Haven't heard from Ann Onymous for some time but here's the response received regarding our recent mention of the new Arch project. "the original sign was to entice train passengers into visiting downtown Boone. As train travel to Boone came to an end, Old Highway 30, at least, directed traffic through West, Central and East Boone for a time. Near the downtown but not quite. Then along comes New Highway 30. The Boone By-Pass. The lights of Old Highway 30 and downtown Boone, one by one, slowly went out. Only locals seemed to know to take the Story Street detour. Boone will need even better signs with the new roundabouts and confusing lane/access changes. The new plan further isolates Boone from Highway 30 travelers that do not know the city we love is just a few blocks down Story Street."
Another correspondent wrote, "after turning 65 and losing some family and friends that are my age, I started following the wisdom of George Burns. I get up every morning and read the obituary column. If my name is not there, I eat breakfast. I normally follow Boone happenings thru the KWBG site. I recently discovered the Korner and it continually answers that age old question, "I wonder what happened to....""
Realizing I, the Kornerman, was about to break a big barrier, a couple long time friends contacted me this week with, "how you doin,' O.K." Mike Loehrer, BHS-65, lounging in Florida, remembered the 90 but couldn't recall the 18th. Even my 30-year boss, Bernie Saggau, who is 96, wondered if I would survive long enough to enjoy this milestone birthday.
As I said earlier, "I don't know how to feel about it. I've never experienced it before."
1- Dad's Belgian waffles will be available at the Iowa Arboretum, this coming Saturday, March 8, from 9 a.m. on at $10.
2- This is "down the line" but Lester Ross, BHS-67, wanted us to mention that in August, 2025, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, the Wall That Heals national tour, will visit 31 communities across the country this year, including a stop in Nevada Iowa, August 7-10. This traveling exhibit honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces in the Vietnam War and it bears the names of 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.
3- Kriss Philips was a Boone resident and Dean of the Boone Campus, DMACC for many years and has a collection of Pufferbilly badges. He sent them to me and soon, at his request, I will pass them on to the Boone County Historical Society. Kriss now lives in Rio Rico, AZ.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices......https://kelleyskorner1@gmail.com.