Wife Jo is progressing well after last week's emergency surgery. She got home Monday.
We both thank all of you who, in some way, offered your concern regarding this incident. The phone calls, text messages, emails, prayers, food deliveries etc. etc. were overwhelming and so much appreciated.
Before we know it, hopefully, our lives will be back to "normal."
A little catch-up here.
BHS-53 classmate Margaret Oxenford Kooser wrote about a recent Korner mention of Mrs. Gunn, the piano teacher. "If her husband was Dr. Gunn, they were our neighbors and she was also a teacher for school kids who were home-bound. I was not aware that she taught piano. I don't know if there were any other Gunns in town. He was our family doctor. My sister-in-law's mother, Mrs. McVicker, taught me piano. As for outside games, our front yard was a baseball diamond. Sidewalk to the house was home plate, a big cottonwood tree on the road (old Highway 30) was first base, apple tree on an empty lot was second, a bush by the end of the house was third base. If there was no game going, my mom would grab any of us kids to go out front to play catch. She was pretty good. All of that ground is now covered by Westhaven. When they took our old cottonwood down, it was so big it made the papers, as they had to close highway 30. That happened after we left the area. Weather here in Louisiana is better for me than Iowa's weather. I spent too much time in the SW part of the country to deal with humidity and snow. Have humidity here but a much lower dew point. That has been a key for me."
Sources indicate that Jude Rolfes, BHS-64, has had a pair of surgeries lately and they would like to inundate him with lots of "good wishes" for a speedy recovery.
ATTENTION: I'm told that Jude's address is.....15 S. Emory Bend Place, Shenandoah, TX 77381.
Here's an idea for you travelers.
A good contributor mentioned that they've seen "the Palace of Versailles, the White House, the Grand Canyon, been to the Vatican and seen the great works of art in Florence, Italy but after a visit to the Greenbrier in White Sulpher Springs, WV in the good old USA we found its a "gorgeous place" and ranks right at the top."
He added, "I talked to a golf starter on hole #1 and he'd been doing that job for 42 years. After asking him for some stories he may relate he said, "I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and then too, their are the politicians.""
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Peggy Gus, 89, Boone. Napier HS. Worked for Tim Buckner and Principal Financial from 1979-92. Was very active in Presbyterian church. Survivors include a son, Steve, and daughter, Susan Jacobson, both of Boone. One other daughter also survives.........Janet Ruth Olson, 78, Boone.........Verle Toyne, 91, Boone. Korean War vet. Married Lois in 1948. The couple farmed in the Boxholm/Pilot Mound area. Two daughters and a sister survive........Terry McAnally, 77, Des Moines. Married Larry McAnally, BHS-93, in 1964. Larry passed away in 1993..........Robert "Bud" Drake, 98, Sheldahl. Born in 1920 to William and Elsie Drake on a farm south of Madrid.........Ronald DePriest, 79, Norwalk. Survivors include a brother-in-law, David Wilson of Ogden.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Squeezing in a little update in between my trips to downtown Des Moines Methodist and back.
Jo is improving daily but, as typical, not as quickly as would like. Hopefully, home in the next week sometime.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Barbara Jipp Silver, 72, Boone. BHS-65. Married Richard Silver in Boone in 1965. Was an RN. Survivors include her husband, Richard, of Boone, a son, two daughters, her mother, Eleanor Jipp of Boone, and two sisters.........William Valline, 93, Ames. Attended Ames schools. Married Mildred Warner in Boone in 1947. Worked 26 years for Alliant Energy. Three sons survive........Donald "Bud" Shuey, 87, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-51. Married Shirley Merrill of Stratford in 1951. Military vet. Worked at Percival and the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern Railroad. Finished his working life at the ISU Power Plant from 1969-91 when he retired. Surivors include his wife, Shirley, of Boone, and two daughters, Colleen Eslick of Dayton, and Pat Duehring of Boone.........Darrrell Peterson, 68, Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown. Formerly of Boone.........Randy Lee Rardin, 67, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-70. Was a railroad employee and a six year Iowa National Guardsman.Survivors include his son, Troy Rardin, and an aunt, Viola Lycke, both of Boone. A sister also survives.........Thomas Paul Howell, 63, Boone........Michael "Joe" Mann, 56, Muscatine. Boone survivor is his son, Chris Mann, a swim coach at BHS........Pat Conway, 83, Elm Grove. Born in Boone. BSH-53. Was a graduate of Clarke College in Dubuque and after graduation, taught high school math in Milwaukee. Married Jim Parks in 1961. The couple raised 10 children, including three from Ecuador. They worked tirelessly as volunteers for the Working Boys Center mission in Quito, Ecuador. Survivors include nine children, sisters Madre Miguel and Mary Charles and two sisters-in-law.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.....
Jo is improving daily but, as typical, not as quickly as would like. Hopefully, home in the next week sometime.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Barbara Jipp Silver, 72, Boone. BHS-65. Married Richard Silver in Boone in 1965. Was an RN. Survivors include her husband, Richard, of Boone, a son, two daughters, her mother, Eleanor Jipp of Boone, and two sisters.........William Valline, 93, Ames. Attended Ames schools. Married Mildred Warner in Boone in 1947. Worked 26 years for Alliant Energy. Three sons survive........Donald "Bud" Shuey, 87, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-51. Married Shirley Merrill of Stratford in 1951. Military vet. Worked at Percival and the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern Railroad. Finished his working life at the ISU Power Plant from 1969-91 when he retired. Surivors include his wife, Shirley, of Boone, and two daughters, Colleen Eslick of Dayton, and Pat Duehring of Boone.........Darrrell Peterson, 68, Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown. Formerly of Boone.........Randy Lee Rardin, 67, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-70. Was a railroad employee and a six year Iowa National Guardsman.Survivors include his son, Troy Rardin, and an aunt, Viola Lycke, both of Boone. A sister also survives.........Thomas Paul Howell, 63, Boone........Michael "Joe" Mann, 56, Muscatine. Boone survivor is his son, Chris Mann, a swim coach at BHS........Pat Conway, 83, Elm Grove. Born in Boone. BSH-53. Was a graduate of Clarke College in Dubuque and after graduation, taught high school math in Milwaukee. Married Jim Parks in 1961. The couple raised 10 children, including three from Ecuador. They worked tirelessly as volunteers for the Working Boys Center mission in Quito, Ecuador. Survivors include nine children, sisters Madre Miguel and Mary Charles and two sisters-in-law.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.....
