Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring Break..........I Guess

     Limited response. We'll return Saturday........maybe!    

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Those Unforgettable Two-A-Days

     Tom Burke wrote about those two-a-day football practices and that memory jogged the memory of a couple other former Toreadors.
     Mike Loehrer wrote, "whenever we former Toreadors, 1961-63, get together that subject constantly comes up. As a lineman, our sophomore and junior years, Coach Larry Parr was a taskmaster. He could, sometimes, be brutal. We practiced two blocks west of the high school in a field we referred to as the "weed patch." Whenever coach got mad, he'd yell, "get me some grass". We had to all four it 100 yards, gather up some grass, put it in our mouths and all four it back to him and spit it out at his feet. Hilarious huh! This scenario was a common occurrence. One particular day the temp must have been near 100. Steve Roeder, and I don't know why, but we ate double lunches at school. Two hours later we're on the field and exhausted. The team is running plays. Roeder is the center and, all of a sudden, he throws up on the ball as he was down to snap it to Brett Downey. Then we heard Coach Harris shout, "move it over," as in move the ball to the right a foot or so and continue on. Those were the "good" times. I'll never forget when John Cooper, later the head coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes, did his student teaching from Iowa State at BHS. He coached our senior year under the tutelage of Coach Larry Blaker. On the first day of practice, he addressed us this way, "my name is John Cooper and I want you to do 50 six count burpees and do them right now." We all looked at each other like, "who is this guy"?"
     John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "I remember well those two-a-day football practices. I think we all, equally, suffered from the workouts and could never get hydrated enough. However, not all of us would eat watermelon and go to the Ledges. Some of us religiously went to the A & W and had orange crushes, which we could not drink fast enough, despite the pain in your forehead from the cold drink. On another subject, my wife, Susan, and I went to the Drake Relays for over 10 years consecutively. I ran there when I was in high school and my daughter and I ran the 5K pre-relays race too. We have not been there for several years since we lost our connection to the top seats. Not only are the Relays as good and as exciting as you'll see anywhere, it was typically 10 to 15 degrees warmer in Des Moines than Minneapolis which we always looked forward to. It was usually the first sunburn of the year."
     The Kornerman says, "no such luck, weatherwise, this year. It's very rainy and coolish on this, teh final day of the event."
     Vern Modeland reported in from the "colorful spring-time Ozarks."
     He reminded us of, ".......we did, however, successfully de-hydrate and get into fantastic condition......." Vern's reply was, "Re-hydrate, maybe? Or did you and the team have a collective leak?"
     The old Kornerman hit this one on the head. Maybe you remember I made a prediction last time that Steve Shaler, Tim Croxen, Barry Wills, that 1958-59 contingent, were either in the area or on their way for their annual Drake Relays outing.
     A few hours later, Shaler stopped at the Korner's worldwide headquarters. Wife Jo informed him the Kornerman was at afternoon coffee and a short time later, Steve looked me up at McDonald's. We had a great conversation for a half-hour or so. Always look forward to seeing him.
     By the way, Boonetown boasts a strong BHS girls track team this that could contend for a state team championship next month. Don't have all the results yet but have already noticed that Bailey Schminke placed second in the long jump and the BHS sprint medley relay team won their event in the early stages of the 2015 Drake Relays.
     As you know, the Depot (the old Gigglin' Goat) restaurant sits empty. Several gatherings had booked events for that location in the coming weeks/months and have had to seek out substitute locations. Rumor has it that a plan has been hatched to open the old Percival building in east Boone for hosting such events. If that can be achieved, here is one real fact........some 18 different events have sought residence there in the coming months.
     Boone Area Deaths: Bobbie Lee Rodgers, 84, Boone. Truck driver. Boone area survivors include his daughters, Jenny Stoneburner, Carla Harris and Sarah Rodgers all of Boone...........Steven Harriman, 67, Ames/Gilbert. Navy vet. Postal employee. Boone area survivors include his wife, Sandra of Gilbert, son Phillip of Gilbert and daughter, Pam Overland of Madrid...........Doris Jensen, 65, Boone. OHS-grad. Lived many years in Ogden and then in Boone. Worked for Goodwill and Genesis...............Jim Gates Jr., Boone. BHS-72, employed at Danfoss Power Solutions for 39 years. Boone area survivors include his mother, Betty, sister Sue George and aunt and uncle, Mary and Harold Gildea, all of Boone.........Chris Veeder, 87, Boone. Moved to Boone in 1953. Secretary at Augustana Lutheran church and for United Way. Boone city assessor, 1976-87. Boone area survivors include husband Dan and daughter Corrine "Corky" Anderson both of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Believe it or Not........Still Growing

