Saturday, January 27, 2018

We're Challenged

     Who remembers Ish Kabibble? If you do, you're OLD, very old......sorry.
     The Kornerman knew my troll in the last edition, about the best retirement states and my contention that our out-of-state viewers should have "stayed home" in fourth best Iowa,  would attract attention.
     John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "Iowa may be great, but one could make a good argument for Minnesota for older people, which some of us are. There's no getting around it, Minnesota is cold. Only Vermont, North Dakota and Alaska have worse weather than Minnesota, according to Bankrate. Minnesota averages 44.3 inches of snow per year, well above the national average of 25 inches. But, retirees who can look past the cold weather, and maybe even embrace the snow, will be rewarded with the country's third best healthcare system and assisted living facility costs well below the national average. And, no state in the top 10 ranked higher than Minnesota, at #4, in overall well-being. Maybe that has something to do with the friendly people: the term "Minnesota nice" was backed up by a 2013 University of Cambridge Study which ranked Minnesota the sixth most agreeable, based on 13 years worth of mood tracking data. We like Minnesota and I've lived both places. My very last intention was moving north when I graduated from college, but I did and love it here."
     The Kornerman says, "I know, there are many other Booneites in the Twin Cities area as well. John's Bankrite study, which is different than the WalletHub study which I cited last edition, does credit Iowa with being above average in almost all categories except 35th in culture and 36th in weather. As a result, John does concede Iowa offers a good balance of amenities retirees look for, including 14th in low cost-of-living, the best rank of any of the cities ranked in the top ten by Bankrite. Well, anyway, wherever you are, we wish you and your family the very best. We hope you are extremely happy and enjoying, in all areas of life, a ranking that best suits your lifestyle."
      We mentioned last edition that Tony's latest quiz concerned Boone lumber yards. He wrote, "in the late 50's to early 60's there were four operating lumber yards in Boone at the same time. What were their names, where were they located and which ones caught fire and were completely destroyed?"
     Tony said that the four were Hanson Lumber on Marshall Street between 10th and 11th streets; Nelson Lumber on 10th Street west of Story; Otis Lumber on 10th and Boone Streets and Yegge Lumber at 10th and Marshall.
     He said that both the Otis and Yegge businesses were burned out and while on the subject, he also mentioned some other big Boone fires, the Crary Hotel/Fareway, the Berry Seed Company, the Bon Appetite/Western Auto fire and one of the more recent ones, the one that destroyed Meyers Clothing etc.
     Editor's Note: Last edition, Keith Parkinson, BHS-57, mentioned he enjoyed watching movies at Boone's five theatre's from the 50's era. Give that some thought and we'll get more into that history next edition.
     Ish Kabibble was a comedian and cornet player with lots of connections to Kay Kyser, who had an orchestra and a quiz show, Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge. Kabibble also appeared in 10 movies between 1939-50. He passed away at age 86 in 1994. Kyser was a well known orchestra leader in the 30's and 40's. His orchestra had a big wartime hit in 1943, "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition." Remember?
     Thought Provoking: (1) In style shows, models walk down that long aisle in their underwear and its called, "art and fashion." If I do that, I'm called drunk and not allowed even in Walmart. (2) If anyone tries to tell you biscuits and gravy isn't a meal, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. (3) As we grow up, we realize it is less important to have lots of friends and  more important to have real ones. (4) Definition of a friend: Someone who says nice things about you when you aren't around.
     We've learned of the death of former, longtime Augustana Lutheran pastor, Arnold Thoren, who has been living in Illinois. Its understood his funeral will be held in Davenport.  
      BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Gary Baker, 79, Pleasant Hill. Born in Madrid..........Eleanor Greene Tingwald, 83, Beatrice, NE. Formerly of Omaha, Des Moines. Married ValGene Tingwald, BHS-46, in 1993. ValGene passed away in 2010...........Lori Scofield, 52, Ogden. Worked at Boone Fareway as a purchasing secretary. Two sons survive, including Tristan Torres of Boone. Other Boone survivors are a daughter, Tegan Musser, of Boone and her fiancee, Fredrick Shelton, of Ogden. A brother, sister and her mother also survive.........Patricia Headley, 85, Boone..........Joan Bonnie Foster, 86. She and her late husband, Gene (deceased), spent 38 years in ministry together. Included was a time, 16 years, as pastor of the Open Bible Church in Boone. A son and two daughters survive...........Frederick John (Fritz) Erbe, 69, Tucson, AZ. When his father passed away, the family moved from  the Minneapolis area to Boone. BHS-66, where he was a standout golfer and swimmer. U.S. Army vet and employed by Tucson Electric Power. His mother, Edna Mae Erbe (deceased), was an employee of the Boone County Hospital in the dietary department for many years. No Boone area survivors..........Donald Kopp, 79, Dayton. Stratford HS-56. Air Force vet. Married Patricia Pigman (deceased) in 1969.  Worked road construction and then in the maintenance department at ISU for 25 years. Boone area survivor is a brother, Duane Kopp, of Boone..........Joseph Wirth, 65, Boone...........
Jerry Pharoah, 80, Ogden. BHS-56. Worked for the Ogden Telephone Company for 41 years, retiring in 2008. In 1959, married Joyce Miller (deceased) in Ogden. Boone area survivors include daughter, Lori Kimsey, son, Jim Pharoah, and sister-in-law, Linda Ellis, all of Ogden. Also surviving is a sister, Linda Carlson, of Fraser........Marie Alden, 94, Boone. Born on a farm near Mason City. Worked at a meat canning factory. In 1946, married Rolland Alden (deceased) at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake. They farmed near Latimer and had two daughters and a son. Marie was a cook and kitchen manager at a Hampton nursing home and moved to Boone in retirement. She did do some work at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boone when arriving in Boone. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Kathleen Kester, and grandchildren, Maria Wiebold and Shelly Lindahl, all of Boone and a grandson, Nathan Kester of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa, 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT........

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