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sorry to be late again.
Wife Jo had a medical problem Tuesday night and Wednesday she had surgery at Iowa Methodist in Des Moines for an obstruction.
Thankfully, she's on the road to recovery......everything looking good.
Wife Jo had a medical problem Tuesday night and Wednesday she had surgery at Iowa Methodist in Des Moines for an obstruction.
Thankfully, she's on the road to recovery......everything looking good.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Cathy Curell, 68, Boone. Daughter of the late Bill and Marilee Curell. Survivors include brothers Jim and Ken Curell, both of Boone........Marti Jo Carman Ingle, 57, Altoona. BHS-81. Daughter of the late Vern and Janet Carman. Survivors include her husband, a son, daughter, sister, brother and her step-father, Gene Pepper, of Boone.......Larry Searl, 65, Stratford. Story City HS-69. Was the maintenance supervisor for the Ames schools and worked for Lutheran Social Services. Survivors include his partner, Laura Lavender, six sons, including Derick Anderson of Stratford and three step-daughters, including Krista Broesder of Boone. A twin sister and a brother also survive.........Keith Bass, 79, Boone. BHS-60. Was an Air Force veteran. Two sons, Andy of Boone and Brian, survive as do two sisters........Joshua Germain, 36, Ames. Son of John Germain and Misty Krueger. Had lived in Ames, Boone, Colo and Pilot Mound. OHS-2001. Additional education at AIB and ATS heavy equipment. Worked for his brothers as a crane operator for Elite Construction. His parents, Misty of Ames and John of Alaska, survive as well as two brothers, including Ryan Germain of Boone. His grandmother, Ann Stoka of Ames, and Virgil Krueger of Ogden, also survive.........Stephanie Joy Steward Hall, 61, Boone. She grew up on a farm outside of Dayton. Dayton HS-76. Married Rick Hall and the couple moved to Boone. Survivors include her husband, Rick, sons, Christopher and Nicholas, two sisters including Jill Williams of Boone, a half-sister and half-brother.......Mary Lou Groff, 84, Ogden. DM Tech HS-49. She married Claison Groff in 1953 and they owned and operated Grand Tours. Survivors include a brother, two daughters, including Kim Bengston of Boxholm, a son and son-in-law........Gilberta "Gilly" Heithoff, 81, Jamaica..........Mary Jean Reimers, 84, Ames.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
In the last edition, with the help of viewers, we recalled some of the games we "made-up" as teens to fill spare times. These were the days that few young people had cars or various similar "incidentals" It was even before the advent of television. Our time was simply "our time" with no promises of any specific itinerary.
The response we received was great.
Larry "Lefty" Moore, BHS-52, sent a picture of a train setup he has in his California back yard.
Gary Knox, UCHS-58, wrote, "I invented a similar dice game method for baseball, basketball, football and sports car racing. I compiled the team leagues and standings. I made a fictitious map of Iowa, had high school basketball seasons complete with tournament champions....made a scoreboard out of cardboard similar to Jordan's at the time. Even made a trophy out of scrap wood. Made a sports car race track from a scrap piece of plywood I found. I had a complicated way of using dice to decide if the car spun out on corners, depending on the speed set on cardboard speedometers. All I have left are pictures of the race cars I had drawn. Sadly, the rest got thrown away when I entered eighth grade. Playing baseball and basketball for real took over my interest."
Gary followed up with a picture of one of his race cars....the Wayland Warrior. He wrote, "during the summer, I played the games outside in our farmyard when not doing chores. My dad put a basketball on the corn crib, found an old baseball bat in the barn, used an old baseball wrapped with black electrician tape, an oil can football, and my red Hawthorne bike served as my race car. I sometimes talked my younger sister into being my opponent for my games. I had no brothers to play with. Movietone newsreels at the Rialto and watching Jordan High School games sparked all my imaginary games."
Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, co-inventor of a miniature, backyard golf course with Dick Musser, BHS-64, wrote, "my youngest son and another guy came up with a wonderful idea a few years ago. They invented a way to save beer from lines that had to be drained nightly. Think about it. At every sports venue, the beer lines have to be drained and some of these lines are many feet long. That's a lot of beer to lose. Even in bars across the country, the lines need to be drained at night. I don't know what happened with his idea. I told him I'd cover the cost of the patent. I'll have to ask him next time we get together."
Mike added, "life was so good before TV dominated our lives. Remember when we got one baseball game a week with Dizzy Dean and Buddy Blattner doing the announcing? Great times."
P.S. Loehrer liked the Kornerman's napkin idea. "You could have made millions. Of course, the patent fee is something like $20K."
We received another addition to our list of Boone piano teachers.
John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "Mrs. Wall (Wahl?), who lived in the north part of town, was my piano teacher from K-6th grade. I was not the best student since I preferred sports and the outdoors versus being stuck inside practicing piano. My mother played the piano by ear and always wanted to take lessons as a girl but had no piano. She did experiment on a church piano and learned to play by ear which always amazed me. I'm sure she wanted me to take lessons so she could have a piano. In sixth grade, Mrs. Wall told my mother she'd taught me all she could and I needed to move to a more advanced teacher. That was my out from further lessons."
The Kornerman says, "I think it was Wahl and, from my north side days, I remember George Wahl, BHS-51, probably a son of the piano teacher."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Paul Stolte, 75, Boone. Born in Boone. Stratford HS-62. Married Sandra Peterson in 1963 in Stratford. Worked for Goodrich 38 years prior to his retirement in 2005. The couple lived on a small farm south of Boone for many years. Paul was very involved in youth baseball in Boone, including coaching and leadership roles with Little League and Babe Ruth baseball programs. He is survived by his wife, Sandra, three boys, Shawn, Kory and Jason, brothers Norm and Chuck, and sisters Peggy Scott and Pat Frette. Sisters-in-law Marvaline Anderson and Sharon Fruechtenicht also survive............Nicholas Adamski, 56.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
The response we received was great.
Larry "Lefty" Moore, BHS-52, sent a picture of a train setup he has in his California back yard.