     It's taken awhile but the Korner is finally "catching on."
     We are beyond five years and still growing, as evidenced by the fact that, just in the last week, the Kornerman has been stopped twice, while roaming the city, by people wanting the Korner's web site address. Our counter shows that we have a solid 400-450 viewers twice each week, last month 3,980 folks joined us and the overall total now stands at 207,367 "watches" since we started in 2010.
     The Kornerman is amazed but thankful that so many of you look forward to what your fellow viewers offer in the way of their stories, memories etc.. Thanks to all of you who take time to provide us with material for this effort.
     Tom Burke, BHS-61, from out in New Jersey wrote, "many BHS football players, I'm sure, have stories and memories surrounding football coach Merle Harris and, in my era, his sidekick, Larry Parr. Now we all know that coach was a firm believer in conditioning. He felt that given equal talent or even slightly superior talent, conditioning would win. My wife brought home some watermelon today from the grocery store and every time she does, I am reminded of BHS football and the dreaded two-a-day practices that came along every August. I think, in my senior year, the 1960 football squad was Merle's third season as head coach. During those hot August days a group of us made an almost daily ritual between the morning and afternoon sessions to re-hydrate by buying a couple of watermelons and driving to the Ledges, sitting in the creek and eating them all until they were gone. I don't recall any of us having anything to eat but the melons or we would get sick and throw up. We did, however, successfully de-hydrate and get into fantastic condition. I think it was the conditioning that made our team one of the more successful teams to that date at BHS. Our only loss was 9-7 to Ames who was ranked #1 in the state. I think the next year Boone did beat Ames in those old glory days of the Central Iowa Conference, which included Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Oskaloosa, Newton and Grinnell. Fond memories indeed."
     Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, wrote from beautiful east Boone, "spring is springing finally and Boone is about to become 150 years old. I am, somewhat, disheartened that the citizens of our fine city are having trouble putting together a celebration. On facebook there is a page called "Boone, Iowa 150th Anniversary Volunteers and Committees." After an original group failed at attempting to produce a one-day event, others are attempting to take up the slack. I hope enough people gather to honor our good old hometown. Also, because we now live in the age of instantaneous everything, Jim Case, BHS-67, and I have created a facebook page entitled, "Boone, Iowa History and Memories." It's a "members only" page so we can control the imput a bit. We want to encourage conversations regarding, not only the history of Boone, but personal stories and memories and photos. With this in mind, may I copy some of your postings?"
     The Kornerman says, "Hmmmm! Those objectives have kind of a familiar ring to them, sort of like the Korner but heck yes, go for it and use any of our stuff you desire."
     Anybody familiar with Ogden native, Greg Suckow? He was featured in a recent State University of Iowa publication.
     Greg is a commercial real estate attorney in Minneapolis but, of course, his REAL job is serving as Hawkeye Elvis. Yes, he dresses up in Elvis-like costumes decorated with sequins, rhinestones etc. and made by his mother, Maggie Suchow, and he attends numerous Hawkeye athletic events at home and on the road urging the Hawkeye teams on. He's been doing this for four years, the voice, the moves, the singing and all. It said that when the Iowa basketball team played at North Carolina, Greg, as Elvis, treated a restaurant group to a rousing dance performance of "Hound Dog." Some 4,000 fans follow him on twitter and that makes him second only to Herky in Hawkeyeland popularity.
     A very big congratulations to Boone's Tom Venner who ran, amidst all of those thousand's, in last weekend's Boston marathon. Tom finished the 26.2-mile event in just under four hours, 3:58 to be exact, and he was listed as number 11,129th best. But hey......that was great.......outstanding. A life's milestone event he will always remember.
     A Kelley's Korner prediction. They are or soon will be in the area.  It's about that time that a Minnesota-Iowa group, headed by Steve Shaler, BHS-59, Tim Croxen, BHS-59, and Barry Wills, BHS-58, converge on the Metro area for the Drake Relays. It's an annual get-together and the Kornerman is betting there are good times ahead for those mentioned and additional companions.
     Boone Area Deaths: Eleanor Redmond, 87, Boone. Moved to Westhaven last year. Her husband, James, also a Westhaven resident, survives...........Doris Jensen, 65, Boone. Will be buried in Ogden's Glenwood Cemetery...........Verna Wikre, 102, Colorado. Former Boxholm resident. Homemaker and also worked at Westeen's Cafe in Boxholm. Her husband, Ted, passed away in  1980. Carson-Stapp Funeral Home of Ogden is handling arrangements..........Paul Dautremont, Boone..........Karl Schaudt, 62, Des Moines. Ballard High-71. Was employed in recent years as a Boone/Story County Mental Health Advocate..........Helen Valvoda, 89, Oelwein. Was a musician, nursing assistant, bookkeeper and legal secretary. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Sherry Hurst, of Boone..........Chris Veeder, 87, Boone. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Corky Anderson of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Two Replies From the BHS Class of '61

