Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Day Off

     The trouble with retirement NEVER get a day off!!!

     The heck with that.......the Kornerman is taking today off.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Who Did and Who Didn't?

     A little confusion here over the famed hymn, "Precious Lord, Take My Hand."
     Good friends Lou McVicker Oxenford and Roger Oxenford, both BHS-45, related the beautiful background story that led to the writing of that song. In doing so, they indicated that the famed 30's, 40's, 50's trombonist and band leader, Tommy Dorsey, was the author of that hymn and also "Peace in the Valley."
     Carol Cunningham replied with this, "I questioned Snopes on this. They were written by Thomas A. Dorsey, an African American born in 1899. Tommy Dorsey, the bandleader, was born in 1905. Snopes said there's been much confusion over this. Still, its a beautiful and inspirational song."
     This conversation led to further researching by your editor. Yes, according to Google, it was Thomas A. Dorsey who wrote the two songs. "Peace in the Valley" was written in 1937, especially for the great Mahalia Jackson.
     "Precious Lord" was written by T.A. Dorsey in a time of grief, the birth of a son but the death of his wife. Lost in grief, it was said that he sat down at the piano and "something happened." "The Lord gave me the words and melody and healed my spirit."
     Its an interesting story that you can read in detail via Google and Thomas A. Dorsey.
    The Kornerman has reported on this before.........and happy to do so. Has another year passed already?
     Same event. Same result and continued success for Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, the son of Boone's Charles and Clare Kostelnick.
     This guy, Pete, is not satisfied with simply tackling the traditional cross country or regular track and field events. No, he favors fighting the famed Badwater 135 event, termed, "the world's toughest foot race."
     I can't imagine but here's the format. Its a 135 mile run from extreme heat and a low elevation of 85m below sea level at Death Valley at the start to just the opposite enroute to the finish at Mt. Whitney, CA. The latter part of the journey covers three mountain ranges with 4450m of cumulative vertical ascent to 1859m of cumulative descent. These extremes tell why they call this event the "most demanding and extreme running race offered anywhere on this planet."
     Pete, 28, who resides in Lincoln, NE., was one of 97 starters and was the victor, regardless of age, in 21:56.32. He has been a winner of the event previously and, in fact, held the course record of 23:27.10 for age group, 20-29. Of all the age groups, and there are seven in total, only one runner had earned a better course record time than Pete. A 43 year old Brazilian ran 22:51.29 in his age group.
     Our recent mention of the "ole fishin' hole" garnered some memories from John Kueck, BHS-61. John wrote, "to me, it was always "Bullhead Pond."" My dad took me fishing at a young age to the Des Moines River where I never caught anything. He also took me to the "kids fishing day" at the Bullhead Pond."
     He went on, "I'm sure there were hundreds of kids there since the pond's banks were packed with kids and their dads. You had to use a cane pole. That was a safety measure to avoid hooking kids with errant casts. I believe there was also a restriction on the hook size and type. Even so, there were always a few individuals that got hooked, since everyone was so close together."
     "The contests were lots of fun, but it was a "line in" and "line out" when each event was started and ended. Therefore, the actual fishing time was short and often, I didn't catch many fish. Whatever I caught, I had to bring home, no matter how small. The limited fishing time did have the advantage of leaving fish for another day. Also, I'm sure many did not take their fish home as I did. I wonder if they restocked the pond as the summer progressed since there always seemed to be fish to be caught."
     "For a couple weeks each summer the pond was a daily attraction once I was old enough to ride my bike to the pond. My buddies and I would take our poles (the rod and reel type) and go fish. Most days we were successful in catching several fish. I would bring them home for my mom to cook. I became quite proficient at skinning and gutting the bullheads (not an easy task) and holding them safely so their spines would  not sting me. The enclosed pictures prove this was no fish story."
     Yup! There they are. John did send some photos of his "catches."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Alice Henderson, 86, Boone. Formerly of Waukee. Moved to the Eastern Star Home in Boone in 2012. Boone area survivors include her daughters, Linda Latimer and Candy Henderson of Boone..........OraLee Eltha Grabau, 105, Marion IA. Born in Boone County. Parents were Anna May Olson and Morris Kite Noland. Woodward HS-29. Was a teacher for 42 years in rural Iowa and Linn Mar, Marion elementary.........Cynthia Burgar, 70, Boone. Moved with her husband, David, to central Iowa in 1995. Was an operator for AT&T and a housewife. Volunteered at the tourist information caboose on South Story Street...........Fred Kokemiller, 78, Madrid/Eastern Star...........Evelyn Rosella Deal, 98, Ames. Formerly of Boone. At age 2, her father passed away and her mother moved she and Evelyn to Boone. At age 7, they moved on to Ames.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Indian Guides, Ki-Hi-Kapper