Gary Knox, UCHS-58, wrote, "I invented a similar dice game method for baseball, basketball, football and sports car racing. I compiled the team leagues and standings. I made a fictitious map of Iowa, had high school basketball seasons complete with tournament champions....made a scoreboard out of cardboard similar to Jordan's at the time. Even made a trophy out of scrap wood. Made a sports car race track from a scrap piece of plywood I found. I had a complicated way of using dice to decide if the car spun out on corners, depending on the speed set on cardboard speedometers. All I have left are pictures of the race cars I had drawn. Sadly, the rest got thrown away when I entered eighth grade. Playing baseball and basketball for real took over my interest."
Gary followed up with a picture of one of his race cars....the Wayland Warrior. He wrote, "during the summer, I played the games outside in our farmyard when not doing chores. My dad put a basketball on the corn crib, found an old baseball bat in the barn, used an old baseball wrapped with black electrician tape, an oil can football, and my red Hawthorne bike served as my race car. I sometimes talked my younger sister into being my opponent for my games. I had no brothers to play with. Movietone newsreels at the Rialto and watching Jordan High School games sparked all my imaginary games."
Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, co-inventor of a miniature, backyard golf course with Dick Musser, BHS-64, wrote, "my youngest son and another guy came up with a wonderful idea a few years ago. They invented a way to save beer from lines that had to be drained nightly. Think about it. At every sports venue, the beer lines have to be drained and some of these lines are many feet long. That's a lot of beer to lose. Even in bars across the country, the lines need to be drained at night. I don't know what happened with his idea. I told him I'd cover the cost of the patent. I'll have to ask him next time we get together."
Mike added, "life was so good before TV dominated our lives. Remember when we got one baseball game a week with Dizzy Dean and Buddy Blattner doing the announcing? Great times."
P.S. Loehrer liked the Kornerman's napkin idea. "You could have made millions. Of course, the patent fee is something like $20K."
We received another addition to our list of Boone piano teachers.
John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "Mrs. Wall (Wahl?), who lived in the north part of town, was my piano teacher from K-6th grade. I was not the best student since I preferred sports and the outdoors versus being stuck inside practicing piano. My mother played the piano by ear and always wanted to take lessons as a girl but had no piano. She did experiment on a church piano and learned to play by ear which always amazed me. I'm sure she wanted me to take lessons so she could have a piano. In sixth grade, Mrs. Wall told my mother she'd taught me all she could and I needed to move to a more advanced teacher. That was my out from further lessons."
The Kornerman says, "I think it was Wahl and, from my north side days, I remember George Wahl, BHS-51, probably a son of the piano teacher."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Paul Stolte, 75, Boone. Born in Boone. Stratford HS-62. Married Sandra Peterson in 1963 in Stratford. Worked for Goodrich 38 years prior to his retirement in 2005. The couple lived on a small farm south of Boone for many years. Paul was very involved in youth baseball in Boone, including coaching and leadership roles with Little League and Babe Ruth baseball programs. He is survived by his wife, Sandra, three boys, Shawn, Kory and Jason, brothers Norm and Chuck, and sisters Peggy Scott and Pat Frette. Sisters-in-law Marvaline Anderson and Sharon Fruechtenicht also survive............Nicholas Adamski, 56.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How many of you viewers, in your lifetime, thought you had a special idea that might net you a good return BUT.........failed to act, due to various factors.....lack of funding......lack of time......lack of the proper determination etc. etc.?
As it turned out, most of us never "followed through enough" to become a Henry Ford or Colonel Sanders or Sam Walton or Richard and Maurice McDonald, who founded their first restaurant in 1940. By the way, our new McDonald's in Boone Iowa is beautiful.......a wonderful addition to our community.
O.K., to the point.........and, on a much smaller scale than those successes just mentioned. However, remember, they all started on a small scale as well.
Anyway, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, wrote, "I wonder if kids do anything like this anymore or maybe its because Dick Musser, BHS-64, and I were a "little weird."
He explained, "the summer after our sophomore year, when we were 16, Dick and I came up with a money making idea. Why not have a golf tournament of our own? So, we came up with the idea of the LoMuss Open. We set up a nine-hole course in Dick's back yard using soup cans as hole liners. On some of the shots, the players had to bank off the garage next door. In other words, we came up with an early miniature golf course. Entry fee was $1. We bought soda bottles from the local bottling company for 10 cents and sold them for 15 cents. We gave out first, second and third place prize money and yes, we made a profit."
Mike said he was thinking of good memories of his time growing up in Boone and that came to mind. "I doubt kids do these sort of ventures in this age. That's too bad," he concluded.
Now, wait just a minute.......
To add to Mike's story. I, the Kornerman, know that I've mentioned this before in this very blog.
When I was a teen......and remember, in the days we're talking about, we didn't have cars, we didn't have I-pads and all that current corruption. Life was much simpler and we had to make our own fun to fill a lot of spare time.
When I was a teen, I played a baseball game on my desk using dice for hour after hour.
I rolled the three dice and if the numbers 3 or 18 came up, I had launched a home run. If I recall correctly, 5 was a triple, 8 was a flyout, 10 was a strikeout etc. etc. and for some of the numbers, a run batted in was added if there was someone already on base.
I kept a scorecard and announced the action as it occurred, batter by batter. And, I had a complete eight-team league made up of fictitious towns.........Benkelman Braves, the Moville Mud Hens and each featured a roster of fictitious players........Dee Moyne, Marti Graw, Ben Down, Benito Gracias, Stewart (Stu) Pover and others.
I played game after game after game.......and kept league standings and even kept individual stats on each player......their at bats, their hits, their homers, their RBI's, pitchers strikeouts, earned runs etc. etc.
AND, at the end of the season, after the regular season and playoffs, I made up a league summary book. It had advertisements, all the various stats that I had kept during the year on a page devoted to each team. Players autographs were even included.
Guess what? I still have all that in my archives........and it will, no doubt, follow me to my final days.
Yup! I guess I was one of those "weird guys" too.
P.S. Another "crazy" idea I never followed up on. When I eat in a restaurant, I bet I'm not the only person that's ever had trouble keeping that darn cloth napkin on my lap. It consistently finds the floor.