     Tom Burke, BHS-61, wrote, "I saw this headline (No Mas!) when I clicked on your blog link this morning. Maybe, like me and my wife, your readers and followers are enjoying the arrival of spring, it's beauty and glory. I know from my end here in the east (New Jersey), that my wife has a long list of things I need to get done in the yard. We even mowed for the first time yesterday. Frankly, I'm getting too old to push that thing around the yard once a week and I say, "nada mas" to that. I am sure once the spring chores settle a bit, that comments will again flow your way. I will try and do my part."
     The Kornerman replies, "ya, O.K., I'll accept that as an excuse. Has some logic to it. Thanks Tom."
     Classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53, informed us of a very interesting piece of work done by a Cody Weber, a native of Keokuk. His project is "Photographing the Forgotten Magic of all 947 towns in Iowa."
     Arielle Pardes, an Assistant Editor of some publication?, interviews Weber and includes many pictures of some of the towns Weber has already visited.......about 60 so far. There's a particular emphasis on "small town Iowa" and some of the towns visited and photographed so far include such communities as Cantril, population 222; Rome 117; Lockridge 268 and others such as What Cheer, Packwood and Croton. The pictures are outstanding and a true measure of the way things used to be in VERY small town Iowa. The Kornerman thought he had a pretty good handle on Iowa towns but Rome? Never had heard of that one.
     This is worth a look........
     You may recall that recently an Anthony Kelley, no known relation, wrote wondering if I had ever visited Kelley's Korner in Perry, which was owned by Anthony's grandparents, Jim and Glaydes Kelley of Ogden. The Kornerman replied I was not aware of that Korner.
     Anthony came back to me with some family history, which includes many descendents of Henry George Grabenhorst and their Boone County background. For example, Henry and his wife, Anna, passed in 1927 in Yell (assume that's township) and are buried in Bluff Creek cemetery in Yell. Mary Grabenhorst was born in Yell, Boone, Iowa and died in Ogden and was also buried in Bluff Creek.
     This background material is quite lengthy but does have many connections to the Boone County area with mentions of Mt. Olivet cemetery in Marcy township as well as Yell and the communities of Boone, Ogden and our Dallas County neighbor, Perry.
     Some of the more recent names mentioned were Terry Kelley, who was born in 1952; Patrick, who was born in 1950 and passed away in 2008 and James, who was born in 1946 and was the father of Anthony and Sarah.
     Perhaps these names or locations will be remembered by some Korner viewers.
     Jerry Manriquez, BSH-57, continues to update his web site with all kinds of interesting info.
     Jerry wrote, "I have added a sports scrapbook that belonged to my brother-in-law, Michael F. Lacey II, BSH-61. Thanks to Mike's wife, Karon Lacey, for sharing with us. Mike was Joanna Lacey Manriquez's youngest brother. He saved the baseball clippings from the 1955, eight to 12 year old, Little League games. There was a comment in one clipping that said this was the first year for Boone Little League. He also saved the 1956 and 1957 Babe Ruth, 13 to 15-year old, games. Mike also collected some Sacred Heart basketball clippings and award programs from 1956, 1958 and 1960 which I added to the Sacred Heart sports tab. Mike Loehrer was on the 1955 team, which was managed by his father, Lawrence Loehrer. Mike said he had years of clippings and team pictures. I hope he can find them so they can be added to the web site."
     After it was all said and done, the Kornerman was thinking about our recent headline, "No Mas!" which, of course, means in Spanish, "No More."  Was wondering if viewers were thinking that was it, the Korner was done. Obviously, our real intention was that the lack of response mean't that the viewers had nothing more to add to the "coney" talk.
     Boone Area Deaths: Pat Selburg-Smith, 73, Des Moines. Boone area relative was her sister, the late Karol Hicks...........Arline Galetich, 86, Madrid. Worked for the State of Iowa. She was the wife of the late Willie Galetich of Madrid. Her brother, John Nardini of Perry, survives..........Bill Overturf, 72, Anita, IA. He married Linda Miers in Boone in 1977............Gary Henrichs, 63, Boxholm. Worked at Oscar Mayer in Perry and farmed. Boone area survivor is his mother, Dorothy Henrichs of Boxholm.
     The Sundall family will be having a "celebration of life" service for Kenny Sundall, April 25, at 1:30 p.m. at Augustana Lutheran Church. Following the service, there will be a get-together of friends and relatives at Cedar Pointe.
     Mike Sundall, BHS-68, informed us and added, "I really enjoy the coney debates!"
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