     In the last edition, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, recalled the experience, as a young lad, of fishing at Morrow's pond south of Boone during the annual kids fishing derby.
     The Kornerman never engaged in that activity but it reminded me of participating with son, Chris, in the Boone YMCA's Indian Guides program. This group of dads and their kids got together every so often for various projects and even some campouts on occasion.
     I believe I was known as Big Wind or was it Big Mountain? Chris may have been Little Hill, I can't really remember. What I do remember is an overnight stay at the YMCA camp north of town and an overnight at Spring Lake or some such venue.
     We had our tent pitched and, after various outdoor activities, turned in for the night. Wouldn't you know, a huge thunderstorm developed and when we started feeling water running through the floor of our tent, we decided it was time to finish the night in the car.
     While I'm at it, another memory evolved.........regarding food......wouldn't you know?
     A proud BHS graduate of 1953, I'm quite sure I attended the very first Ki-Hi-Kapper sponsored by the Boone noon Kiwanis. I think it was in either my junior or senior year.
     Later, the Kornerman became a Boone noon Kiwanis member which, of course, required that we all shared some work pertaining to the Kapper. There were numerous job opportunities provided, from selling radio ads to merchants for raising money for the event to ushering, preparing and serving food, etc. or that dreaded cleanup.
     Surprisingly, one of the most sought after jobs occurred in the middle of the night and I was always a volunteer. It was then that member Gary Creasman, a co-owner of Randy's Meats in Boone, much to the delight of the workers, provided those huge and delicious shrimp. They were wonderful.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Wilma McManus, 102, Adel. Born in Boone, July 20, 1914. Parents were Clarence and Ethel Todd Capps...........Roger John Wilson, 84, Madrid Home. Worked in the dairy industry, including ownership of a Dairy Queen in Polk City. Boone area survivor is a son, Stuart Wilson, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Ole Fishin' Hole

     Here's a good memory. Remember, as a kid, fishing at Morrow's pond south of town?
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, recalls, "isn't it strange how a childhood memory pops up after all these years? I read that every day the average person experiences 60,000 random thoughts, so all things are possible. I've been thinking about one of my favorite memories and I think it might have been sponsored by the Boone Jaycees. Every year, there was a fishing derby for kids at Morrow's pond, slightly south of Highway 30 on Airport Road. I eagerly looked forward to this from age 8-12, 1954-58. At the time, it seemed as though 3 or 4,000 kids participated but that was through a little kid's eye. In reality, there were probably more like 30 or 40. The pond was filled with bullheads and winners won prizes based on different categories. I doubt they still have that derby and wonder when it was stopped. Simpler times I guess. Today, I fear too many kids would be involved with Pokeman to take part in such an event.
    Your fearless editor says, "thanks Mike for that good memory. In the Korner, we're just missing so many good memories of the past. We all have some and we'd like for more of our viewers to share them. Here we are, twice a week, providing the forum. We give you the space. No charge. What else can you get these days for no fee?
     Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, has some thoughts on the Tic Toc, past and present.
     Davi wrote, "I want to talk about the "new" Tic Toc because it is simply delightful. You know us vintage Boonies were raised calling the original place, "Rudy's," because  our folks referred to it as such. Who amongst us does not remember pulling up to the little window in the alley off Eighth Street to pick up the best pizza ever? And, I remember, it was so exciting when the Tic Toc moved down the street and took over what had been Redeker's? Rudy Fraulini ran an excellent place but after he was gone, everything changed. It was just never the same. But, I am here to tell you, there is hope. The new interior is lovely, the service is superb and the wine is fantastic. I ordered a Margherita pizza, but not before inquiring as to the mozzarella. I nearly swooned when told it was, indeed, Buffalo mozzarella! Yes, indeed! The Italians have domesticated water buffalo and they use that milk to make the best mozzarella. To add icing to the cake, they even offer "Burrata cheese"! I thought I had died and gone to Tuscany. I met the owner, Victor Martinez, and it was fun exchanging a bit of conversation in Italian. He is just a lovely man who exudes hospitality. The lunch menu included antipasta, sandwiches, pasta, salad and pizza. The pizza was excellent and quite similar to my Tuscan favorite. And, it was large enough to provide two more meals at home. This is a wonderful place for Boonies. I sure hope lots of people go there and take their friends and tell others about it. It is exactly the type of restaurant, full service, Boone needs. And, I hope they don't complain about the prices which, I think, are quite appropriate. Rudy would be proud."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Dean Harsh, 80, Adel. Boone area survivor is a sister, Janice Sloan, of Madrid.........Arlene Kiddie Hendrixson, 73, Perry. Formerly of Boone. In Boone, worked at the Boone County Hospital and Gates Rubber Company. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Carlene Aspengren, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Boone Connected Deaths