Why hasn't someone decided those cloth napkins need a small strip of velcro or some other such substance attached.......just enough to pin the napkin to the customers apparel?
Brian "Mike" Claussen, 59, of Boone was operating a motorcycle north of Boone in the Ridgeport area September 17 when a deer darted in front of him. Brian was seriously injured, taken to a Des Moines hospital and passed away.
When that occurred, we mentioned it in the Korner but with very few details.
Brian's sister, Pam Claussen of Marshalltown, has provided more information. She wrote, "My brother Mike always loved his music. Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Stevie Ray Vaughn. He enjoyed R & B. CD's would litter his living room floor. His second love was his motorcycles. His 1980 Low-rider Shovelhead, he worked tirelessly on. He was in construction most of his life: concrete, roofing, drywall, and finally, finish carpenter. He paid attention to detail. Didn't want his name on sloppy work. He has one son, who is an electrician/foreman in Colorado. Mike was very proud of him."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: June Williams Galletich, 95, Madrid. Born in Luther. Madrid HS. Married Emil Galetich in 1946. Was a homemaker, worked at Madrid Telephone and for Federal Prescription. Volunteered at the Boone County Hospital. Three daughters survive.........Nancy Courson, 74, Minnesota. Attended Boone Community College and then Bernel Cosmetology. Was a hair stylist and also worked in advertising sales and as a realtor.........Linda Coy, 72, Boone. Was a CNA at Eastern Star for many years. Survivors include sons Mark and Troy Coy both of Boone. Three siblings, John and David Coleman and Carol Steininger, also survive........Bonnie Wayne Reimers Ahrens, 84, Ogden. Ogden HS. Married Ronald Reimers in 1956. The couple farmed south of Boxholm for 37 years. Ronald passed away in 1993. Bonnie worked as a dental assistant for Dr. James Pollard in Boone and Dr. Mark Plath in Ogden. In 2003, she married Jean Richard Ahrens. Survivors include her husband, Jean Richard, of Stratford, a daughter, son, Kent Reimers, of Ogden and step-children, Rachele Cahill and Jeff Ahrens both of Stratford and another step-son and step-daughter.......Betty Swanson Meis, 88, Longmont, CO. Formerly of Boone. Born in Boone. Attended schools in Boone and California. Was a dietician manager and seamstress. Survivors include two sisters, a son and four daughters. Boone area survivor is one of three step-children, Sandra Monen, of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......
As it turned out, most of us never "followed through enough" to become a Henry Ford or Colonel Sanders or Sam Walton or Richard and Maurice McDonald, who founded their first restaurant in 1940. By the way, our new McDonald's in Boone Iowa is beautiful.......a wonderful addition to our community.
O.K., to the point.........and, on a much smaller scale than those successes just mentioned. However, remember, they all started on a small scale as well.
Anyway, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, wrote, "I wonder if kids do anything like this anymore or maybe its because Dick Musser, BHS-64, and I were a "little weird."
He explained, "the summer after our sophomore year, when we were 16, Dick and I came up with a money making idea. Why not have a golf tournament of our own? So, we came up with the idea of the LoMuss Open. We set up a nine-hole course in Dick's back yard using soup cans as hole liners. On some of the shots, the players had to bank off the garage next door. In other words, we came up with an early miniature golf course. Entry fee was $1. We bought soda bottles from the local bottling company for 10 cents and sold them for 15 cents. We gave out first, second and third place prize money and yes, we made a profit."
Mike said he was thinking of good memories of his time growing up in Boone and that came to mind. "I doubt kids do these sort of ventures in this age. That's too bad," he concluded.
Now, wait just a minute.......
To add to Mike's story. I, the Kornerman, know that I've mentioned this before in this very blog.
When I was a teen......and remember, in the days we're talking about, we didn't have cars, we didn't have I-pads and all that current corruption. Life was much simpler and we had to make our own fun to fill a lot of spare time.
When I was a teen, I played a baseball game on my desk using dice for hour after hour.
I rolled the three dice and if the numbers 3 or 18 came up, I had launched a home run. If I recall correctly, 5 was a triple, 8 was a flyout, 10 was a strikeout etc. etc. and for some of the numbers, a run batted in was added if there was someone already on base.
I kept a scorecard and announced the action as it occurred, batter by batter. And, I had a complete eight-team league made up of fictitious towns.........Benkelman Braves, the Moville Mud Hens and each featured a roster of fictitious players........Dee Moyne, Marti Graw, Ben Down, Benito Gracias, Stewart (Stu) Pover and others.
I played game after game after game.......and kept league standings and even kept individual stats on each player......their at bats, their hits, their homers, their RBI's, pitchers strikeouts, earned runs etc. etc.
AND, at the end of the season, after the regular season and playoffs, I made up a league summary book. It had advertisements, all the various stats that I had kept during the year on a page devoted to each team. Players autographs were even included.
Guess what? I still have all that in my archives........and it will, no doubt, follow me to my final days.
Yup! I guess I was one of those "weird guys" too.
P.S. Another "crazy" idea I never followed up on. When I eat in a restaurant, I bet I'm not the only person that's ever had trouble keeping that darn cloth napkin on my lap. It consistently finds the floor.
Why hasn't someone decided those cloth napkins need a small strip of velcro or some other such substance attached.......just enough to pin the napkin to the customers apparel?
Brian "Mike" Claussen, 59, of Boone was operating a motorcycle north of Boone in the Ridgeport area September 17 when a deer darted in front of him. Brian was seriously injured, taken to a Des Moines hospital and passed away.
When that occurred, we mentioned it in the Korner but with very few details.