No Mas!!

     Enough! No Mas! That must be what our Korner viewers are indicating.   

     All those coneys they've been consuming has left Korner viewers in such a euphoric state they haven't had time to communicate the last few, we'll take a pass this time.

     Take a bromo or an alkie and get back on the ball. There can be other subjects you know. We'll hope you're fully recovered and ready to share your thoughts prior to Saturday.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Is That Shoe Still There?

     It was great to hear from John Humeston, BHS-78, this week. He had a pair of interesting stories from his time working with Marv Elvert and Rusty Eycheson at J.C. Petersen Clothing at 811 Story Street.
     Via phone John said, "this was in the early 80's. It was a time when the city was planting trees in front of stores on Story Street and, as a result, redoing some of the sidewalks. One morning we were watching the workers doing some cement work and Pete Kokanakis came out of Osco Drug across the street. Seeing us, he started coming our way. We kept warning him of the newly laid cement but he kept right on coming and eventually stuck his foot in the cement. His shoe came off and, as far as we know, that shoe was never recovered. It may still be there!!"
     John also recalled how the trio of "onlookers" had a good look at a fire that occurred across the street in the kitchen of a candy store. John recalled, "the fire truck appeared, one of the firemen quickly got his ax out and slammed it thru the front windows, breaking the glass in tiny pieces. A second fireman quickly appeared and..........simply went to the front door and opened it."
     John's story brings to mind some info Karen Anderson supplied, probably about that same candy store, which she said was, indeed, located at 816 Story, next to the Rialto theatre and right across from Petersen's. Karen sent a copy of an ad for "Your Treat Shop," a palace of sweets with delicious candies, nuts, ice cream and do-nuts. Phone 341. The Kornerman has a feeling the ad was from a time much earlier than the candy shop operated by Earl Reed and referred to by John Humeston.
     By the way, Karen wrote, "I am so flattered you have considered me for the position of CEO of Research for the Korner. But, I can't possibly accept. I am sure the lavish income would dramatically effect my income taxes! I am quite content with being a "volunteer." Since retiring, I find it enjoyable to research things. It is a good form of exercise for the brain. The job I had during my working years was a bit of a research type of job. I was not a "real" researcher, nor professional detective but I did have to figure out why things were not as they should be in a large distribution center."
     Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, who, with her husband, Galen, regained her good sense and came back "home" after a lengthy time away wrote, "I love all the coney talk! However, I've never been a fan of them. It's such an American thing, there is no such food in Tuscany."
     Davi had some good news regarding her family members in San Diego, Willy, BHS-53, and Barbara Mondt, OHS, former Boone and Boone area residents. She said, "things are settling down a bit for them. Barb has had her broken shoulder fixed and William's brain is slowly becoming righted. The two of them have had an awful six months healthwise." Barb had suffered from a fall and Willy had been in precarious shape after some type of head episode. Of course, Barb had to respond with, "we Mondt's joke about how one can tell if he's "normal or not? Bless his heart."
     Davi said she and Galen have "noticed a lot of activity in the western addition to the old Percival building on Mamie in east Boone."
     The Kornerman reports that one of our Boone restaurants, "The Depot," formerly the "Gigglin' Goat," has closed. The rumor is that management and ownership weren't on the same page. In that same regard, it has been rumored that, perhaps, that management team was considering a move to the Percival building area. No type of verification at all.......just rumor.
     Classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "regarding Danny Canakes and his Rialto Luncheonette, I don't think there was a name change. Rather, I recall hearing that Danny's first place in Boone was south of the tracks. This was before our time, but I understood it was south of the Citizen's National Bank, about where the old McCaskey's restaurant used to be. But the name indicates it actually was closer to the Rialto Theatre, which dates back to the 20's. Danny, himself, told me that he used to go out in front of the restaurant at noon, stand on the sidewalk and blow a trumpet or bugle to drum up business. It must have worked, because business never stopped coming to Danny's."
     Boone Area Deaths: Oh happy day! Not a thing to report.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.....


