else the Korner will be following in more detail later is the 150th anniversary of Boone's Trinity Lutheran Church. There will be lots of celebration activities in early October.
     In the meantime, this month, September, Boone's Janeann Stout, a retired Iowa State University Design Professor, currently has six of her new paintings on display at the Ericson Library. Three paintings in the 2016 series features the Az. Cane Cholla Cactus from her winter travel and three are from the oak prairie outside of her rural Boone studio. Stop in and take a look.
     Bill Wallace, BHS-70, provides us with a bit of sad news. He wrote, "sorry to report the passing of longtime BHS math teacher, Duane Friedrich. Duane passed away earlier this week in Texas and his memorial service was Friday. "Fred" was a great math teacher, avid competitive bridge player, and a lifelong baseball fan.....he loved the L.A. Dodgers."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Esther Sandhorst, Urbandale, 103. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Marcene Steinick of Madrid.........Rachel Harris, 79, Boone. Managed the former Hallmark store in Boone until her retirement. Boone area survivors include her husband, Jimmie, sons, Dick, Rick and Nick, and daughter, Tracy Jackson, all of Boone.........Maxine Long, 88, Ames. Boone area survivor is a sister-in-law, Joan Mattingly, of Boone........Dean Spurgeon, 88, Ames, Passed away at the Boone County Hospital.......Richard D. Williams, 77, Boone. Boone area survivor is a sister, Joyce Mitchell, of Boone.........Mark Knudtson, 54, Dayton. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Brandy Little, of Boone..........Evelyn Randall, 91, Ogden. Born in Ogden. Worked at DeWitt Implement in Ogden for 33 years.........Merlin Paulson, 89, Ogden. OHS-45. Farmed with his wife, Audre, southwest of Ogden. Boone area survivors include his wife, Audre, daughter, Peg Soderstrum of Boone and his sister, Mary Janice Ott of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........