Brian's sister, Pam Claussen of Marshalltown, has provided more information. She wrote, "My brother Mike always loved his music. Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Stevie Ray Vaughn. He enjoyed R & B. CD's would litter his living room floor. His second love was his motorcycles. His 1980 Low-rider Shovelhead, he worked tirelessly on. He was in construction most of his life: concrete, roofing, drywall, and finally, finish carpenter. He paid attention to detail. Didn't want his name on sloppy work. He has one son, who is an electrician/foreman in Colorado. Mike was very proud of him."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: June Williams Galletich, 95, Madrid. Born in Luther. Madrid HS. Married Emil Galetich in 1946. Was a homemaker, worked at Madrid Telephone and for Federal Prescription. Volunteered at the Boone County Hospital. Three daughters survive.........Nancy Courson, 74, Minnesota. Attended Boone Community College and then Bernel Cosmetology. Was a hair stylist and also worked in advertising sales and as a realtor.........Linda Coy, 72, Boone. Was a CNA at Eastern Star for many years. Survivors include sons Mark and Troy Coy both of Boone. Three siblings, John and David Coleman and Carol Steininger, also survive........Bonnie Wayne Reimers Ahrens, 84, Ogden. Ogden HS. Married Ronald Reimers in 1956. The couple farmed south of Boxholm for 37 years. Ronald passed away in 1993. Bonnie worked as a dental assistant for Dr. James Pollard in Boone and Dr. Mark Plath in Ogden. In 2003, she married Jean Richard Ahrens. Survivors include her husband, Jean Richard, of Stratford, a daughter, son, Kent Reimers, of Ogden and step-children, Rachele Cahill and Jeff Ahrens both of Stratford and another step-son and step-daughter.......Betty Swanson Meis, 88, Longmont, CO. Formerly of Boone. Born in Boone. Attended schools in Boone and California. Was a dietician manager and seamstress. Survivors include two sisters, a son and four daughters. Boone area survivor is one of three step-children, Sandra Monen, of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Last edition we mentioned some piano teachers we remembered but we knew there were more.
JonWilson, BHS-62, wrote, "Mrs. Gunn taught piano in the basement of the church across from the library. I have forgotten the church name....maybe Central Christian Church? My mother wanted me to play the piano but I have NO aptitude for it. All I remember was her striking her cane on the floor to try and teach me tempo or something. All it did was make me nervous. All I can play is the radio."
The Kornerman says, "the Presbyterian Church is across from the Library. The Central Christian is a block north of that."
In the same edition the Kornerman remembered Wally Pratt, BHS-55, as a fine organist.
To that, Loren Frazier, BHS-58, replied, "As you indicated, Wally Pratt did play piano at a restaurant in the Okoboji area. I don't know how long he worked there but I do know that he worked at Red's restaurant in Arnolds Park during the summer of 1958 as I also worked at Arnolds Park that summer, at Fillenwarth Beach Resort. In fact, Wally and I both "boarded" at a ladies home in Arnolds Park that summer. I got a bed, on a small, enclosed front porch, and breakfast for $7.00 a week. That was quite a bargain as I made the grand amount of $1.00 an hour, working a 44 hour week at the resort. My 1958 classmate and current Boone historian, Ed Mondt, also worked at Reds that summer."
Curtis Dale Cox, BHS-63, says, "vaping back in my day was.........Vicks VapoRub."
The Kornerman received a letter all the way from California......Riverside to be exact.
Max Moore, BHS-46, enclosed a clipping from the Los Angeles Times newspaper.
There was one huge picture and two smaller ones contained in a very nice story titled, "Still planting seeds, 119 years later" and a sub-head, "Iowans in Long Beach seek out other transplants to keep annual picnic going."
The Kornerman says, "many times in the Korner we've written about the Boone celebration in California and the annual Iowa celebration in California."
The story Max sent has a big picture of a gentleman taking a picture of a friend beside a replica of "American Gothic" on the main deck of the battleship Iowa where the Iowa celebration took place. The smaller pictures were of a lady singing the "Iowa Corn Song" with a group and a former Iowa resident pointing out his Hawkeye state hometown on a map.
That latest Iowa celebration in California took place August 17.
Despite the fact the celebration, which attracted tens of thousands every year through the first half of the 20th century, has struggled to draw crowds the last 35 years it has continued. There were just over 150 attendees this year and one lady helping boil corn on the cob commented, "there's too many of us here to let it just disappear. It'll go on forever."
The five-hour event featured a blues band and barbecue luncheon and "lots of visiting about "back home.""
One attendee said, "I had no idea why so many drivers kept blasting their horn at me when I first visited Long Beach in 1968. I finally figured it out. Those honkers were fellow Iowans who noticed the Hawkeye State license plate on my Volkswagen Bug."
So many Iowans located in the Long Beach area over the years that eventually it was called,"Iowa by the Sea."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Elsie Kirkendall DeMouth, 95, Des Moines. Born in Ogden. Grew up in Boone. Married Wayne DeMouth in 1943. Survivors include a daughter and two sisters-in-law including Doris Wickman of Boone.........Viola Williams, 86, Boone. Born in Ogden. Married Loyde Williams in Boone in 1950. Was a homemaker and also did maintenance work at the Adobe and Munson taverns in Boone. Survivors include two daughters, Ruby Elsberry and Marcella Pennington, of Boone, a son, four sisters, daughter-in-law, Linda Williams, and sister-in-law Janice Earll both of Ogden.........LaVerne "Vernie" Holmberg, 77, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-60. Married Barbra Mudge in 1965. Worked at Quinn's for 38 years. Survivors include his wife and brothers, Marvin and Melvin Holmberg, all of Boone. Two daughters, Deb Thornburg of Boone and Doreen Munson of Ogden, also survive as do his sister-in-law Pat Ellsbury and brother-in-law, Ron Mudge.........Dwight Hollingsworth, 66, Woodward. Boone survivor is a daughter, Rachel Beckett..........Timothy Johnson, 73, Formerly of Boone and Ogden. Born in Ogden. Graduated from Wentworth Military Academy in 1964. Spent 11 years as an Iowa National Guardsman. Farmed but then moved to Texas and was an insurance agent until retirement. Married Eileen Portwood in 2000. After retirement, did some remodeling of hotel rooms for Hilton Inns, worked at Ball Plastics in Ames and owned and operated E.J. Cleaning and Painting. Survivors include his wife, Eileen, of Ames, a son and two daughters, Lisa Porter of Boone and Joan Lingren of Ogden...........Owen Kliegl, 97, Madrid.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........
JonWilson, BHS-62, wrote, "Mrs. Gunn taught piano in the basement of the church across from the library. I have forgotten the church name....maybe Central Christian Church? My mother wanted me to play the piano but I have NO aptitude for it. All I remember was her striking her cane on the floor to try and teach me tempo or something. All it did was make me nervous. All I can play is the radio."
The Kornerman says, "the Presbyterian Church is across from the Library. The Central Christian is a block north of that."