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Long and Short of It

     We've got some long answers and some short ones this time but they all feature more coney/restaurant/bar-lounge talk. Who would have dreamed that such a topic would become the most prolonged item the Korner has ever covered?
     But, here goes!
     A short one first. Pam Claussen wrote, "my facebook friend, Jan Mallas, from Boone, writes, "the bar on Mamie was George's lounge and owned by George Doroumis (sp)? My mom worked there also! My dad's old friend, Butch Carpenter, now deceased, had the recipe. It included suet and cumin."
     The Kornerman says, "you'll recall that in the last edition we obtained the correct spelling for George's last name right off his tombstone. It is Douroumis."
     And, Curtis Dale Cox Jr. wrote, "I have several stories about Jim's Coney Island on Ninth Street and also about Mrs. Fox popcorn stand, but you have heard so many, it would be, somewhat, repeating. Keep up the great work. I know Booneites from around the world enjoy it."
     Now, into more length and breadth on this important subject.
     Mark Tompkins wrote, "just forwarded two articles on this booming subject. The first shows that there is no one recipe that works everywhere. There are lots of variations so the "world famous" Boone Coney style should be added to the list. A few years ago, in Cincinnati, I had the misfortune of having one of their coneys slathered in the vile sauce which includes cinnamon and maybe arsenic. Well, maybe not the arsenic. Let someone with ample ambition define the Boone Coney recipe and patent it!"
     Mark sent lots of material about coney recipes in various areas. The Kornerman will offer some of the highlights.
     There's a Detroit style, a Flint style, characterized by a dry hot dog topping made with a base of ground beef heart, which is ground to a consistency of fine ground beef. A Jackson style uses a topping of either ground beef or ground beef heart, onions and spices.
     Tis' said that a "real" Coney Island hot dog is a natural-casing beef or beef and pork European-style Vienna Sausage having a natural lamb or sheep casing, topped with a beef heart-based sauce, one or two stripes of yellow mustard and diced or chopped white onions.
     A Coney dog is not to be confused with a chili dog, a more generic ground beef-based, chili-topped hot dog. It is also not to be confused with what is called a "coney" in the Cincinnati area, which is a chili dog topped with the city's distinctive style of chili, along with onions and cheddar cheese. That Cincinnati chili features main ingredients of chili con carne and spice, such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and chocolate (how did that get in there?)"
    Not you, but, back in 1913, some residents in the New York area found the term "hot dog" made them a bit queasy. They were taking that term too literally, assuming there was dog meat in the sausage itself. Their protests were heard and the Coney Island Chamber of Commerce banned the use of the term "hot dog" on restaurant signs on Coney Island.
     Jerry Manriquez indicated he has been reading about Danny Canakes in the Korner and sent a copy of an old newspaper article about Danny's wedding. It appeared in the Boone County Pioneer, August 14, 1922. Big headlines......"Boone Man Weds Detroit Girl; Will Live here."
     The story writes that Dan is the proprietor of the Rialto Luncheonette. Must have been a name change later.
     Jerry had one other nugget of interest. He wrote, "my wife's uncle, Thomas M. Lacey, was part owner of Tom's Clothing Store in Boone. He and his partner started at 1001 Story Street, which is where Lynn's Lounge was located.
     In 1910, the clothing store was moved to 823 Story at the corner of Ninth and Story. That later became the Western Auto location which burned down and is now a park. Thomas Lacey passed away in 1914 but the store continued into the 1930's.
     P.S. The Kornerman sees, via a newspaper ad, that new fall and winter suits for men of the younger set were going for $10 to $30 at Tom's Clothing.
     Boone Area Deaths: Michael Osborn, 62, formerly of  Prairie City. Boone survivors include his mother, Corinne Osborn, and his sister, Penny Osborn, both of Stratford.........Bill Barnes, 89, Madrid.
In the 70's, lived on an acreage near Madrid. Worked as a psychologist for Heartland in central Iowa and served on the Boone County Fair Board. Boone area survivors include his wife, Kathy, daughter Shannon, and her children, Izabelle and Elleana Meier, of Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......


