Saturday, April 11, 2015

Is That Shoe Still There?

     It was great to hear from John Humeston, BHS-78, this week. He had a pair of interesting stories from his time working with Marv Elvert and Rusty Eycheson at J.C. Petersen Clothing at 811 Story Street.
     Via phone John said, "this was in the early 80's. It was a time when the city was planting trees in front of stores on Story Street and, as a result, redoing some of the sidewalks. One morning we were watching the workers doing some cement work and Pete Kokanakis came out of Osco Drug across the street. Seeing us, he started coming our way. We kept warning him of the newly laid cement but he kept right on coming and eventually stuck his foot in the cement. His shoe came off and, as far as we know, that shoe was never recovered. It may still be there!!"
     John also recalled how the trio of "onlookers" had a good look at a fire that occurred across the street in the kitchen of a candy store. John recalled, "the fire truck appeared, one of the firemen quickly got his ax out and slammed it thru the front windows, breaking the glass in tiny pieces. A second fireman quickly appeared and..........simply went to the front door and opened it."
     John's story brings to mind some info Karen Anderson supplied, probably about that same candy store, which she said was, indeed, located at 816 Story, next to the Rialto theatre and right across from Petersen's. Karen sent a copy of an ad for "Your Treat Shop," a palace of sweets with delicious candies, nuts, ice cream and do-nuts. Phone 341. The Kornerman has a feeling the ad was from a time much earlier than the candy shop operated by Earl Reed and referred to by John Humeston.
     By the way, Karen wrote, "I am so flattered you have considered me for the position of CEO of Research for the Korner. But, I can't possibly accept. I am sure the lavish income would dramatically effect my income taxes! I am quite content with being a "volunteer." Since retiring, I find it enjoyable to research things. It is a good form of exercise for the brain. The job I had during my working years was a bit of a research type of job. I was not a "real" researcher, nor professional detective but I did have to figure out why things were not as they should be in a large distribution center."
     Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, who, with her husband, Galen, regained her good sense and came back "home" after a lengthy time away wrote, "I love all the coney talk! However, I've never been a fan of them. It's such an American thing, there is no such food in Tuscany."
     Davi had some good news regarding her family members in San Diego, Willy, BHS-53, and Barbara Mondt, OHS, former Boone and Boone area residents. She said, "things are settling down a bit for them. Barb has had her broken shoulder fixed and William's brain is slowly becoming righted. The two of them have had an awful six months healthwise." Barb had suffered from a fall and Willy had been in precarious shape after some type of head episode. Of course, Barb had to respond with, "we Mondt's joke about how one can tell if he's "normal or not? Bless his heart."
     Davi said she and Galen have "noticed a lot of activity in the western addition to the old Percival building on Mamie in east Boone."
     The Kornerman reports that one of our Boone restaurants, "The Depot," formerly the "Gigglin' Goat," has closed. The rumor is that management and ownership weren't on the same page. In that same regard, it has been rumored that, perhaps, that management team was considering a move to the Percival building area. No type of verification at all.......just rumor.
     Classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "regarding Danny Canakes and his Rialto Luncheonette, I don't think there was a name change. Rather, I recall hearing that Danny's first place in Boone was south of the tracks. This was before our time, but I understood it was south of the Citizen's National Bank, about where the old McCaskey's restaurant used to be. But the name indicates it actually was closer to the Rialto Theatre, which dates back to the 20's. Danny, himself, told me that he used to go out in front of the restaurant at noon, stand on the sidewalk and blow a trumpet or bugle to drum up business. It must have worked, because business never stopped coming to Danny's."
     Boone Area Deaths: Oh happy day! Not a thing to report.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.....


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