In the same edition the Kornerman remembered Wally Pratt, BHS-55, as a fine organist.
To that, Loren Frazier, BHS-58, replied, "As you indicated, Wally Pratt did play piano at a restaurant in the Okoboji area. I don't know how long he worked there but I do know that he worked at Red's restaurant in Arnolds Park during the summer of 1958 as I also worked at Arnolds Park that summer, at Fillenwarth Beach Resort. In fact, Wally and I both "boarded" at a ladies home in Arnolds Park that summer. I got a bed, on a small, enclosed front porch, and breakfast for $7.00 a week. That was quite a bargain as I made the grand amount of $1.00 an hour, working a 44 hour week at the resort. My 1958 classmate and current Boone historian, Ed Mondt, also worked at Reds that summer."
Curtis Dale Cox, BHS-63, says, "vaping back in my day was.........Vicks VapoRub."
The Kornerman received a letter all the way from California......Riverside to be exact.
Max Moore, BHS-46, enclosed a clipping from the Los Angeles Times newspaper.
There was one huge picture and two smaller ones contained in a very nice story titled, "Still planting seeds, 119 years later" and a sub-head, "Iowans in Long Beach seek out other transplants to keep annual picnic going."
The Kornerman says, "many times in the Korner we've written about the Boone celebration in California and the annual Iowa celebration in California."
The story Max sent has a big picture of a gentleman taking a picture of a friend beside a replica of "American Gothic" on the main deck of the battleship Iowa where the Iowa celebration took place. The smaller pictures were of a lady singing the "Iowa Corn Song" with a group and a former Iowa resident pointing out his Hawkeye state hometown on a map.
That latest Iowa celebration in California took place August 17.
Despite the fact the celebration, which attracted tens of thousands every year through the first half of the 20th century, has struggled to draw crowds the last 35 years it has continued. There were just over 150 attendees this year and one lady helping boil corn on the cob commented, "there's too many of us here to let it just disappear. It'll go on forever."
The five-hour event featured a blues band and barbecue luncheon and "lots of visiting about "back home.""
One attendee said, "I had no idea why so many drivers kept blasting their horn at me when I first visited Long Beach in 1968. I finally figured it out. Those honkers were fellow Iowans who noticed the Hawkeye State license plate on my Volkswagen Bug."
So many Iowans located in the Long Beach area over the years that eventually it was called,"Iowa by the Sea."
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Elsie Kirkendall DeMouth, 95, Des Moines. Born in Ogden. Grew up in Boone. Married Wayne DeMouth in 1943. Survivors include a daughter and two sisters-in-law including Doris Wickman of Boone.........Viola Williams, 86, Boone. Born in Ogden. Married Loyde Williams in Boone in 1950. Was a homemaker and also did maintenance work at the Adobe and Munson taverns in Boone. Survivors include two daughters, Ruby Elsberry and Marcella Pennington, of Boone, a son, four sisters, daughter-in-law, Linda Williams, and sister-in-law Janice Earll both of Ogden.........LaVerne "Vernie" Holmberg, 77, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-60. Married Barbra Mudge in 1965. Worked at Quinn's for 38 years. Survivors include his wife and brothers, Marvin and Melvin Holmberg, all of Boone. Two daughters, Deb Thornburg of Boone and Doreen Munson of Ogden, also survive as do his sister-in-law Pat Ellsbury and brother-in-law, Ron Mudge.........Dwight Hollingsworth, 66, Woodward. Boone survivor is a daughter, Rachel Beckett..........Timothy Johnson, 73, Formerly of Boone and Ogden. Born in Ogden. Graduated from Wentworth Military Academy in 1964. Spent 11 years as an Iowa National Guardsman. Farmed but then moved to Texas and was an insurance agent until retirement. Married Eileen Portwood in 2000. After retirement, did some remodeling of hotel rooms for Hilton Inns, worked at Ball Plastics in Ames and owned and operated E.J. Cleaning and Painting. Survivors include his wife, Eileen, of Ames, a son and two daughters, Lisa Porter of Boone and Joan Lingren of Ogden...........Owen Kliegl, 97, Madrid.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Those of us who have been around long enough knew that Stephen Hamilton was a real talent, as an organist.
The News Republican had a nice story about him and his work in a recent edition.
Stephen, now Dr. Stephen, BHS-66, was one of three sons, Bob, BHS-57, and Dick, BHS-58, of the late Mr and Mrs. Bill Hamilton, who owned and operated Hamilton Hardware in Boone for many years. Didn't that family move to Boone from Jefferson?
Anyway, Stephen is concert organist, Minister of Music Emeritus at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Episcopal) in New York City and is in London right now to perform a second recital in historic Westminster Abbey tommorrow, Sunday, October 6.
Hamilton began piano studies, under Mildred Achenbach, while in the second grade and then, as a fourth grader, began organ lessons with Russell Saunders at Drake University in Des Moines.
He played his first church service on Christmas Eve at Grace Episcopal Church in Boone and during his high school years, he served as organist at the First United Methodist Church here.
A Doctor of Music Arts degree in organ performance was earned at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City.
Stephen's impressive resume is much too long to detail here but I, the Kornerman, assure you that he has performed at numerous prestigious venues, perhaps as many in Europe as in this country, and his upcoming schedule includes concerts at Oxford University in England, Phoenix, AZ and New York City.
In addition to his position at the Church of Holy Trinity in New York City, Hamilton was University Organist at Columbia University for 15 years and taught at Manhattan School of Music and Hunter College.
When he's not traveling, he calls Minneapolis his home base.
The story about Stephen Hamilton and his music has the Kornerman thinking in that same vein.
Wally Pratt, BHS-55, was a well known local organist......right? Seems to me he was a featured performer up north, like in the Okoboji area?
Then, back further, I remember a "Buzz" Meyer who used to tickle the ivory in the hallway at Boone High School. I guess his real name was Grant Meyer, BHS-48.
Mention of Mrs. Achenbach, one of Stephen's early teachers, reminds me of one of her two daughters, classmate, Roma Achenbach, BHS-53.
There used to be many piano teachers in town. I believe my late aunt Pat Morris gave piano lessons in the Betty Mae Harris days.
Who were some others?