Saturday, April 4, 2015

A New Position?

     At the next meeting of our Korner Board of Directors, your President/CEO, me, the Kornerman, is going to recommend that we extend a contract for a newly created position, CEO of Research, to Karen Anderson.
     Using the internet and/or libraries, Karen has, steadfastly, pursued the attainment of additional information on some of our most recent Korner subjects.
      This week, she used a website, "Find A Grave" to locate burial information on the Canakes, Kokinakis and Douroumis families. Pictures of the grave site stones verifies those correct spellings of their names as well as providing other pertinent family information.
      Dan Canakes, who operated the popular restaurant on the north side we have talked about, was born in 1882 and died in 1967 at age 85 and is buried in Linwood. His wife, Eugenia, lived 66 years from 1896 to 1962. Peter George Canakes was born in 1913 in Boone County and passed away at age 88 in Waterloo. His parents were George Canakes, 1887-1960, and Toula Canakes, 1891-1979. His siblings were Louis, 1912-1992; Cordelia Canakes Carruthers, 1916-2001, and Catherine, 1918-1986.
     Peter and Mary Kokinakis operated the Coney Island at the southeast corner of the intersection of Eighth and Allen Streets. Pete lived from 1893 to 1958 and Mary from 1905 to 1990 and both are buried in Linwood.
     George Douroumis is buried in Boone's Sacred Heart cemetery. He lived from 1891 to 1987.
     Karen wrote, "thank you for clarifying that these Coney places were not taverns."
     The Kornerman says, "the Korner is so appreciative of these "extra" efforts Karen has provided. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the Board will reject the establishment of this proposed new position. We already have a technology CEO and a security CEO in addition to yours truly, the CEO/CEO, and our budget is already much overburdened. It's a good thing none of these are paid positions."
     John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "just arrived back in Minneapolis after two months in Coronado Island, CA. The discussion on the Greek operated Coney Islands has raised a couple questions in my mind. There was a bar on the east side of Boone on Mamie Eisenhower right before the Percival plant. I think it was owned by a Greek who was always tending bar and was a friendly soul. Several of us Iowa Staters use to play a lot of pool there, along with having a beer or drink or two. Does anyone remember the owner.? Also, wasn't there a Greek candy/pastry store close to the Rialto in the 40's maybe?"
     The Kornerman replies, "wasn't the bar east on Mamie operated by George Douroumis? I guess I don't recall the candy/pastry store mentioned. I do remember a candy store next to and south of the Rialto operated by a Mr. Earl Reed?"
     Dick Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "think we've got the geography  of Boone's coney places pretty well fixed. Let's go to the real "meat," so to speak, of the issue - what were they? I've had coneys in various venues and, like so much else at my age, are getting them mixed up. Were Boone coneys topped with chili, or other beans, which could make them chili dogs? What's the difference? In Detroit, the coneys were topped  with a ground beef sauce, The originators were Greek restaurant owners, so this style may have migrated west to Iowa. There were chopped onions, of course. What about relish? Mustard or ketchup or both? What makes a good coney anyway? Let the debate begin. Meanwhile, most of Chicago's coney places are gone. Since there have never been any Maid Rites here, the city is a culinary wasteland. We do have Chicago-style hot dogs, which are steamed Polish dogs, beef not pork, with onions and relish, celery salt, maybe tomatoes. You can also get them with sauerkraut, which is more New York-style but is really good. Did Boone's coneys come with kraut? Chicago dogs are always eaten with mustard, preferably yellow ballpark mustard, never ketchup. Some Chicago dog places are said to refuse to serve ketchup, but I think that's just showing off. As I recall, the Kokinakises were much more tolerant with both ketchup and mustard. Larry Jackson writes that his stomach rebelled at his first beer, a 1956 Bud served up by Pete Kokinakis. That probably had more to do with the beer than with Larry's inexperience. Any Boone beer in those days was 3.2 beer, watery and pretty foul. Larry would have cooled off quicker if he'd just poured it over his head."
     Boone Area Deaths: Howard Roberts, 88, Pilot Mound. Attended Ogden schools. A farmer and tractor mechanic, he also worked at Percival's and drove the Grand Community school bus. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Kathy Ahrens of Ogden, and a son, John Roberts of Boone. He was preceeded in death by his wife, Phyliss...........Tony Magnani, 81, Boone. A railroader who also operated some bars. Remember Tony's?  Boone area survivor is a son, Chris Magnani of Woodward..........Jo Ann King, 91, Boone and formerly of rural Ogden. OHS-40. Farmed with her husband in the Ogden area. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Marcia Doran of Beaver, daughter-in-law Deborah King of rural Boone and a brother, Dean Miller of Ogden..........Norma Paris, 70, Boone. Worked at the Adobe Lounge and for various Boone businesses as a secretary. Boone area survivors include a son, Gerry Callahan, daughters Nita Warford and Michaela Rose and a sister-in-law, Beth Swope, all of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Anybody Hungry?

