Wednesday, August 28, 2019


     Received this note this week, "look forward to your column each week. Today's was great. I grew up in Boone and its always fun to come back," The writer was Barb Anderson Schrock. Thanks Barb.
     Raise your hand if you have a Fort Apache play set, a pea shooter or a piece of Teaberry gum.
     Memories? Remember that long wait, about three minutes usually, for the TV to warm up? Remember when nobody ever asked where the car keys were? the car, in the ignition and doors that were never locked. Did you ever eat Kool Aid powder with sugar already in it? How about those wax coke shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside? Baseball cards in bike I double dog dare you.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Allen Feldman, 88, West Des Moines. Formerly of Boone. A farmer, he grew up in the Breda area and was a Carroll Kuemper HS grad-47. He married Doris in 1951. Survivors include sons Troy and Scott and daughter, Tresa Duncan, all of Boone. A brother and two other adult children, Todd and Lori, also survive..........Jean Whalen Papich, 84, Madrid/Madrid Home. Formerly a 55 year resident of Slater. Born in Boone. The family moved to Ames in 1950 and she was a 1952 grad of Ames High School. Worked at Younkers until her marriage to Marion Papich in 1958. Later, worked at Donnelly's in Nevada for 10 years. Moved to Madrid in 2013. Survivors include her husband, son Michael and daughter Julie..........Jim Weddell, 77, Boone. Grew up in the Clarion area. Married Diana in 1963 and they moved to Boone in 1966. Spent his adult life in the plumbing/heating business. Wife Diana of Boone is a survivor. Is also survived by son Michael and daughter Jana..........Rose June Williams, 99, Story City. BHS-39. Married Edward Barrow in 1939. He passed away in 1967. Married Ned Williams in 1974 and he passed in 1995. Survivors include a son, two daughters and a sister.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........

Saturday, August 24, 2019


     The Kornerman liked this.......
     THIS IS US.........
     Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every  conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we  take full responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.
     However, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT senior citizens who took....
     The melody out of music, the pride out of appearance, the courtesy out of driving, the romance out of love, the commitment out of marriage, the responsibility out of parenthood, the learning out of education, the service out of patriotism, the civility out of behavior, the refinement out of language, the prudence out of spending and the ambition out of achievement.
     And, certainly, we are not those who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others.
     And, we do understand the meaning of patriotism, and remember those who fought and died for our country.
     Yes, I'm a senior citizen.
     I'm the life of the party, even if it lasts until 8 p.m..
     I'm very good at opening children's pill caps......with a hammer.
     I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.
     I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear what you're saying.
     I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe, secure place,....... somewhere.
     I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg.
     I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
     Nice picture Larry "Lefty" Moore, BHS-52, sent. Classmates Wilmer Peter and Doug Gunder were included and all three looked, "so young."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Lois Morris Steigerwalt, 79, Rawleigh, N.C., formerly of Boone. Survivors include four adult children and six Morris siblings, Phil and Paul, BHS-52, Jo
Ann Martin, BHS-53 of rural Boone, Gale, BHS-55, Helen, BHS-57, and Marilyn, BHS-60...........
John Kinyon, 52, rural Boone. Worked for Zenia Rural Water, Con-Struct of Ames, Heartland Tire of Boone, Van Wall Equipment of Madrid and Fareway of Boone. Married Julie Dodd in 2000. Survivors include his wife, Julie, his mother, Sandra Kinyon, brother Frank sisters, Haley Kersten, Tara Anderson and Misty Corless all of Boone. A son, three daughters and a fourth sister also survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