All of Iowa is reeling from the loss of Rev. Allen Henderson of Fort Dodge, who was brutally attacked and died near his Fort Dodge St. Paul's Lutheran church/school Wednesday. Thankfully, the suspect in this tragedy was quickly apprehended.
Rev. Henderson, 64, is survived by his wife, Kristine, a son, two daughters, two sisters and his mother-in-law.
He served St. Paul's Lutheran Church, northeast of Boone, for a time until 1999 when he moved to his Fort Dodge position.
Services are at his "home" church in Fort Dodge today (Saturday) with burial in the Boone St. Paul Cemetery.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Jay Lindahl, 52, Boone. BHS-86. Earned a degree in hospitality and hotel management from ISU in 1990. Entered the insurance field in 1993 but also owned a DJ entertainment service, a party bus, a bar and had various storage and rental properties. Survivors include two kids, Connor and Kayden, his brother, Joel, and girlfriend Angela McCoy.........Kathy Lawhead-Simpson-Boltz, 61, Mesa, AZ. Formerly of the Ogden area......Richard Prim, 60, Stratford. Survivors include siblings, Nicholas and Barbara Prim of Boone and Paul and William Prim of Stratford.......Josephine Selzer Scott, 82. Grew up in the Ames area but her family moved to Boone in her early years. BSH-55. Married John Scott. They had three boys and two girls, who survive. A brother and sister also survive. Her main job was as an administrative assistant at Marion Labs in Kansas City..........Monicia Soder, 65, Colo. Ames HS-71. After attending junior college, she and Lawrence moved to Stratford to own and operate Bar None. Later, she worked for Gustafson Glass and then had her own Works of Glass starting in 1998. She retired in 2018. Survivors include a daughter, two brothers and a sister.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......
The News Republican had a nice story about him and his work in a recent edition.
Stephen, now Dr. Stephen, BHS-66, was one of three sons, Bob, BHS-57, and Dick, BHS-58, of the late Mr and Mrs. Bill Hamilton, who owned and operated Hamilton Hardware in Boone for many years. Didn't that family move to Boone from Jefferson?
Anyway, Stephen is concert organist, Minister of Music Emeritus at The Church of the Holy Trinity (Episcopal) in New York City and is in London right now to perform a second recital in historic Westminster Abbey tommorrow, Sunday, October 6.
Hamilton began piano studies, under Mildred Achenbach, while in the second grade and then, as a fourth grader, began organ lessons with Russell Saunders at Drake University in Des Moines.
He played his first church service on Christmas Eve at Grace Episcopal Church in Boone and during his high school years, he served as organist at the First United Methodist Church here.
A Doctor of Music Arts degree in organ performance was earned at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City.
Stephen's impressive resume is much too long to detail here but I, the Kornerman, assure you that he has performed at numerous prestigious venues, perhaps as many in Europe as in this country, and his upcoming schedule includes concerts at Oxford University in England, Phoenix, AZ and New York City.
In addition to his position at the Church of Holy Trinity in New York City, Hamilton was University Organist at Columbia University for 15 years and taught at Manhattan School of Music and Hunter College.
When he's not traveling, he calls Minneapolis his home base.
The story about Stephen Hamilton and his music has the Kornerman thinking in that same vein.
Wally Pratt, BHS-55, was a well known local organist......right? Seems to me he was a featured performer up north, like in the Okoboji area?
Then, back further, I remember a "Buzz" Meyer who used to tickle the ivory in the hallway at Boone High School. I guess his real name was Grant Meyer, BHS-48.
Mention of Mrs. Achenbach, one of Stephen's early teachers, reminds me of one of her two daughters, classmate, Roma Achenbach, BHS-53.
There used to be many piano teachers in town. I believe my late aunt Pat Morris gave piano lessons in the Betty Mae Harris days.
Who were some others?
All of Iowa is reeling from the loss of Rev. Allen Henderson of Fort Dodge, who was brutally attacked and died near his Fort Dodge St. Paul's Lutheran church/school Wednesday. Thankfully, the suspect in this tragedy was quickly apprehended.
Rev. Henderson, 64, is survived by his wife, Kristine, a son, two daughters, two sisters and his mother-in-law.
He served St. Paul's Lutheran Church, northeast of Boone, for a time until 1999 when he moved to his Fort Dodge position.
Services are at his "home" church in Fort Dodge today (Saturday) with burial in the Boone St. Paul Cemetery.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Jay Lindahl, 52, Boone. BHS-86. Earned a degree in hospitality and hotel management from ISU in 1990. Entered the insurance field in 1993 but also owned a DJ entertainment service, a party bus, a bar and had various storage and rental properties. Survivors include two kids, Connor and Kayden, his brother, Joel, and girlfriend Angela McCoy.........Kathy Lawhead-Simpson-Boltz, 61, Mesa, AZ. Formerly of the Ogden area......Richard Prim, 60, Stratford. Survivors include siblings, Nicholas and Barbara Prim of Boone and Paul and William Prim of Stratford.......Josephine Selzer Scott, 82. Grew up in the Ames area but her family moved to Boone in her early years. BSH-55. Married John Scott. They had three boys and two girls, who survive. A brother and sister also survive. Her main job was as an administrative assistant at Marion Labs in Kansas City..........Monicia Soder, 65, Colo. Ames HS-71. After attending junior college, she and Lawrence moved to Stratford to own and operate Bar None. Later, she worked for Gustafson Glass and then had her own Works of Glass starting in 1998. She retired in 2018. Survivors include a daughter, two brothers and a sister.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Early Tuesday morning our coffee group was starting to gather when a tall gentleman, accompanied by a lady and wearing boots and jeans and a large "cowboy" hat walked in.
Somebody said, "who's that.......Wyatt Earp?"
Actually, it was old KWBG friend and co-worker Freddie Lark who, in passing, made some remark about our group having a Board of Directors meeting.
Still, it didn't register until he actually came over to visit. He took the huge hat off and that made him more recognizable. He might be a few pounds lighter than I remember but, once the light came on, it was the same old Fred.
The couple was back "home" from Montana for a wedding and he remarked that, "yes, I just got out in time to avoid the snow there."
Fred has been highly successful. He has several businesses with a main one being longtime ownership of KXLO country radio in Lewistown, MT. When questioned he said, "ya, we're still making a few bucks via radio but its not easy."