     C'mon now! Really! The Kornerman is wondering how many of our viewers have had coney's for lunch recently? Haven't our recent editions spurred just a little lean toward that delicious entree?
     To many of us, it's always been a favorite. The Kornerman is especially fond of the chili dog with "the works", and lathered with lots of good mustard, especially the kind with horseradish added.
     Editor's Note: Coney discussion overblown? Perhaps, and there's even more this week. So, right now it's a very popular Korner subject. But, as the Kornerman has always proclaimed, "It is you, the viewers, who guide this ship.....completely. If you don't like current subjects featured, there's a simple answer. YOU email the Korner with what YOU want discussed."
     Larry Jackson, BHS-57, wrote, "my contribution to the ongoing saga of coney restaurants in Boone took place the summer of 1956 when I was a rising senior and working for a local contractor, Bob Clarke. He had gotten the job of installing a tile ceiling in the Coney Island at the southeast corner of Eighth and Keeler. I was assigned to help one of the carpenters do the job. The original ceiling was a 14 foot tin affair and we had to install framework below that to accomodate the more modern look. There was no AC and being it was July in Boone, you can imagine how hot it was. We were on the job for about two weeks, during which time I figured out a college education was in my future because hard labor was the pits. We finished the job on a Friday afternoon and to celebrate, the owner, who I believe was, Pete Canakes?, offered us a beer. That sounded real good to me, even though my experience with beer at that time was, not lying, non-existent. So, he set two frosty bottles of Bud in front of us, I took a swallow, and almost tossed my cookies. I could not imagine how anyone could like something that tasted that vile. So, my partner had two beers that hot afternoon and I had a Pepsi! I must confess a year or so later, after a little time in the Air Force, a Bud now and then was, in fact, for me. And, not that it is germane to the issue of coneys, but do you recall Mary Canakes? I think she was the daughter of Pete's and drop-dead gorgeous. Thanks again for keeping us all up to date on things in Boone."
     The Kornerman thinks Larry just has Canakes and Kokanakis switched around. The Coney Island at Eighth and Keeler was operated by the Kokanakis family I believe......Mary, after her husband's death. I believe there were three, maybe four Kokanakis girls and, yes, they were all very attractive young ladies. Helen, BHS-44, married a Jack Osler, there was Georgia, BHS-49, Martha, BHS-54, and Nikki, BHS-65. I know Nikki lives in Ames and is the wife of Boone native, Mike Wittmer, BHS-65.
     The Canakes family had a restaurant on Boone's northside near12th and Story.
     P.S. Heavens......again, many, many thanks to Jerry Manriquez and his terrific website which provides so much information on BHS and BSH grads, their respective class years and even their spouses, in some cases. The Kornerman has come more and more dependent on info from that site and it certainly adds another layer of info for our viewers to absorb. Don't you agree?
     Here's Richard Longworth's, BHS-53, take.......
