Saturday, July 23, 2016

Indian Guides, Ki-Hi-Kapper

     In the last edition, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, recalled the experience, as a young lad, of fishing at Morrow's pond south of Boone during the annual kids fishing derby.
     The Kornerman never engaged in that activity but it reminded me of participating with son, Chris, in the Boone YMCA's Indian Guides program. This group of dads and their kids got together every so often for various projects and even some campouts on occasion.
     I believe I was known as Big Wind or was it Big Mountain? Chris may have been Little Hill, I can't really remember. What I do remember is an overnight stay at the YMCA camp north of town and an overnight at Spring Lake or some such venue.
     We had our tent pitched and, after various outdoor activities, turned in for the night. Wouldn't you know, a huge thunderstorm developed and when we started feeling water running through the floor of our tent, we decided it was time to finish the night in the car.
     While I'm at it, another memory evolved.........regarding food......wouldn't you know?
     A proud BHS graduate of 1953, I'm quite sure I attended the very first Ki-Hi-Kapper sponsored by the Boone noon Kiwanis. I think it was in either my junior or senior year.
     Later, the Kornerman became a Boone noon Kiwanis member which, of course, required that we all shared some work pertaining to the Kapper. There were numerous job opportunities provided, from selling radio ads to merchants for raising money for the event to ushering, preparing and serving food, etc. or that dreaded cleanup.
     Surprisingly, one of the most sought after jobs occurred in the middle of the night and I was always a volunteer. It was then that member Gary Creasman, a co-owner of Randy's Meats in Boone, much to the delight of the workers, provided those huge and delicious shrimp. They were wonderful.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Wilma McManus, 102, Adel. Born in Boone, July 20, 1914. Parents were Clarence and Ethel Todd Capps...........Roger John Wilson, 84, Madrid Home. Worked in the dairy industry, including ownership of a Dairy Queen in Polk City. Boone area survivor is a son, Stuart Wilson, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

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