He is an Iowa State grad and still has a close connection with the university which does bring him back to the area at different times for board meetings.
I believe, somewhere in my archives, I still have a recording of "St Louis Blues" sung by Freddie Lark and, truthfully, I have always felt it had star quality. He says its been distributed worldwide via You Tube as well as other outlets.
An Ogden High School grad, you might remember when Lark's ranch was a part of the Des Moines River valley west of Boone. He still has relatives in this area.
Its all in the family.
Michael Olson, BHS-86, son of Bob and LeAnn Olson of Boone, is a new 2019 inductee, in the Iowa Fast Pitch Softball Hall of Fame. Thus, he joins two uncles, Gene and Dean Olson, as members of that elite group.
Mike, who lives in Ogden, began his fast-pitch career in 1986 and has played on numerous outstanding Iowa teams........from Ames, Des Moines, Moravia and Sioux City, as well as teams from surrounding states.......Minnesota, Topeka, KS and Midland, MI. Included were several national and even world competitions.
As a member of Van's of Moravia, a state champion runnerup, Mike was named to the All-Tournament team and the tourney's Most Valuable Player.
Playing for Gateway 2000 Soo's of Sioux City, he was a member of two state championship teams that finished third and sixth, respectively, in the world tournament. In both 1993 and 1994 he was named to the All Tournament team in a Pioneer Days tournament in Salt Lake City, UT.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Jay Lindahl, Boone. BHS-86..........Linda Coy, 72......Dwight Hollingsworth, 67...........Clavonne Dahlien Kading, 90, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-46. Worked at Northwestern Bell, J.C. Penny and the Juli-Anne shop in Boone. Married Bill Kading in 1949. He passed away in 2005. The Kading's lived at 616 Prairie until moving to an acreage north of Boone in 1963. In 1999 they moved to town and in 2011, Clavonne sold her house and moved in with her daughter, Lisa, and son-in-law, Bob Jones. The Kadings had six children. Three of them, Christine Kading, Mike Kading and Carrie Noll, live in Boone. A brother also survives..........Doyle Davisson, 69, Ogden. Grew up in Perry. Perry HS. Married Shirley Blank in Boone in 1971. They had two children and were divorced. In 1996, Doyle married June Dole. He worked at 3M in Ames for over 33 years prior to retirement. Survivors include his wife, June, a son, Darrell Davisson of Boxholm, three daughters, several siblings and his father-in-law...........Myra Del Swigert Shepard, 101, Dayton. Born in Boxholm. Boxholm HS-35. ISU grad in 1939. Married John Shepard Jr. in 1939 and the couple had three sons. They farmed south of Boxholm. John passed away in 1988 and in 1993, Del moved to Dayton. Survivors include a daughter-in-law, J.J. Shepard III of Boxholm and one son.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
Somebody said, "who's that.......Wyatt Earp?"
Actually, it was old KWBG friend and co-worker Freddie Lark who, in passing, made some remark about our group having a Board of Directors meeting.
Still, it didn't register until he actually came over to visit. He took the huge hat off and that made him more recognizable. He might be a few pounds lighter than I remember but, once the light came on, it was the same old Fred.
The couple was back "home" from Montana for a wedding and he remarked that, "yes, I just got out in time to avoid the snow there."
Fred has been highly successful. He has several businesses with a main one being longtime ownership of KXLO country radio in Lewistown, MT. When questioned he said, "ya, we're still making a few bucks via radio but its not easy."
He is an Iowa State grad and still has a close connection with the university which does bring him back to the area at different times for board meetings.
I believe, somewhere in my archives, I still have a recording of "St Louis Blues" sung by Freddie Lark and, truthfully, I have always felt it had star quality. He says its been distributed worldwide via You Tube as well as other outlets.
An Ogden High School grad, you might remember when Lark's ranch was a part of the Des Moines River valley west of Boone. He still has relatives in this area.
Its all in the family.
Michael Olson, BHS-86, son of Bob and LeAnn Olson of Boone, is a new 2019 inductee, in the Iowa Fast Pitch Softball Hall of Fame. Thus, he joins two uncles, Gene and Dean Olson, as members of that elite group.
Mike, who lives in Ogden, began his fast-pitch career in 1986 and has played on numerous outstanding Iowa teams........from Ames, Des Moines, Moravia and Sioux City, as well as teams from surrounding states.......Minnesota, Topeka, KS and Midland, MI. Included were several national and even world competitions.
As a member of Van's of Moravia, a state champion runnerup, Mike was named to the All-Tournament team and the tourney's Most Valuable Player.
Playing for Gateway 2000 Soo's of Sioux City, he was a member of two state championship teams that finished third and sixth, respectively, in the world tournament. In both 1993 and 1994 he was named to the All Tournament team in a Pioneer Days tournament in Salt Lake City, UT.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Jay Lindahl, Boone. BHS-86..........Linda Coy, 72......Dwight Hollingsworth, 67...........Clavonne Dahlien Kading, 90, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-46. Worked at Northwestern Bell, J.C. Penny and the Juli-Anne shop in Boone. Married Bill Kading in 1949. He passed away in 2005. The Kading's lived at 616 Prairie until moving to an acreage north of Boone in 1963. In 1999 they moved to town and in 2011, Clavonne sold her house and moved in with her daughter, Lisa, and son-in-law, Bob Jones. The Kadings had six children. Three of them, Christine Kading, Mike Kading and Carrie Noll, live in Boone. A brother also survives..........Doyle Davisson, 69, Ogden. Grew up in Perry. Perry HS. Married Shirley Blank in Boone in 1971. They had two children and were divorced. In 1996, Doyle married June Dole. He worked at 3M in Ames for over 33 years prior to retirement. Survivors include his wife, June, a son, Darrell Davisson of Boxholm, three daughters, several siblings and his father-in-law...........Myra Del Swigert Shepard, 101, Dayton. Born in Boxholm. Boxholm HS-35. ISU grad in 1939. Married John Shepard Jr. in 1939 and the couple had three sons. They farmed south of Boxholm. John passed away in 1988 and in 1993, Del moved to Dayton. Survivors include a daughter-in-law, J.J. Shepard III of Boxholm and one son.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......
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