     Busy, busy times. School is starting. Football is starting. Labor Day is coming. Pufferbilly Days and Super Nationals are coming and with them, an influx of folks from all over the U.S..
     The new McDonald's won't be ready this time but progress seems to be moving forward and it appears, if the weatherman cooperates, they will meet their Grand Opening wish of early October.
     And, let's face it, McDonald's is kind of a community hub.
     Win some, lose some. Scooter's Coffee House is coming but we have lost the Tic Toc.
     Loren Frazier, BHS-58, commented, "I was sad to click on the Boone News Republican online this morning and find that the Tic Toc had closed. Pat and I made it a point to dine at the Tic Toc anytime we were in Boone. The food was great and we really enjoyed visiting with Victor Martinez, the owner and manager of the restaurant. Boone has lost a tremendous asset with the closing of that restaurant. It is too bad that the restaurant did not get the local support it needed to survive."
     The Kornerman never heard a bad report on the restaurant's management or the quality of food. In fact, now that the bad news has hit.......there's been an avalance of positive reviews of  the "great" food available and wonderful work of the staff. However, its a bit late and a shame. It's true, Boone has now lost another wonderful asset and its also true, its a community "fault." No excuses. The support simply wasn't provided and, as hard as they tried, as a result, Victor and his crew were unable to continue.
     John Kueck, BHS-61, wonders, "are there girls on Boone Little League teams? Does Boone have a girls softball Little League?"
     Why certainly.......for many years.......many successful years. Several "honor" teams have rolled successfullly down the tournament trail. The Kornerman remembers one particular year when they were just a step or two away from national tournament participation.
     Its been a successful program and many outstanding Toreador high school players got their start in the Little League program.
     A couple editions ago we had highlighted some memories of the Barstad's, Bob and Veloise, both BHS-46, and their restaurant operating days in Boone.
     Just days later, now,  we hear of the passing of Veloise, who was always right by Bob's side during those Hickory Haus and Imperial Inn days.
     Voloise Ahrens Barstad, 91, died in McKinney, TX. A son, Robert, and daughter, Rhonda, survive. Boone area survivors are her sister-in-law, Sherrill Barstad Balcom and Jack Balcom who, after being gone for a  number of years, have returned "home."   
      BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Gwen Ann Poutre, 70, Boone. Survivors include a son, Steve, daughter, Michelle, and a sister..........Viola Mae Sturtz, 93, Ogden. Born in Ogden. Paton HS-42. Earned a degree from AIB. Married Dean Sturtz in 1975 and worked for a number of years in the Boone County Treasurer's office, eventually becoming Deputy Boone County Treasurer. Survivors include a son, Richard, daughters, Janine and Karen, and step-children, Richard Sturtz of Ogden and Michelle..........Virginia Knoploh, 92, Ames. She and her husband, Henry, lived in several Iowa communities, including Boone. Survivors are Henry, a son, Greg, and a daughter, Lana...........Jeanne Baughman, Ames. Boone area survivor is a son, Eric Knight, of Boone. Her husband, Bob, and three other children and a sister also survive...........Geraldine Moss Johnson, 90, Jefferson. Formerly of Boone. BHS-47. Married Bruce Johnson in 1947. Was a housewife and owned and operated a sewing craft store in Boone for many years. Also served as President of the C and NW Credit Union and checked water meters for the city. Survivors include two sons, Thomas and Erick, and two daughters-in-law.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email  your stories/memories/comments.....

Sunday, August 18, 2019


     The Kornerman was a bit under the weather Saturday. A quick recovery from a nasty cold and we're back in business.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Geraldine Johnson, 91, Boone..........Dr. Gary Osweiler, 76, Ames. Formerly of rural Boone. Earned several degrees from Iowa State University.Vet medicine in 1966, MS in pathology and finally, a PhD in Toxiology, from which he became a highly respected "expert" known world wide. He served on the faculty of the University of Missouri from 1974-82 before returning to ISU to become Director of the Vet Diagnosis Laboratory for 10 years prior to retirement in 2010. Survivors include his wife, Sue Miller Osweiler, who operated a gift shop on Airport Road, southeast of Boone, for many years, two sons, two daughters, two brothers and a sister..........Elizabeth "Beth" Mallinger, 38, Des Moines. Perry HS-2000. Married Matthew Mallinger in Boone in 2008. Worked as a Quality Analyst for Wells Fargo. Survivors include her husband, Matt, of Des Moines, her parents, Marc Whiton of Perry and Karlene Hughes of Boone, two brothers, three step-sisters and various other relatives.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Kari Birmingham, 46, Boone..........John Salati, 89, Boone. Formerly of Ogden. Marine vet. Married Inez Paro in 1952. Worked for the U.S. Postal service for 33 years prior to retirement. Moved to Ogden to live with a son. Survivors include his wife, Inez, and son, Michael Sr., of Boone/Ogden. Three other sons, a daughter and brother also survive........Marlys Phipps, 81, Madrid. Formerly of Ames. Married Donald Phipps in 1958. Was an over the road truck driver along with her husband. Survivors include her husband, Donald, of Madrid, a son and a daughter.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments..........