     "Having spent so much time at Danny's restaurant in my high school years, I feel compelled to weigh in on these memories of the town's Greek-owned restaurants, including the Coney Island places. The restaurant at Eighth and Keeler was, indeed, a Coney place run for many years by Pete Kokanakis and his family. I believe the correct spelling is.....Kokinakis, not Kokanakis. As I recall, Pete and Mary had several children and their daughter, Martha, was in the BHS class of '54, one year behind us. I don't remember much about Jimmy Douroumis Coney place, but my father liked Jimmy and his Coneys and often went there. Again, a spelling question: was it Douroumis or, as I recall my father saying, Dourimis? Which brings us to Danny's, a favorite hangout. It was a small place, attached to the house next door. Not a Coney Island place though. Apart from burgers and fries, Danny also put up a very good steak. He and his wife were lovely people, very tolerant of the kids who hung out there and kept up a general racket around the pinball place in the front, by the door. They also had several children, including Dean, whom you've mentioned, and their daughter, Helen, a couple years older. In later years, after I'd left Boone, I'd go see Danny when I came home for Christmas, and he'd pull out a bottle of homemade onion wine for a celebratory drink. At least, he said it was onion wine and it tasted like it, I'm afraid."
     The Kornerman says, "again, thanks to Jerry's website........."
     Douroumes......there's Frances, 1938, George, 1943 and Douroumis.....there's Patricia, BSH-60, Paul, BSH-65, and Jo Ellen.
     Canakes......there's Louis, 1930, Peter, 1931, Cordelia, 1933, Catherine, 1935, Lucy, 1939, Thomas, 1941, Helen, 1943, Isabel, 1946, and Dean, 1954.
     The Kornerman is assuming they are BHS grads unless designated BSH/ Sacred Heart. More than one family? Can't tell you. The spelling of the names? Again, I guess we don't know right now which is right.
     Kathy Wheelock added, "The Coney Island on the corner where Edward Jones is now located was owned and operated by Pete and Mary Kokanakis. After Pete died, Mary ran it alone for many years. They had really great coneys."
     Two deaths reported since the Korner's earlier release. Tony Magnani, 81, Boone and JoAnn King, 91, Boone, formerly of Ogden.
     Boone Area Deaths: Carl Staley, Des Moines. Born in Boone. Parents were Clifford and Helen Staley. Longtime service veteran and postal worker. Buried in Boone..........Dorothy Roorda, 85, Madrid and formerly of Monroe. Among survivors is a daughter, Becky Roorda of Madrid.............
Beverly Jane Love, 88, Clive. BHS-1945. Born in Boone. Parents were Harry and Ruby Anderson. Longtime employee of Northwestern Bell/U.S. West........... Beverly Couchman, 88, Ames. Lived in several Iowa communities including a time in Boone............Georgia Crouse, 93, Boone. Bookkeeper and an Avon representative. Boone area survivors include sons, Tim and Bill..............Jim Phipps, 83, Pilot Mound. Pilot High-49. Worked at Gypsum company in Fort Dodge over 40 years and also farmed with his brother, Vern. Boone area survivors include his wife, Twila Sue Phipps, daughter Ginger Jones and son, Weslie Phipps all of Pilot Mound. Also, sons Randie and Lindie Phipps both of Boxholm...........Florfrilla Fern Christensen, 99, Ogden. Born in and attended school in Woodward before graduating from OHS-1932. Farmed with her husband, Paul, near Ogden. Boone Area survivors include sons, Roger and Rex of Ogden...........Ruth Anderson, 92, Dayton. Dayton-41.  She and husband Bob farmed for a time near Stratford................Shirley Bakley, 86, Ogden. She and husband Don farmed near Boxholm but moved to Ogden in 2001.
     Word received of the death of Norma Paris of Boone. She passed away Tuesday.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support...........