Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What An Accomplishment!!

     The Kornerman has known of previous running accomplishments of Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, but the son of Boone residents, Charles and Clare Kostelnick, has taken this activity to an entirely higher (much higher) level.
     The 27-year old graduate of Iowa State University and now, a resident of Lincoln, NE., recently became a national and even international star via an overwhelming victory in what is termed, "the World's Toughest Foot Race."
     That race, the 2015 Bad Water 135 Ultra Marathon, is 135 miles long and listen to what makes it "the toughest." The runners begin in Death Valley, CA., at the lowest elevation in North America, 282 feet below sea level, and finish up at the highest point in the contiguous United States, 8,300 feet, near Mount Whitney. From scorching temperatures to elevated terrain.
      This year, there were entrants from 22 states and 24 countries. Pete ran the course in 23 hours, 27 minutes and 10 seconds and blew away the competition. The second place finisher, Oswaldo Lopez of Mexico, was two hours behind.
     This is the 38th year the race has been held.
     Anyone care to take a walk around the block today?
     The Boone High School/Sacred Heart classes of 1965 held their 50th reunion last weekend and Larry Kelley, BHS-64, sent us a report. He wrote, "Great turnout! We were at Toby K's Friday night, toured the new high school building Saturday morning and had dinner at Seven Oaks Saturday night. Sadly, the class has lost over 40 members through the years. Saturday night was topped off with a Grid, like we did 50 years ago at the old Boone YMCA. Another highlight was a visit from Barry Wills, BHS-58, who I considered to be the "bouncer" at the Y when we all went there on Friday nights. I invited Barry and his wife, Judi, to the re-creation of Grid for the class. He announced a Lady's Choice dance and later, announced the last song that was played at the Y  on those nights, the Chordette's "A Teenage Goodnight," just as he did back then. His wife told me he was so excited to be invited to the reunion and as he put it to me in an email, he couldn't wait to "see the kids again." A neat story that I told that night was that many, many years ago, I was shopping in Des Moines. While walking down an aisle, this couple was passing us going the other direction. I looked at the man and when he got to the other end of the store, I told my wife, "I think that was Barry Wills." I hadn't seen Barry since I was in high school. "I'm going back to find them and ask if he is Barry Wills," I told her. I started walking back. About halfway in the middle of the store, this guy is walking toward me again. It turned out he was thinking, "I think that was Larry Kelley." We met in the middle of the store and it was just an amazing moment. Past memories hold such a special place in my heart and means so much to me that I had to relate that story to the class reunion folks. Everybody seemed to have a great time and everyone was so friendly. I even got to see Bob Carlson, BHS-65, again. Bob played bass guitar for the Tel-Stars band that I and Steve Stock, BHS-65, started while we were in high school and afterward. Barry said to say, "Hi," to you before he and Judi left that night."
     Bits and Pieces: (1) Congratulations to our 2015 Toreador baseball team. They won a game in their class in State Baseball Tournament play and finished among the top four teams in the state. (2) A television baseball announcer made this comment the other day and I certainly hadn't heard it for many, many years. Maybe you remember. He said, "No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks." (3) The Kornerman saw Laverne Anderson, BHS-54, recently. He said he was going to call me to provide some information on how he had a hand in producing Boyd's Dairy's famous Bubble Gum ice cream. LaVerne, of course, was one of many Boone young (back  then) people that worked at Boyd's locations. (4) That Iowa By the Sea Picnic in California is this weekend. (5) The Kornerman knows that the classes of 1950 will meet Sept. 19 and the classes of 1952 have scheduled their reunion for Oct. 2-4. By the way, the Pufferbilly weekend this year is Sept. 10-13. (6) Vern Modeland, BHS-50, pointed out that a great writer/Native-American activist, Vine Deloria Jr., received a bachelor of science degree from Iowa State University in 1958 and that same year, married Barbara Jeanne Nystrom. Of course there are Nystrom's in and around Boone and Vern was wondering if the mentioned Barbara would have a Boone background?
     Boone Connected Deaths: Ken Shuey, BHS-56, reported the death of Bob Harder, BHS-56, and Mary Casserly Mowrer, BHS-56, reported the passing of her sister, Coleen Casserly Donovan, BHS-52. Coleen passed away in California but had lived many years in the Omaha area and services will be held in Omaha.
     Joe Burke, BSH-47, passed away in June...........John Munson II, 67, Glenwood. BHS-66. Lived in Council Bluffs area. Parents are John Munson Jr. and Charlene Munson. ISU grad. A Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. In addition to his parents, a Boone survivor is a sister, Chris Winter..........Michael Jacobi, 61, Des Moines. Son of former Boone residents, Dean Jacobi, BHS-53, and the late Denise Overbeck Jacobi, BHS-55...........Warren Mount, 100, Grand Junction. Boone survivor is a brother, Dale Mount..........Raymond Sundberg, 84, Madrid. Born in Madrid. MHS-grad. Social worker for the State of Iowa. Boone area survivor is a brother, Ronald Sundberg of Madrid.........James Van Dyke, Ames, 67. Boone survivor is a brother, Doug Van Dyke.........Rose Arey, 85, Stratford. Born in Boone. Her parents were Samuel and Hannah Smiley. Boone survivors include sons, Doug Bennett and Dale Arey.........Gladys John, 95, Boone.........Lettia (Letty) Hull, 84. Tyler, TX. Formerly of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

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