Saturday, August 10, 2019


     Max Moore, BHS-46, often sends pictures to the Korner, primarily  of Boone and Iowa, that provide some nice memories.
     Most recently, he sent a traditional picture of the Boone and Scenic Valley train roaring over the Boone river valley but also a picture of Bob Barstad, BHS-46, in his chef's garb.
     Bob and his wife, Veloise Ahrens Barstad, BHS-46, owned and operated some wonderful eating establishments in Boone many years ago.
     Remember the Hickory Haus, which was located in the Stoll Bottling Works building just north of the fire station on Allen Street? Makes me think of biscuits and gravy, pecan and cinnamon rolls and various other goodies.
     Later, they had the restaurant portion of the American Inn Motel on South Story.
     I recall a particular visit with Bob when he told me of his experience with the wonderful singer, Anne Murray......who became one of the best female vocalists ever.
     Yes,  Anne Murray, in her early years "on the road," appeared at the American Inn and Bob recalled how upset she was about her career path at that time . He described her as being in tears and not a bit happy with how things were developing. She seemed about to "give it up." Bob, of course, tried to provide encouragement.
     We know what, eventually, happened after that. Numerous best selling records and many and various honors and awards.
     Bob's younger brother, Leland "Lee" Barstad, BHS-53, was a classmate of mine and then there was Sherrill, BHS-56, who with her husband, Jack Balcom, returned "home" to Boone a couple years ago after living down south for quite some time.
     BITS AND PIECES: (1) Kathleen Wheelock wondered if what she had heard was true. She understood Roger Martin, BHS-69, had purchased the old Boyd's Dairy ice cream recipe for use in his new Big Kahuna ice cream shop. The Kornerman replied that, "I don't think so." Roger is using an ice cream brand from "out of state." I believe its Austin or Astin or something like that. (2) John Kueck, BHS-61, mentioned that Bacon Jewelers were the successor too and the purchaser of his uncle Jule Kueck's Jewelry. He wrote, "I see they have moved their store to the Highway 30 area and I wondered if there are any other jewelry stores left in Boone? No, since the closing of Eckstein's, Bacon's stand alone. (3) Rudy Knight, BHS-71, was sorry to learn in the Korner the passing of Jon Welin, BHS-70. Rudy wrote, "Jon and I worked together at J.C. Petersen Clothing in the early 70's." He added, "thank you for your continued column as I really do enjoy reading it on a weekly basis."
(4) People have wondered......Pufferbilly Days is September 6-8 this year.
     The Kornerman says, "I know, sometimes our viewers "let us down a bit" by their lack of memory contributions to the Korner. But even if we just come up with the obituaries alone twice a week, I'm proud to provide that service, especially to out-of-state residents who have no other way of knowing about the deaths of old friends or even family members due to our available limited media outlets."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Eric Schroeder, 59, Louisiana............Jacqueline Bushore Tabor, Fraser...........Travis Thornton, 47, Baxter..........Janet Marie Fisher, 72, Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Beatrice Babbitt, 93, Boone. Boone area survivor is a grandson, Eddie Babbitt, of Boone. A daughter-in-law also survives.........Bill Oberholser, 67, rural Boone. Born in Boone. Ryan HS-70. Married Twyla Williams in 1976. Worked as a salesman for L and C Mobil Homes in Ogden, NAPA and O'Reilly auto parts of Boone. Survivors include his wife, two sisters-in-law and a brother-in-law..........Mary Ann Littleton, 88, Boone. Married James Littleton in 1947 and the couple had 10 children, seven who survive. She was a housemaker, worked at a greenhouse, for ISU, Donnelly's in Nevada and Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......

Saturday, August 3, 2019


     The Boone City Council has approved the selection of Daryl Kruse of Boone as the winner of the distinguished community award presented each year as part of the opening festivities at Pufferbilly Days.
     Honorees are individuals who have been consistent contributors, in various ways, to the Boone community.
     Daryl was a long time employee of the city of Boone, has spent many years guiding young people as a Little League coach and has served the community in many other ways.
     Earlier, it was announced that Jim Turbes of KWBG radio in Boone would serve as the Pufferbilly Days parade grand marshal.
     These were two excellent choices for these prestigious honors. Congratulations to both.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Mark Alan Boyd, 66, Boone.........Jon Welin, 66, Florida. BHS-70.........Kathy Craven Losh Grabau, 67, Boone. BHS-70. Married Karl "Doc" Grabau in 1991. Worked in human services for the State of Iowa, at the local VFW post, as a waitress at the Cyclone Truck Stop in Ames and at CDS. Survivors include her husband, "Doc," a son, Joe Losh, brother, Randy Craven, and two step-sons, Matt and Brandon Grabau, all of Boone. Two sisters-in-law also survive.........Harold Burma, 87, Boone. Formerly of Thornton. Marine vet. Married Sharon Agler in 1953. He worked at Central Iowa Farm Service, the Boone County Hospital and Heartland Health Center all of Boone. In retirement, he moved to Branson. Married Maxine Grimes. Survivors include four of his five children, Shelley Macek, Jody Busch, Jeff and Mike Burma all of Boone. Also surviving are three of his wife's daughters, including Gina Buzzell of Ogden.........Penny Van Schuyver, 56, Boone. Born in Boone. Graduated from Dallas Center-Grimes high school. Worked at a medical center in Florida. Her parents are Arland and Beverly Madden Van Schuyver. Survivors include a son, Bryce, and a brother. She also served as Godmother to the Willett children, two boys and a girl.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......