     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Nancy Jean Passmore, 62, Sheldahl. Boone area survivor is her mother, LaNida Severidt, of Madrid............Jack Bass, 88, Boone. BHS-45. Worked briefly for the railroad, then, the remainder of his career, with the Iowa Electric Light and Power plant. Jack was one of those who got the Boone Little League program started in the 1950's. Boone area survivors include daughters Joan Faust and Janine Bennett of Boone, son Chad Bass of Boone and his sister, Betty Pepper of Ames..........Todd Gibler, 49, Ames............Wesley Hasley, 43, Boone. Truck Driver. Boone area survivors include his wife, Melanie, and sons, Brennan, Jordan and Ryan Hammer, all of Boone.
     Latest local happenings: (1) Boone High School girls softball teams earns a berth in the Iowa State Tournament. (2) Luke Nelson resigns as city administrator. (3) The Spinning Wheels roller rink in Ogden, which has had an on/off history in recent times, has been sold, will be renovated and open on a more regular basis in the future.
     Humor! Yes, we need it........
     Max Moore, BHS-46, and Barry Wills, BHS-58, have provided some.
     Max gives us some signage.......In front of an optometrist's office, "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place." At a plumber's office, "We repair what your husband  has "fixed."" At an electrician's, "Let us remove your shorts." and at a radiator shop, "Best place in town to take a leak."
     I believe Barry provides some of Maxine's wisdom. She says, "I never use my turn signals, its nobody's business where I'm going." "I try to avoid things that make me fat, like scales, mirrors and photographs." "I always provide two dinner choices, take it or leave it." "Instead of cleaning the house, I just turn the lights off."
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support...........


Saturday, July 9, 2016

No News is Good News.........Right?

     Well, the Korner has had a long history. In review, the Kornerman was shocked to discover that the Korner actually appeared for the first time in the Boone News Republican in the winter of 1962.............over 50 years ago.
      This online Korner was started March 6, 2010.
      We've dispensed lots of news in that time and, hopefully, most of it has been "good news."

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hello Again

     "Hello, again, hello. Just called to say hello." Yes, we're back and those words are from a Neil Diamond song that was sung beautifully by Jennifer Nettles of the Sugarland group at the Lincoln Center Honors of 2014. You can hear it on YouTube if you desire.
     As long as we're on music, lets talk about the Boone City Municipal Band July 4th concert at the Herman Park pavilion. It was all patriotic music, of course, and if you locals didn't attend, you were the only ones missing. What an overflow crowd.......every cranny inside the pavilion
was taken and there were overflows to the outside. The brat was good (with sauerkraut of course) and the pie and ice cream delicious.......and the weather, about as good as you could ask for on a July 4th.
     Next up, the 25th annual Band Festival featuring several Iowa bands in a day-long performance on Saturday with the Boone Municipal band concluding the menu with a 7 p.m. performance.
     Speaking of future happenings, we're looking ahead to the 116th annual Iowa By the Sea Picnic which will be held the weekend of August 12-13. The info we received never mentioned a date or the site but it did say it was 39 days ahead and the limited info was dispensed on July 4.
    Mention of  a picnic on the Battleship Iowa's bow area on the pier gives us a bit of a clue as to the site.
     Reservations and payment are due before August 1st.
     With that limited basic info, I guess the best thing we can do is mention a web site that promises
     Thanks to Kathy Wheelock for the nice July 4th e-card.
     Two things the Kornerman wanted to mention that the "outside" viewers may find interesting. (1) The old ice skating rink you and I remember in McHose Park has finally been released to the 'rinks in the sky.' It was explained that, "due to the way the water runs through it and the amount of silt, the pond would not freeze over enough to safely allow ice skating to take place."
     Planning for a new outdoor rink is well underway. It will be held a short distance up the hill, west, from the old rink in the Gutteridge Park area.
(2) Bob Fisher has officially retired as the Executive Director of the Boone County Economic Growth Corporation after 22 years of valiant service. The corporation was formerly called Boone's Future.
     It can be verified that almost anything good that has happened in this community in the past 22 years, has, at least, some of Bob's fingerprints on it. He and his dedicated service will surely be missed.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Luis Luloff, 89, Des Moines. Born in Boone. Parents were Lewis and Edith Robertson Mosher. Boone area survivor is a sister, Gwen Platter, of Boone.........Sara Deuel, 90, Boone..........Winston Murphy, 72, Boone.........Bonnie Walker, 81, Boone. Homemaker. Boone area survivors include sons, Kurt, Brian and Lance Walker, all of Boone............Norma Weaver, 72, Boone. Moved to Boone in 1971. Operated a day care for several years. Boone area survivors include a son, Doug, and daughters, Kimberly and Kristine, all of Boone..........Angie Bryant Brown, 48, West Melbourne, FL. Daughter of Gary and Barb Fetzer, BHS-60, Bryant of Palm Bay, FL.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. We don't answer if we don't recognize the number. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Saturday, July 2, 2016

No Interest, No Korner

     Is it the weather? Is it the holiday? Is it G.W.'s fault?
     For whatever reason, the Korner is a dead duck now, maybe forever. We'll see.